use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex}; use std::ops::Deref; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use cairo; use pango::{FontDescription, LayoutExt}; use gdk; use gdk::{EventButton, EventMotion, EventScroll, EventType, ModifierType}; use gdk_sys; use glib; use gtk; use gtk::prelude::*; use pangocairo; use neovim_lib::{Neovim, NeovimApi, NeovimApiAsync, Value}; use neovim_lib::neovim_api::Tabpage; use settings::{FontSource, Settings}; use ui_model::{Attrs, ModelRect, UiModel}; use color::{Color, ColorModel, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE}; use nvim::{self, CompleteItem, ErrorReport, GuiApi, NeovimClient, NeovimClientAsync, NeovimRef, RedrawEvents, RepaintMode}; use input; use input::keyval_to_input_string; use cursor::Cursor; use ui::UiMutex; use popup_menu::PopupMenu; use tabline::Tabline; use error; use mode; use render; use render::CellMetrics; const DEFAULT_FONT_NAME: &str = "DejaVu Sans Mono 12"; pub const MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_NVIM_VERSION: &str = "0.2.2"; macro_rules! idle_cb_call { ($state:ident.$cb:ident($( $x:expr ),*)) => ( glib::idle_add(move || { if let Some(ref cb) = $state.borrow().$cb { (&mut *cb.borrow_mut())($($x),*); } glib::Continue(false) }); ) } pub struct State { pub model: UiModel, pub color_model: ColorModel, cur_attrs: Option, mouse_enabled: bool, nvim: Rc, pub font_ctx: render::Context, cursor: Option, popup_menu: RefCell, settings: Rc>, resize_request: (i64, i64), resize_timer: Rc>>, pub clipboard_clipboard: gtk::Clipboard, pub clipboard_primary: gtk::Clipboard, pub mode: mode::Mode, stack: gtk::Stack, pub drawing_area: gtk::DrawingArea, tabs: Tabline, im_context: gtk::IMMulticontext, error_area: error::ErrorArea, options: ShellOptions, detach_cb: Option>>, nvim_started_cb: Option>>, } impl State { pub fn new(settings: Rc>, options: ShellOptions) -> State { let drawing_area = gtk::DrawingArea::new(); let popup_menu = RefCell::new(PopupMenu::new(&drawing_area)); let font_ctx = render::Context::new(FontDescription::from_string(DEFAULT_FONT_NAME)); State { model: UiModel::empty(), color_model: ColorModel::new(), nvim: Rc::new(NeovimClient::new()), cur_attrs: None, mouse_enabled: true, font_ctx, cursor: None, popup_menu, settings, resize_request: (-1, -1), resize_timer: Rc::new(Cell::new(None)), clipboard_clipboard: gtk::Clipboard::get(&gdk::Atom::intern("CLIPBOARD")), clipboard_primary: gtk::Clipboard::get(&gdk::Atom::intern("PRIMARY")), mode: mode::Mode::new(), // UI stack: gtk::Stack::new(), drawing_area, tabs: Tabline::new(), im_context: gtk::IMMulticontext::new(), error_area: error::ErrorArea::new(), options, detach_cb: None, nvim_started_cb: None, } } /// Return NeovimRef only if vim in non blocking state /// /// Note that this call also do neovim api call get_mode #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn nvim_non_blocked(&self) -> Option { self.nvim().and_then(NeovimRef::non_blocked) } pub fn nvim(&self) -> Option { self.nvim.nvim() } pub fn nvim_clone(&self) -> Rc { self.nvim.clone() } pub fn start_nvim_initialization(&self) -> bool { if self.nvim.is_uninitialized() { self.nvim.set_in_progress(); true } else { false } } pub fn set_detach_cb(&mut self, cb: Option) where F: FnMut() + Send + 'static, { if cb.is_some() { self.detach_cb = Some(Box::new(RefCell::new(cb.unwrap()))); } else { self.detach_cb = None; } } pub fn set_nvim_started_cb(&mut self, cb: Option) where F: FnMut() + Send + 'static, { if cb.is_some() { self.nvim_started_cb = Some(Box::new(RefCell::new(cb.unwrap()))); } else { self.nvim_started_cb = None; } } pub fn get_font_desc(&self) -> &FontDescription { self.font_ctx.font_description() } pub fn set_font_desc(&mut self, desc: &str) { self.font_ctx.update(FontDescription::from_string(desc)); self.model.clear_glyphs(); self.try_nvim_resize(); self.on_redraw(&RepaintMode::All); } pub fn open_file(&self, path: &str) { if let Some(mut nvim) = self.nvim() { nvim.command(&format!