use std::cell::RefCell; use std::thread; use std::string::String; use cairo; use pangocairo as pc; use pango; use pango::FontDescription; use gtk; use gtk::prelude::*; use gtk::{ApplicationWindow, HeaderBar, DrawingArea, ToolButton, Image}; use gtk_sys; use gdk::{ModifierType, Event, EventKey, EventConfigure, EventButton, EventMotion, EventType}; use gdk_sys; use glib; use neovim_lib::{Neovim, NeovimApi, Value, Integer}; use ui_model::{UiModel, Cell, Attrs, Color, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED}; use nvim::{RedrawEvents, GuiApi, ErrorReport}; use settings; use input::{convert_key, keyval_to_input_string}; const FONT_NAME: &'static str = "DejaVu Sans Mono 12"; macro_rules! ui_thread_var { ($id:ident, $ty:ty, $expr:expr) => (thread_local!(pub static $id: RefCell<$ty> = { let thread = thread::current(); let current_thread_name =; if current_thread_name != Some("main") { panic!("Can create UI only from main thread, {:?}", current_thread_name); } RefCell::new($expr) });) } ui_thread_var![UI, Ui, Ui::new()] ui_thread_var![SET, settings::Settings, settings::Settings::new()] #[derive(PartialEq)] enum NvimMode { Normal, Insert, Other, } pub struct Ui { pub model: UiModel, nvim: Option, drawing_area: DrawingArea, window: Option, header_bar: HeaderBar, cur_attrs: Option, bg_color: Color, fg_color: Color, sp_color: Color, line_height: Option, char_width: Option, resize_timer: Option, mode: NvimMode, mouse_enabled: bool, mouse_pressed: bool, font_desc: FontDescription, } impl Ui { pub fn new() -> Ui { Ui { model: UiModel::empty(), drawing_area: DrawingArea::new(), window: None, header_bar: HeaderBar::new(), nvim: None, cur_attrs: None, bg_color: COLOR_BLACK, fg_color: COLOR_WHITE, sp_color: COLOR_RED, line_height: None, char_width: None, resize_timer: None, mode: NvimMode::Normal, mouse_enabled: false, mouse_pressed: false, font_desc: FontDescription::from_string(FONT_NAME), } } pub fn set_nvim(&mut self, nvim: Neovim) { self.nvim = Some(nvim); } pub fn nvim(&mut self) -> &mut Neovim { self.nvim.as_mut().unwrap() } pub fn destroy(&self) { self.window.as_ref().unwrap().destroy(); } pub fn init(&mut self, app: >k::Application) { SET.with(|settings| { let mut settings = settings.borrow_mut(); settings.init(self); }); self.header_bar.set_show_close_button(true); let save_image = Image::new_from_icon_name("document-save", gtk_sys::GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR as i32); let save_btn = ToolButton::new(Some(&save_image), None); save_btn.connect_clicked(|_| edit_save_all()); self.header_bar.pack_start(&save_btn); let paste_image = Image::new_from_icon_name("edit-paste", gtk_sys::GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR as i32); let paste_btn = ToolButton::new(Some(&paste_image), None); paste_btn.connect_clicked(|_| edit_paste()); self.header_bar.pack_start(&paste_btn); self.drawing_area.set_size_request(500, 300); self.drawing_area.set_hexpand(true); self.drawing_area.set_vexpand(true); self.drawing_area .set_events((gdk_sys::GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | gdk_sys::GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gdk_sys::GDK_BUTTON_MOTION_MASK) .bits() as i32); self.drawing_area.connect_button_press_event(gtk_button_press); self.drawing_area.connect_button_release_event(gtk_button_release); self.drawing_area.connect_motion_notify_event(gtk_motion_notify); self.drawing_area.connect_draw(gtk_draw); self.window = Some(ApplicationWindow::new(app)); let window = self.window.as_ref().unwrap(); window.set_titlebar(Some(&self.header_bar)); window.add(&self.drawing_area); window.show_all(); window.connect_key_press_event(gtk_key_press); window.connect_delete_event(gtk_delete); window.set_title("Neovim-gtk"); self.drawing_area.connect_configure_event(gtk_configure_event); } fn create_pango_font(&self) -> FontDescription { self.font_desc.clone() } pub fn set_font_desc(&mut self, desc: &str) { self.font_desc = FontDescription::from_string(desc); } fn colors<'a>(&'a self, cell: &'a Cell) -> (&'a Color, &'a Color) { let bg = if let Some(ref bg) = cell.attrs.background { bg } else { &self.bg_color }; let fg = if let Some(ref fg) = cell.attrs.foreground { fg } else { &self.fg_color }; if cell.attrs.reverse { (fg, bg) } else { (bg, fg) } } } fn gtk_button_press(_: &DrawingArea, ev: &EventButton) -> Inhibit { if ev.get_event_type() != EventType::ButtonPress { return Inhibit(false); } UI.with(|ui_cell| { let mut ui = ui_cell.borrow_mut(); if !ui.mouse_enabled { return; } mouse_input(&mut *ui, "LeftMouse", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()); }); Inhibit(false) } fn mouse_input(ui: &mut Ui, input: &str, state: ModifierType, position: (f64, f64)) { if let Some(line_height) = ui.line_height { if let Some(char_width) = ui.char_width { ui.mouse_pressed = true; let nvim = ui.nvim(); let (x, y) = position; let col = (x / char_width).trunc() as u64; let row = (y / line_height).trunc() as u64; let input_str = format!("{}<{},{}>", keyval_to_input_string(input, state), col, row); nvim.input(&input_str).expect("Can't send mouse input event"); } } } fn gtk_button_release(_: &DrawingArea, _: &EventButton) -> Inhibit { UI.with(|ui_cell| ui_cell.borrow_mut().mouse_pressed = false); Inhibit(false) } fn gtk_motion_notify(_: &DrawingArea, ev: &EventMotion) -> Inhibit { UI.with(|ui_cell| { let mut ui = ui_cell.borrow_mut(); if !ui.mouse_enabled || !ui.mouse_pressed { return; } mouse_input(&mut *ui, "LeftDrag", ev.get_state(), ev.get_position()); }); Inhibit(false) } fn edit_paste() { UI.with(|ui_cell| { let mut ui = ui_cell.borrow_mut(); let paste_command = if ui.mode == NvimMode::Normal { "\"*p" } else { "\"*p" }; let mut nvim = ui.nvim(); nvim.input(paste_command).report_err(nvim); }); } fn edit_save_all() { UI.with(|ui_cell| { let mut ui = ui_cell.borrow_mut(); let mut nvim = ui.nvim(); nvim.command(":wa").report_err(nvim); }); } fn quit() { UI.with(|ui_cell| { let mut ui = ui_cell.borrow_mut(); ui.destroy(); let nvim = ui.nvim(); nvim.ui_detach().expect("Error in ui_detach"); // nvim.quit_no_save().expect("Can't stop nvim instance"); }); } fn gtk_delete(_: &ApplicationWindow, _: &Event) -> Inhibit { quit(); Inhibit(false) } fn gtk_key_press(_: &ApplicationWindow, ev: &EventKey) -> Inhibit { if let Some(input) = convert_key(ev) { UI.with(|ui_cell| { let mut ui = ui_cell.borrow_mut(); ui.nvim().input(&input).expect("Error run input command to nvim"); }); Inhibit(true) } else { Inhibit(false) } } fn gtk_draw(_: &DrawingArea, ctx: &cairo::Context) -> Inhibit { UI.with(|ui_cell| { let mut ui = ui_cell.borrow_mut(); let (width, height) = calc_char_bounds(&*ui, ctx); ui.line_height = Some(height as f64); ui.char_width = Some(width