use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut}; use color; use super::cell::Cell; use super::item::Item; use sys::pango as sys_pango; use pango; pub struct Line { pub line: Box<[Cell]>, // format of item line is // [Item1, Item2, None, None, Item3] // Item2 take 3 cells and renders as one pub item_line: Box<[Option]>, cell_to_item: Box<[i32]>, pub dirty_line: bool, } impl Line { pub fn new(columns: usize) -> Self { Line { line: vec![Cell::new(' '); columns].into_boxed_slice(), item_line: vec![None; columns].into_boxed_slice(), cell_to_item: vec![-1; columns].into_boxed_slice(), dirty_line: true, } } pub fn copy_to(&self, target: &mut Self, left: usize, right: usize) { target.line[left..right + 1].clone_from_slice(&self.line[left..right + 1]); target.item_line[left..right + 1].clone_from_slice(&self.item_line[left..right + 1]); target.cell_to_item[left..right + 1].copy_from_slice(&self.cell_to_item[left..right + 1]); target.dirty_line = self.dirty_line; } pub fn clear(&mut self, left: usize, right: usize) { for cell in &mut self.line[left..right + 1] { cell.clear(); } for item in &mut self.item_line[left..right + 1] { item.clone_from(&None); } for i in left..right + 1 { self.cell_to_item[i] = -1; } self.dirty_line = true; } pub fn clear_glyphs(&mut self) { for i in 0..self.item_line.len() { self.item_line[i] = None; self.cell_to_item[i] = -1; } self.dirty_line = true; } fn set_cell_to_empty(&mut self, cell_idx: usize) -> bool { if self.is_binded_to_item(cell_idx) { self.item_line[cell_idx] = None; self.cell_to_item[cell_idx] = -1; self.line[cell_idx].dirty = true; true } else { false } } fn set_cell_to_item(&mut self, new_item: &PangoItemPosition) -> bool { let start_item_idx = self.cell_to_item(new_item.start_cell); let start_item_cells_count = if start_item_idx >= 0 { self.item_line[start_item_idx as usize].as_ref().map_or( -1, |item| { item.cells_count as i32 }, ) } else { -1 }; let end_item_idx = self.cell_to_item(new_item.end_cell); // start_item == idx of item start cell // in case different item length was in previous iteration // mark all item as dirty if start_item_idx != new_item.start_cell as i32 || new_item.cells_count() != start_item_cells_count || start_item_idx == -1 || end_item_idx == -1 { self.initialize_cell_item(new_item.start_cell, new_item.end_cell, new_item.item); true } else { // update only if cell marked as dirty if self.line[new_item.start_cell..new_item.end_cell + 1] .iter() .any(|c| c.dirty) { self.item_line[new_item.start_cell] .as_mut() .unwrap() .update(new_item.item.clone()); self.line[new_item.start_cell].dirty = true; true } else { false } } } pub fn merge(&mut self, old_items: &StyledLine, pango_items: &[sys_pango::Item]) { let mut pango_item_iter = pango_items.iter().map(|item| { PangoItemPosition::new(old_items, item) }); let mut next_item =; let mut move_to_next_item = false; let mut cell_idx = 0; while cell_idx < self.line.len() { let dirty = match next_item { None => self.set_cell_to_empty(cell_idx), Some(ref new_item) => { if cell_idx < new_item.start_cell { self.set_cell_to_empty(cell_idx) } else if cell_idx == new_item.start_cell { move_to_next_item = true; self.set_cell_to_item(new_item) } else { false } } }; self.dirty_line = self.dirty_line || dirty; if move_to_next_item { let new_item = next_item.unwrap(); cell_idx += new_item.end_cell - new_item.start_cell + 1; next_item =; move_to_next_item = false; } else { cell_idx += 1; } } } fn initialize_cell_item( &mut self, start_cell: usize, end_cell: usize, new_item: &sys_pango::Item, ) { for i in start_cell..end_cell + 1 { self.line[i].dirty = true; self.cell_to_item[i] = start_cell as i32; } for i in start_cell + 1..end_cell + 1 { self.item_line[i] = None; } self.item_line[start_cell] = Some(Item::new(new_item.clone(), end_cell - start_cell + 1)); } pub fn get_item(&self, cell_idx: usize) -> Option<&Item> { let item_idx = self.cell_to_item(cell_idx); if item_idx >= 0 { self.item_line[item_idx as usize].as_ref() } else { None } } #[inline] pub fn cell_to_item(&self, cell_idx: usize) -> i32 { self.cell_to_item[cell_idx] } pub fn item_len_from_idx(&self, start_idx: usize) -> usize { debug_assert!