("e {}", path)).report_err(); } } pub fn cd(&self, path: &str) { if let Some(mut nvim) = self.nvim() { nvim.command(&format!("cd {}", path)).report_err(); } } pub fn clipboard_clipboard_set(&self, text: &str) { self.clipboard_clipboard.set_text(text); } pub fn clipboard_primary_set(&self, text: &str) { self.clipboard_primary.set_text(text); } fn close_popup_menu(&self) { if self.popup_menu.borrow().is_open() { if let Some(mut nvim) = self.nvim() { nvim.input("").report_err(); } } } fn queue_draw_area>(&mut self, rect_list: &[M]) { // extends by items before, then after changes let rects: Vec<_> = rect_list .iter() .map(|rect| rect.as_ref().clone()) .map(|mut rect| { rect.extend_by_items(&self.model); rect }) .collect(); self.update_dirty_glyphs(); for mut rect in rects { rect.extend_by_items(&self.model); let (x, y, width, height) = rect.to_area_extend_ink(&self.model, self.font_ctx.cell_metrics()); self.drawing_area.queue_draw_area(x, y, width, height); } } #[inline] fn update_dirty_glyphs(&mut self) { render::shape_dirty(&self.font_ctx, &mut self.model, &self.color_model); } fn im_commit(&self, ch: &str) { if let Some(mut nvim) = self.nvim() { input::im_input(&mut nvim, ch); } } fn calc_nvim_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) { let &CellMetrics { line_height, char_width, .. } = self.font_ctx.cell_metrics(); let alloc = self.drawing_area.get_allocation(); ( (alloc.width as f64 / char_width).trunc() as usize, (alloc.height as f64 / line_height).trunc() as usize, ) } fn show_error_area(&self) { let stack = self.stack.clone(); gtk::idle_add(move || { stack.set_visible_child_name("Error"); Continue(false) }); } fn set_im_location(&self) { let (row, col) = self.model.get_cursor(); let (x, y, width, height) = ModelRect::point(col, row).to_area(self.font_ctx.cell_metrics()); self.im_context.set_cursor_location(&gdk::Rectangle { x, y, width, height, }); self.im_context.reset(); } fn try_nvim_resize(&mut self) { let (columns, rows) = self.calc_nvim_size(); if self.model.rows == rows && self.model.columns == columns { return; } let (requested_rows, requested_cols) = self.resize_request; if requested_rows == rows as i64 && requested_cols == columns as i64 { return; } let resize_timer = self.resize_timer.take(); if let Some(resize_timer) = resize_timer { glib::source_remove(resize_timer); } self.resize_request = (rows as i64, columns as i64); let nvim = self.nvim.clone(); let resize_timer = self.resize_timer.clone(); let resize_id = gtk::timeout_add(200, move || { resize_timer.set(None); if let Some(mut nvim) = nvim.nvim() { debug!("ui_try_resize {}/{}", columns, rows); nvim.ui_try_resize_async(columns as u64, rows as u64) .cb(|r| r.report_err()) .call(); } Continue(false) }); self.resize_timer.set(Some(resize_id)); } fn edit_paste(&self, clipboard: &str) { let nvim = self.nvim(); if let Some(mut nvim) = nvim { if || { let paste_code = format!("normal! \"{}P", clipboard); nvim.command_async(&paste_code) .cb(|r| r.report_err()) .call(); } else { let paste_code = format!