use std::rc::Rc; use std::cell::RefCell; use gtk; use gtk::prelude::*; use super::manager; use super::vim_plug; use super::store::Store; pub struct Ui<'a> { manager: &'a manager::Manager, } impl<'a> Ui<'a> { pub fn new(manager: &'a manager::Manager) -> Ui<'a> { Ui { manager } } pub fn show>(&self, parent: &T) { const OK_ID: i32 = 0; let dlg = gtk::Dialog::new_with_buttons( Some("Plug"), Some(parent), gtk::DialogFlags::empty(), &[("Ok", OK_ID)], ); dlg.set_default_size(800, 600); let content = dlg.get_content_area(); let tabs = gtk::Notebook::new(); let vim_plug_state = self.get_state(); match vim_plug_state { vim_plug::State::AlreadyLoaded => { let help = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 3); let warn_lbl = gtk::Label::new(None); warn_lbl.set_markup("Note: vim-plug manager already loaded!\n\ NeovimGtk plugins manager will be disabled.\n\ To enable it please disable vim-plug in your configuration.\n\ NeovimGtk manages plugins use vim-plug as backend.\n\ You can convert vim-plug configuration to NeovimGtk configuration using button below.\n\ List of current vim-plug plugins can be found in 'Plugins' tab."); help.pack_start(&warn_lbl, true, false, 0); let copy_btn = gtk::Button::new_with_label("Copy plugins from current vim-plug configuration"); help.pack_start(©_btn, false, false, 0); let get_plugins_lbl = gtk::Label::new("Help"); tabs.append_page(&help, Some(&get_plugins_lbl)); } vim_plug::State::Unknown => { let get_plugins = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 0); let get_plugins_lbl = gtk::Label::new("Get Plugins"); tabs.append_page(&get_plugins, Some(&get_plugins_lbl)); } } let plugins = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 3); let store = self.manager.load_store(&vim_plug_state); let store = Rc::new(RefCell::new(store)); Ui::fill_plugin_list(&plugins, &store); let plugins_lbl = gtk::Label::new("Plugins"); tabs.append_page(&plugins, Some(&plugins_lbl)); tabs.set_tab_pos(gtk::PositionType::Left); content.pack_start(&tabs, true, true, 0); content.show_all(); match { OK_ID => { println!("TODO:"); } _ => (), } dlg.destroy(); } fn fill_plugin_list(panel: >k::Box, store: &Rc>) { let scroll = gtk::ScrolledWindow::new(None, None); let plugs_panel = gtk::ListBox::new(); plugs_panel.set_selection_mode(gtk::SelectionMode::None); for (idx, plug_info) in store.borrow().get_plugs().iter().enumerate() { let row = gtk::ListBoxRow::new(); let row_container = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 5); let hbox = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, 5); let vbox = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 5); let name_lbl = gtk::Label::new(None); name_lbl.set_markup(&format!("{}",; name_lbl.set_halign(gtk::Align::Start); let url_lbl = gtk::Label::new(Some(plug_info.url.as_str())); url_lbl.set_halign(gtk::Align::Start); let remove_btn = gtk::Button::new_with_label("Remove"); remove_btn.set_halign(gtk::Align::End); let store_ref = store.clone(); let panel_ref = panel.clone(); let row_ref = row.clone(); remove_btn.connect_clicked(move |_| { // store_ref.borrow_mut().remove(idx); panel_ref.remove(&row_ref); }); row_container.pack_start(&hbox, true, true, 0); row_container.pack_start(>k::Separator::new(gtk::Orientation::Horizontal), true, true, 0); vbox.pack_start(&name_lbl, true, true, 0); vbox.pack_start(&url_lbl, true, true, 0); hbox.pack_start(&vbox, true, true, 0); hbox.pack_start(&remove_btn, false, true, 0); row.add(&row_container); plugs_panel.add(&row); } scroll.add(&plugs_panel); panel.pack_start(&scroll, true, true, 0); let copy_btn = gtk::Button::new_with_label("Copy plugins from current vim-plug configuration"); panel.add(©_btn); } fn get_state(&self) -> vim_plug::State { self.manager.vim_plug.get_state() } }