2018-03-18 19:01:44 +01:00

157 lines
5.6 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use neovim_lib::{NeovimApi, NeovimApiAsync, Value};
use nvim::{ErrorReport, NeovimRef};
/// A subscription to a Neovim autocmd event.
struct Subscription {
/// A callback to be executed each time the event triggers.
cb: Box<Fn(Vec<String>) + 'static>,
/// A list of expressions which will be evaluated when the event triggers. The result is passed
/// to the callback.
args: Vec<String>,
/// A map of all registered subscriptions.
pub struct Subscriptions(HashMap<String, Vec<Subscription>>);
/// A handle to identify a `Subscription` within the `Subscriptions` map.
/// Can be used to trigger the subscription manually even when the event was not triggered.
/// Could be used in the future to suspend individual subscriptions.
pub struct SubscriptionHandle {
event_name: String,
index: usize,
impl Subscriptions {
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Subscribe to a Neovim autocmd event.
/// Subscriptions are not active immediately but only after `set_autocmds` is called. At the
/// moment, all calls to `subscribe` must be made before calling `set_autocmds`.
/// This function is wrapped by `shell::State`.
/// # Arguments:
/// - `event_name`: The event to register.
/// See `:help autocmd-events` for a list of supported event names. Event names can be
/// comma-separated.
/// - `args`: A list of expressions to be evaluated when the event triggers.
/// Expressions are evaluated using Vimscript. The results are passed to the callback as a
/// list of Strings.
/// This is especially useful as `Neovim::eval` is synchronous and might block if called from
/// the callback function; so always use the `args` mechanism instead.
/// - `cb`: The callback function.
/// This will be called each time the event triggers or when `run_now` is called.
/// It is passed a vector with the results of the evaluated expressions given with `args`.
/// # Example
/// Call a function each time a buffer is entered or the current working directory is changed.
/// Pass the current buffer name and directory to the callback.
/// ```
/// let my_subscription = shell.state.borrow()
/// .subscribe("BufEnter,DirChanged", &["expand(@%)", "getcwd()"], move |args| {
/// let filename = &args[0];
/// let dir = &args[1];
/// // do stuff
/// });
/// ```
pub fn subscribe<F>(&mut self, event_name: &str, args: &[&str], cb: F) -> SubscriptionHandle
F: Fn(Vec<String>) + 'static,
let entry = self.0.entry(event_name.to_owned()).or_insert(Vec::new());
let index = entry.len();
entry.push(Subscription {
cb: Box::new(cb),
args: args.into_iter().map(|&s| s.to_owned()).collect(),
SubscriptionHandle {
event_name: event_name.to_owned(),
/// Register all subscriptions with Neovim.
/// This function is wrapped by `shell::State`.
pub fn set_autocmds(&self, nvim: &mut NeovimRef) {
for (event_name, subscriptions) in &self.0 {
for (i, subscription) in subscriptions.iter().enumerate() {
let args = subscription
.fold("".to_owned(), |acc, arg| acc + ", " + &arg);
"au {} * call rpcnotify(1, 'subscription', '{}', {} {})",
event_name, event_name, i, args,
)).cb(|r| r.report_err())
/// Trigger given event.
fn on_notify(&self, event_name: &str, index: usize, args: Vec<String>) {
if let Some(subscription) = self.0.get(event_name).and_then(|v| v.get(index)) {
/// Wrapper around `on_notify` for easy calling with a `neovim_lib::Handler` implementation.
/// This function is wrapped by `shell::State`.
pub fn notify(&self, params: Vec<Value>) -> Result<(), String> {
let mut params_iter = params.into_iter();
let ev_name =;
let ev_name = ev_name
.ok_or("Error reading event name")?;
let index = params_iter
.and_then(|i| i.as_u64())
.ok_or("Error reading index")? as usize;
let args = params_iter
.map(|arg| arg.as_str().map(|s| s.to_owned()))
.ok_or("Error reading args")?;
self.on_notify(ev_name, index, args);
/// Manually trigger the given subscription.
/// The `nvim` instance is needed to evaluate the `args` expressions.
/// This function is wrapped by `shell::State`.
pub fn run_now(&self, handle: &SubscriptionHandle, nvim: &mut NeovimRef) {
let subscription = &self.0.get(&handle.event_name).unwrap()[handle.index];
let args = subscription
.map(|arg| nvim.eval(arg))
.map(|res| {
.and_then(|val| val.as_str().map(|s: &str| s.to_owned()))
if let Some(args) = args {
self.on_notify(&handle.event_name, handle.index, args);
} else {
error!("Error manually running {:?}", handle);