("{}", clipboard); nvim.input_async(&paste_code).cb(|r| r.report_err()).call(); }; } } } pub struct UiState { mouse_pressed: bool, scroll_delta: (f64, f64), } impl UiState { pub fn new() -> UiState { UiState { mouse_pressed: false, scroll_delta: (0.0, 0.0), } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ShellOptions { nvim_bin_path: Option, open_path: Option, timeout: Option, } impl ShellOptions { pub fn new( nvim_bin_path: Option, open_path: Option, timeout: Option, ) -> Self { ShellOptions { nvim_bin_path, open_path, timeout, } } } pub struct Shell { pub state: Arc>, ui_state: Rc>, widget: gtk::Box, } impl Shell { pub fn new(settings: Rc>, options: ShellOptions) -> Shell { let shell = Shell { state: Arc::new(UiMutex::new(State::new(settings, options))), ui_state: Rc::new(RefCell::new(UiState::new())), widget: gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 0), }; let shell_ref = Arc::downgrade(&shell.state); shell.state.borrow_mut().cursor = Some(Cursor::new(shell_ref)); shell } pub fn is_nvim_initialized(&self) -> bool { let state = self.state.borrow(); state.nvim.is_initialized() } pub fn init(&mut self) { let state = self.state.borrow(); state.drawing_area.set_hexpand(true); state.drawing_area.set_vexpand(true); state.drawing_area.set_can_focus(true); state.im_context.set_use_preedit(false); let nvim_box = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 0); nvim_box.pack_start(&*state.tabs, false, true, 0); nvim_box.pack_start(&state.drawing_area, true, true, 0); state.stack.add_named(&nvim_box, "Nvim"); state.stack.add_named(&*state.error_area, "Error"); self.widget.pack_start(&state.stack, true, true, 0); state .drawing_area .set_events( (gdk_sys::GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | gdk_sys::GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gdk_sys::GDK_BUTTON_MOTION_MASK | gdk_sys::GDK_SCROLL_MASK | gdk_sys::GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK) .bits() as i32, ); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); let ref_ui_state = self.ui_state.clone(); state.drawing_area.connect_button_press_event(move |_, ev| { gtk_button_press( &mut *ref_state.borrow_mut(), &mut *ref_ui_state.borrow_mut(), ev, ) }); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); let ref_ui_state = self.ui_state.clone(); state .drawing_area .connect_button_release_event(move |_, ev| { gtk_button_release( &mut *ref_state.borrow_mut(), &mut *ref_ui_state.borrow_mut(), ev, ) }); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); let ref_ui_state = self.ui_state.clone(); state .drawing_area .connect_motion_notify_event(move |_, ev| { gtk_motion_notify( &mut *ref_state.borrow_mut(), &mut *ref_ui_state.borrow_mut(), ev, ) }); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); state .drawing_area .connect_draw(move |_, ctx| gtk_draw(&ref_state, ctx)); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); state.drawing_area.connect_key_press_event(move |_, ev| { ref_state .borrow_mut() .cursor .as_mut() .unwrap() .reset_state(); if ref_state.borrow().im_context.filter_keypress(ev) { Inhibit(true) } else { let state = ref_state.borrow(); let nvim = state.nvim(); if let Some(mut nvim) = nvim { input::gtk_key_press(&mut nvim, ev) } else { Inhibit(false) } } }); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); state.drawing_area.connect_key_release_event(move |_, ev| { ref_state.borrow().im_context.filter_keypress(ev); Inhibit(false) }); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); let ref_ui_state = self.ui_state.clone(); state.drawing_area.connect_scroll_event(move |_, ev| { gtk_scroll_event( &mut *ref_state.borrow_mut(), &mut *ref_ui_state.borrow_mut(), ev, ) }); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); state .drawing_area .connect_focus_in_event(move |_, _| gtk_focus_in(&mut *ref_state.borrow_mut())); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); state .drawing_area .connect_focus_out_event(move |_, _| gtk_focus_out(&mut *ref_state.borrow_mut())); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); state.drawing_area.connect_realize(move |w| { // sometime set_client_window does not work without idle_add // and looks like not enabled im_context gtk::idle_add(clone!