( start_idx < self.line.len(), "idx={}, len={}", start_idx, self.line.len() ); let item_idx = self.cell_to_item(start_idx); if item_idx >= 0 { let item_idx = item_idx as usize; self.item_line[item_idx].as_ref().unwrap().cells_count - (start_idx - item_idx) } else { 1 } } #[inline] pub fn is_binded_to_item(&self, cell_idx: usize) -> bool { self.cell_to_item[cell_idx] >= 0 } } impl Index for Line { type Output = Cell; fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Cell { &self.line[index] } } impl IndexMut for Line { fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Cell { &mut self.line[index] } } struct PangoItemPosition<'a> { item: &'a sys_pango::Item, start_cell: usize, end_cell: usize, } impl<'a> PangoItemPosition<'a> { pub fn new(styled_line: &StyledLine, item: &'a sys_pango::Item) -> Self { let (offset, length, _) = item.offset(); let start_cell = styled_line.cell_to_byte[offset]; let end_cell = styled_line.cell_to_byte[offset + length - 1]; PangoItemPosition { item, start_cell, end_cell, } } #[inline] fn cells_count(&self) -> i32 { (self.end_cell - self.start_cell) as i32 + 1 } } pub struct StyledLine { pub line_str: String, cell_to_byte: Box<[usize]>, pub attr_list: pango::AttrList, } impl StyledLine { pub fn from(line: &Line, color_model: &color::ColorModel) -> Self { let mut line_str = String::new(); let mut cell_to_byte = Vec::new(); let attr_list = pango::AttrList::new(); let mut byte_offset = 0; let mut style_attr = StyleAttr::new(); for (cell_idx, cell) in line.line.iter().enumerate() { if cell.attrs.double_width { continue; } line_str.push(; let len = line_str.len() - byte_offset; for _ in 0..len { cell_to_byte.push(cell_idx); } let next =, byte_offset + len, cell, color_model); if let Some(next) = next { style_attr.insert(&attr_list); style_attr = next; } byte_offset += len; } style_attr.insert(&attr_list); StyledLine { line_str, cell_to_byte: cell_to_byte.into_boxed_slice(), attr_list, } } } struct StyleAttr<'c> { italic: bool, bold: bool, foreground: Option<&'c color::Color>, background: Option<&'c color::Color>, empty: bool, start_idx: usize, end_idx: usize, } impl<'c> StyleAttr<'c> { fn new() -> Self { StyleAttr { italic: false, bold: false, foreground: None, background: None, empty: true, start_idx: 0, end_idx: 0, } } fn from( start_idx: usize, end_idx: usize, cell: &'c Cell, color_model: &'c color::ColorModel, ) -> Self { StyleAttr { italic: cell.attrs.italic, bold: cell.attrs.bold, foreground: color_model.cell_fg(cell), background: color_model.cell_bg(cell), empty: false, start_idx, end_idx, } } fn next( &mut self, start_idx: usize, end_idx: usize, cell: &'c Cell, color_model: &'c color::ColorModel, ) -> Option> { let style_attr = Self::from(start_idx, end_idx, cell, color_model); if self != &style_attr { Some(style_attr) } else { self.end_idx = end_idx; None } } fn insert(&self, attr_list: &pango::AttrList) { if self.empty { return; } if self.italic { self.insert_attr( attr_list, pango::Attribute::new_style(pango::Style::Italic).unwrap(), ); } if self.bold { self.insert_attr( attr_list, pango::Attribute::new_weight(pango::Weight::Bold).unwrap(), ); } if let Some(fg) = self.foreground { let (r, g, b) = fg.to_u16(); self.insert_attr( attr_list, pango::Attribute::new_foreground(r, g, b).unwrap(), ); } if let Some(bg) = self.background { let (r, g, b) = bg.to_u16(); self.insert_attr( attr_list, pango::Attribute::new_background(r, g, b).unwrap(), ); } } #[inline] fn insert_attr(&self, attr_list: &pango::AttrList, mut attr: pango::Attribute) { attr.set_start_index(self.start_idx as u32); attr.set_end_index(self.end_idx as u32); attr_list.insert(attr); } } impl<'c> PartialEq for StyleAttr<'c> { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.italic == other.italic && self.bold == other.bold && self.foreground == other.foreground && self.empty == other.empty && self.background == other.background } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_styled_line() { let mut line = Line::new(3); line[0].ch = 'a'; line[1].ch = 'b'; line[2].ch = 'c'; let styled_line = StyledLine::from(&line, &color::ColorModel::new()); assert_eq!("abc", styled_line.line_str); assert_eq!(3, styled_line.cell_to_byte.len()); assert_eq!(0, styled_line.cell_to_byte[0]); assert_eq!(1, styled_line.cell_to_byte[1]); assert_eq!(2, styled_line.cell_to_byte[2]); } }