(ref_state, w => move || { ref_state.borrow().im_context.set_client_window( w.get_window().as_ref(), ); Continue(false) })); }); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); state .im_context .connect_commit(move |_, ch| ref_state.borrow().im_commit(ch)); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); state.drawing_area.connect_configure_event(move |_, ev| { debug!("configure_event {:?}", ev.get_size()); ref_state.borrow_mut().try_nvim_resize(); false }); let ref_state = self.state.clone(); state.drawing_area.connect_size_allocate(move |_, _| { init_nvim(&ref_state); }); } #[cfg(unix)] pub fn set_font_desc(&self, font_name: &str) { self.state.borrow_mut().set_font_desc(font_name); } pub fn grab_focus(&self) { self.state.borrow().drawing_area.grab_focus(); } pub fn open_file(&self, path: &str) { self.state.borrow().open_file(path); } pub fn cd(&self, path: &str) { self.state.borrow().cd(path); } pub fn detach_ui(&mut self) { let state = self.state.borrow(); let nvim = state.nvim(); if let Some(mut nvim) = nvim { nvim.ui_detach().expect("Error in ui_detach"); } } pub fn edit_paste(&self) { self.state.borrow().edit_paste("+"); } pub fn edit_save_all(&self) { let state = self.state.borrow(); let nvim = state.nvim(); if let Some(mut nvim) = nvim { nvim.command(":wa").report_err(); } } pub fn set_detach_cb(&self, cb: Option) where F: FnMut() + Send + 'static, { let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut(); state.set_detach_cb(cb); } pub fn set_nvim_started_cb(&self, cb: Option) where F: FnMut() + Send + 'static, { let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut(); state.set_nvim_started_cb(cb); } } impl Deref for Shell { type Target = gtk::Box; fn deref(&self) -> >k::Box { &self.widget } } fn gtk_focus_in(state: &mut State) -> Inhibit { if let Some(mut nvim) = state.nvim() { nvim.command_async("if exists('#FocusGained') | doautocmd FocusGained | endif") .cb(|r| r.report_err()) .call(); } state.im_context.focus_in(); state.cursor.as_mut().unwrap().enter_focus(); let point = state.model.cur_point(); state.on_redraw(&RepaintMode::Area(point)); Inhibit(false) } fn gtk_focus_out(state: &mut State) -> Inhibit { if let Some(mut nvim) = state.nvim() { nvim.command_async("if exists('#FocusLost') | doautocmd FocusLost | endif") .cb(|r| r.report_err()) .call(); } state.im_context.focus_out(); state.cursor.as_mut().unwrap().leave_focus(); let point = state.model.cur_point(); state.on_redraw(&RepaintMode::Area(point)); Inhibit(false) } fn gtk_scroll_event(state: &mut State, ui_state: &mut UiState, ev: &EventScroll) -> Inhibit { if !state.mouse_enabled { return Inhibit(false); } state.close_popup_menu(); match ev.get_direction() { gdk::ScrollDirection::Right => { mouse_input(state, "ScrollWheelRight", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()) } gdk::ScrollDirection::Left => { mouse_input(state, "ScrollWheelLeft", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()) } gdk::ScrollDirection::Up => { mouse_input(state, "ScrollWheelUp", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()) } gdk::ScrollDirection::Down => { mouse_input(state, "ScrollWheelDown", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()) } gdk::ScrollDirection::Smooth => { // Remember and accumulate scroll deltas, so slow scrolling still // works. ui_state.scroll_delta.0 += ev.as_ref().delta_x; ui_state.scroll_delta.1 += ev.as_ref().delta_y; // Perform scroll action for deltas with abs(delta) >= 1. let x = ui_state.scroll_delta.0 as isize; let y = ui_state.scroll_delta.1 as isize; for _ in 0..x { mouse_input(state, "ScrollWheelRight", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()) } for _ in 0..-x { mouse_input(state, "ScrollWheelLeft", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()) } for _ in 0..y { mouse_input(state, "ScrollWheelDown", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()) } for _ in 0..-y { mouse_input(state, "ScrollWheelUp", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()) } // Subtract performed scroll deltas. ui_state.scroll_delta.0 -= x as f64; ui_state.scroll_delta.1 -= y as f64; } _ => (), } Inhibit(false) } fn gtk_button_press(shell: &mut State, ui_state: &mut UiState, ev: &EventButton) -> Inhibit { if ev.get_event_type() != EventType::ButtonPress { return Inhibit(false); } if shell.mouse_enabled { ui_state.mouse_pressed = true; match ev.get_button() { 1 => mouse_input(shell, "LeftMouse", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()), 2 => mouse_input(shell, "MiddleMouse", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()), 3 => mouse_input(shell, "RightMouse", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()), _ => (), } } Inhibit(false) } fn mouse_input(shell: &mut State, input: &str, state: ModifierType, position: (f64, f64)) { let &CellMetrics { line_height, char_width, .. } = shell.font_ctx.cell_metrics(); let (x, y) = position; let col = (x / char_width).trunc() as u64; let row = (y / line_height).trunc() as u64; let input_str = format!("{}<{},{}>", keyval_to_input_string(input, state), col, row); let nvim = shell.nvim(); if let Some(mut nvim) = nvim { nvim.input(&input_str) .expect("Can't send mouse input event"); } } fn gtk_button_release(shell: &mut State, ui_state: &mut UiState, ev: &EventButton) -> Inhibit { ui_state.mouse_pressed = false; if shell.mouse_enabled { match ev.get_button() { 1 => mouse_input(shell, "LeftRelease", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()), 2 => mouse_input(shell, "MiddleRelease", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()), 3 => mouse_input(shell, "RightRelease", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()), _ => (), } } Inhibit(false) } fn gtk_motion_notify(shell: &mut State, ui_state: &mut UiState, ev: &EventMotion) -> Inhibit { if shell.mouse_enabled && ui_state.mouse_pressed { mouse_input(shell, "LeftDrag", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()); } Inhibit(false) } fn gtk_draw(state_arc: &Arc>, ctx: &cairo::Context) -> Inhibit { let state = state_arc.borrow(); if state.nvim.is_initialized() { render::render( ctx, state.cursor.as_ref().unwrap(), &state.font_ctx, &state.model, &state.color_model, &state.mode, ); } else if state.nvim.is_initializing() { draw_initializing(&*state, ctx); } Inhibit(false) } fn show_nvim_start_error(err: &nvim::NvimInitError, state_arc: Arc>) { let source = err.source(); let cmd = err.cmd().unwrap().to_owned(); glib::idle_add(move || { let state = state_arc.borrow(); state.nvim.set_error(); state.error_area.show_nvim_start_error(&source, &cmd); state.show_error_area(); Continue(false) }); } fn show_nvim_init_error(err: &nvim::NvimInitError, state_arc: Arc>) { let source = err.source(); glib::idle_add(move || { let state = state_arc.borrow(); state.nvim.set_error(); state.error_area.show_nvim_init_error(&source); state.show_error_area(); Continue(false) }); } fn init_nvim_async( state_arc: Arc>, options: ShellOptions, cols: usize, rows: usize, ) { // execute nvim let nvim = match nvim::start( state_arc.clone(), options.nvim_bin_path.as_ref(), options.timeout, ) { Ok(nvim) => nvim, Err(err) => { show_nvim_start_error(&err, state_arc); return; } }; let nvim = set_nvim_to_state(state_arc.clone(), nvim); // add callback on session end let guard = nvim.borrow().unwrap().session.take_dispatch_guard(); let state_ref = state_arc.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { guard.join().expect("Can't join dispatch thread"); glib::idle_add(move || { state_ref.borrow().nvim.clear(); if let Some(ref cb) = state_ref.borrow().detach_cb { (&mut *cb.borrow_mut())(); } glib::Continue(false) }); }); // attach ui if let Err(err) = nvim::post_start_init(nvim, options.open_path.as_ref(), cols as u64, rows as u64) { show_nvim_init_error(&err, state_arc.clone()); } else { set_nvim_initialized(state_arc); } } fn set_nvim_to_state(state_arc: Arc>, nvim: Neovim) -> NeovimClientAsync { let pair = Arc::new((Mutex::new(None), Condvar::new())); let pair2 = pair.clone(); let mut nvim = Some(nvim); glib::idle_add(move || { let nvim_aync = state_arc.borrow().nvim.set_nvim_async(nvim.take().unwrap()); let &(ref lock, ref cvar) = &*pair2; let mut started = lock.lock().unwrap(); *started = Some(nvim_aync); cvar.notify_one(); Continue(false) }); // Wait idle set nvim properly let &(ref lock, ref cvar) = &*pair; let mut started = lock.lock().unwrap(); while started.is_none() { started = cvar.wait(started).unwrap(); } started.take().unwrap() } fn set_nvim_initialized(state_arc: Arc>) { glib::idle_add(clone!(state_arc => move || { let mut state = state_arc.borrow_mut(); state.nvim.async_to_sync(); state.nvim.set_initialized(); // in some case resize can happens while initilization in progress // so force resize here state.try_nvim_resize(); state.cursor.as_mut().unwrap().start(); Continue(false) })); idle_cb_call!(state_arc.nvim_started_cb()); } fn draw_initializing(state: &State, ctx: &cairo::Context) { let alloc = state.drawing_area.get_allocation(); let layout = state.font_ctx.create_layout(); ctx.set_source_rgb( state.color_model.bg_color.0, state.color_model.bg_color.1, state.color_model.bg_color.2, ); ctx.paint(); layout.set_text("Loading->"); let (width, height) = layout.get_pixel_size(); let x = alloc.width as f64 / 2.0 - width as f64 / 2.0; let y = alloc.height as f64 / 2.0 - height as f64 / 2.0; ctx.move_to(x, y); ctx.set_source_rgb( state.color_model.fg_color.0, state.color_model.fg_color.1, state.color_model.fg_color.2, ); pangocairo::functions::update_layout(ctx, &layout); pangocairo::functions::show_layout(ctx, &layout); ctx.move_to(x + width as f64, y); state.cursor.as_ref().unwrap().draw( ctx, &state.font_ctx, &state.mode, y, false, &state.color_model.bg_color, ); } fn init_nvim(state_ref: &Arc>) { let mut state = state_ref.borrow_mut(); if state.start_nvim_initialization() { let (cols, rows) = state.calc_nvim_size(); debug!("Init nvim {}/{}", cols, rows); state.model = UiModel::new(rows as u64, cols as u64); let state_arc = state_ref.clone(); let options = state.options.clone(); thread::spawn(move || init_nvim_async(state_arc, options, cols, rows)); } } impl RedrawEvents for State { fn on_cursor_goto(&mut self, row: u64, col: u64) -> RepaintMode { let repaint_area = self.model.set_cursor(row as usize, col as usize); self.set_im_location(); RepaintMode::AreaList(repaint_area) } fn on_put(&mut self, text: &str) -> RepaintMode { RepaintMode::Area(self.model.put(text, self.cur_attrs.as_ref())) } fn on_clear(&mut self) -> RepaintMode { self.model.clear(); RepaintMode::All } fn on_eol_clear(&mut self) -> RepaintMode { RepaintMode::Area(self.model.eol_clear()) } fn on_resize(&mut self, columns: u64, rows: u64) -> RepaintMode { debug!("on_resize {}/{}", columns, rows); if self.model.columns != columns as usize || self.model.rows != rows as usize { self.model = UiModel::new(rows, columns); } if let Some(mut nvim) = self.nvim.nvim() { self.color_model.theme.update(&mut *nvim); } RepaintMode::Nothing } fn on_redraw(&mut self, mode: &RepaintMode) { match *mode { RepaintMode::All => { self.update_dirty_glyphs(); self.drawing_area.queue_draw(); } RepaintMode::Area(ref rect) => self.queue_draw_area(&[rect]), RepaintMode::AreaList(ref list) => self.queue_draw_area(&list.list), RepaintMode::Nothing => (), } } fn on_set_scroll_region(&mut self, top: u64, bot: u64, left: u64, right: u64) -> RepaintMode { self.model.set_scroll_region(top, bot, left, right); RepaintMode::Nothing } fn on_scroll(&mut self, count: i64) -> RepaintMode { RepaintMode::Area(self.model.scroll(count)) } fn on_highlight_set(&mut self, attrs: &[(Value, Value)]) -> RepaintMode { let mut model_attrs = Attrs::new(); for &(ref key_val, ref val) in attrs { if let Some(key) = key_val.as_str() { match key { "foreground" => { if let Some(fg) = val.as_u64() { model_attrs.foreground = Some(Color::from_indexed_color(fg)); } } "background" => { if let Some(bg) = val.as_u64() { model_attrs.background = Some(Color::from_indexed_color(bg)); } } "special" => { if let Some(bg) = val.as_u64() { model_attrs.special = Some(Color::from_indexed_color(bg)); } } "reverse" => model_attrs.reverse = true, "bold" => model_attrs.bold = true, "italic" => model_attrs.italic = true, "underline" => model_attrs.underline = true, "undercurl" => model_attrs.undercurl = true, attr_key => println!("unknown attribute {}", attr_key), }; } else { panic!("attr key must be string"); } } self.cur_attrs = Some(model_attrs); RepaintMode::Nothing } fn on_update_bg(&mut self, bg: i64) -> RepaintMode { if bg >= 0 { self.color_model.bg_color = Color::from_indexed_color(bg as u64); } else { self.color_model.bg_color = COLOR_BLACK; } RepaintMode::Nothing } fn on_update_fg(&mut self, fg: i64) -> RepaintMode { if fg >= 0 { self.color_model.fg_color = Color::from_indexed_color(fg as u64); } else { self.color_model.fg_color = COLOR_WHITE; } RepaintMode::Nothing } fn on_update_sp(&mut self, sp: i64) -> RepaintMode { if sp >= 0 { self.color_model.sp_color = Color::from_indexed_color(sp as u64); } else { self.color_model.sp_color = COLOR_RED; } RepaintMode::Nothing } fn on_mode_change(&mut self, mode: &str, idx: u64) -> RepaintMode { self.mode.update(mode, idx as usize); RepaintMode::Area(self.model.cur_point()) } fn on_mouse(&mut self, on: bool) -> RepaintMode { self.mouse_enabled = on; RepaintMode::Nothing } fn on_busy(&mut self, busy: bool) -> RepaintMode { if busy { self.cursor.as_mut().unwrap().busy_on(); } else { self.cursor.as_mut().unwrap().busy_off(); } RepaintMode::Area(self.model.cur_point()) } fn popupmenu_show( &mut self, menu: &[CompleteItem], selected: i64, row: u64, col: u64, ) -> RepaintMode { let point = ModelRect::point(col as usize, row as usize); let (x, y, width, height) = point.to_area(self.font_ctx.cell_metrics()); self.popup_menu .borrow_mut() .show(self, menu, selected, x, y, width, height); RepaintMode::Nothing } fn popupmenu_hide(&mut self) -> RepaintMode { self.popup_menu.borrow_mut().hide(); RepaintMode::Nothing } fn popupmenu_select(&mut self, selected: i64) -> RepaintMode { self.popup_menu.borrow().select(selected); RepaintMode::Nothing } fn tabline_update( &mut self, selected: Tabpage, tabs: Vec<(Tabpage, Option)>, ) -> RepaintMode { self.tabs.update_tabs(&self.nvim, &selected, &tabs); RepaintMode::Nothing } fn mode_info_set( &mut self, cursor_style_enabled: bool, mode_info: Vec, ) -> RepaintMode { self.mode.set_info(cursor_style_enabled, mode_info); RepaintMode::Nothing } } impl GuiApi for State { fn set_font(&mut self, font_desc: &str) { { let mut settings = self.settings.borrow_mut(); settings.set_font_source(FontSource::Rpc); } self.set_font_desc(font_desc); } }