as f64); draw(&*ui, ctx); request_width(&*ui); }); Inhibit(false) } fn gtk_configure_event(_: &DrawingArea, ev: &EventConfigure) -> bool { UI.with(|ui_cell| { let mut ui = ui_cell.borrow_mut(); let (width, height) = ev.get_size(); if let Some(timer) = ui.resize_timer { glib::source_remove(timer); } if let Some(line_height) = ui.line_height { if let Some(char_width) = ui.char_width { ui.resize_timer = Some(glib::timeout_add(250, move || { UI.with(|ui_cell| { let mut ui = ui_cell.borrow_mut(); ui.resize_timer = None; let rows = (height as f64 / line_height).trunc() as usize; let columns = (width as f64 / char_width).trunc() as usize; if ui.model.rows != rows || ui.model.columns != columns { if let Err(err) = ui.nvim().ui_try_resize(columns as u64, rows as u64) { println!("Error trying resize nvim {}", err); } } }); Continue(false) })); } } }); false } #[inline] fn draw_joined_rect(ui: &Ui, ctx: &cairo::Context, from_col_idx: usize, col_idx: usize, char_width: f64, line_height: f64, color: &Color) { let current_point = ctx.get_current_point(); let rect_width = char_width * (col_idx - from_col_idx) as f64; if &ui.bg_color != color { ctx.set_source_rgb(color.0, color.1, color.2); ctx.rectangle(current_point.0, current_point.1, rect_width, line_height); ctx.fill(); } ctx.move_to(current_point.0 + rect_width, current_point.1); } fn draw(ui: &Ui, ctx: &cairo::Context) { ctx.set_source_rgb(ui.bg_color.0, ui.bg_color.1, ui.bg_color.2); ctx.paint(); let line_height = ui.line_height.unwrap(); let char_width = ui.char_width.unwrap(); let (row, col) = ui.model.get_cursor(); let mut buf = String::with_capacity(4); let mut line_y: f64 = 0.0; let layout = pc::create_layout(ctx); let mut desc = ui.create_pango_font(); for (line_idx, line) in ui.model.model().iter().enumerate() { ctx.move_to(0.0, line_y); // first draw background // here we join same bg color for given line // this gives less drawing primitives let mut from_col_idx = 0; let mut from_bg = None; for (col_idx, cell) in line.iter().enumerate() { let (bg, _) = ui.colors(cell); if from_bg.is_none() { from_bg = Some(bg); from_col_idx = col_idx; } else if from_bg != Some(bg) { draw_joined_rect(ui, ctx, from_col_idx, col_idx, char_width, line_height, from_bg.take().unwrap()); from_bg = Some(bg); from_col_idx = col_idx; } } draw_joined_rect(ui, ctx, from_col_idx, line.len(), char_width, line_height, from_bg.take().unwrap()); ctx.move_to(0.0, line_y); for (col_idx, cell) in line.iter().enumerate() { let double_width = line.get(col_idx + 1).map(|c| c.attrs.double_width).unwrap_or(false); let current_point = ctx.get_current_point(); let (bg, fg) = ui.colors(cell); if row == line_idx && col == col_idx { ctx.set_source_rgba(1.0 - bg.0, 1.0 - bg.1, 1.0 - bg.2, 0.5); let cursor_width = if ui.mode == NvimMode::Insert { char_width / 5.0 } else { if double_width { char_width * 2.0 } else { char_width } }; ctx.rectangle(current_point.0, line_y, cursor_width, line_height); ctx.fill(); ctx.move_to(current_point.0, current_point.1); } if ! { update_font_description(&mut desc, &cell.attrs); layout.set_font_description(Some(&desc)); buf.clear(); buf.push(; layout.set_text(&buf, -1); // correct layout for double_width chars if double_width { let (dw_width, dw_height) = layout.get_pixel_size(); let x_offset = (char_width * 2.0 - dw_width as f64) / 2.0; let y_offset = (line_height - dw_height as f64) / 2.0; ctx.rel_move_to(x_offset, y_offset); } ctx.set_source_rgb(fg.0, fg.1, fg.2); pc::update_layout(ctx, &layout); pc::show_layout(ctx, &layout); } if cell.attrs.underline || cell.attrs.undercurl { // [TODO]: Current gtk-rs bindings does not provide fontmetrics access // so it is not possible to find right position for underline or undercurl position // > update_font_description(&mut desc, &cell.attrs); // > layout.get_context().unwrap().get_metrics(); let top_offset = line_height * 0.9; let sp = if let Some(ref sp) = cell.attrs.special { sp } else { &ui.sp_color }; ctx.set_source_rgba(sp.0, sp.1, sp.2, 0.7); if cell.attrs.undercurl { ctx.set_dash(&[4.0, 2.0], 0.0); ctx.set_line_width(2.0); ctx.move_to(current_point.0, line_y + top_offset); ctx.line_to(current_point.0 + char_width, line_y + top_offset); ctx.stroke(); ctx.set_dash(&[], 0.0); } else if cell.attrs.underline { ctx.set_line_width(1.0); ctx.move_to(current_point.0, line_y + top_offset); ctx.line_to(current_point.0 + char_width, line_y + top_offset); ctx.stroke(); } } ctx.move_to(current_point.0 + char_width, current_point.1); } line_y += line_height; } } #[inline] fn update_font_description(desc: &mut FontDescription, attrs: &Attrs) { desc.unset_fields(pango::FONT_MASK_STYLE | pango::FONT_MASK_WEIGHT); if attrs.italic { desc.set_style(pango::Style::Italic); } if attrs.bold { desc.set_weight(pango::Weight::Bold); } } fn calc_char_bounds(ui: &Ui, ctx: &cairo::Context) -> (i32, i32) { let layout = pc::create_layout(ctx); let desc = ui.create_pango_font(); layout.set_font_description(Some(&desc)); layout.set_text("A", -1); layout.get_pixel_size() } fn request_width(ui: &Ui) { if ui.resize_timer.is_some() { return; } let width = ui.drawing_area.get_allocated_width(); let height = ui.drawing_area.get_allocated_height(); let request_height = (ui.model.rows as f64 * ui.line_height.unwrap()) as i32; let request_width = (ui.model.columns as f64 * ui.char_width.unwrap()) as i32; if width != request_width || height != request_height { let window = ui.window.as_ref().unwrap(); let (win_width, win_height) = window.get_size(); let h_border = win_width - width; let v_border = win_height - height; window.resize(request_width + h_border, request_height + v_border); } } impl GuiApi for Ui { fn set_font(&mut self, font_desc: &str) { self.set_font_desc(font_desc); SET.with(|settings| { let mut settings = settings.borrow_mut(); settings.set_font_source(settings::FontSource::Rpc); }); } } impl RedrawEvents for Ui { fn on_cursor_goto(&mut self, row: u64, col: u64) { self.model.set_cursor(row, col); } fn on_put(&mut self, text: &str) { self.model.put(text, self.cur_attrs.as_ref()); } fn on_clear(&mut self) { self.model.clear(); } fn on_eol_clear(&mut self) { self.model.eol_clear(); } fn on_resize(&mut self, columns: u64, rows: u64) { self.model = UiModel::new(rows, columns); } fn on_redraw(&self) { self.drawing_area.queue_draw(); } fn on_set_scroll_region(&mut self, top: u64, bot: u64, left: u64, right: u64) { self.model.set_scroll_region(top, bot, left, right); } fn on_scroll(&mut self, count: i64) { self.model.scroll(count); } fn on_highlight_set(&mut self, attrs: &Vec<(Value, Value)>) { let mut model_attrs = Attrs::new(); for &(ref key_val, ref val) in attrs { if let &Value::String(ref key) = key_val { match key.as_ref() { "foreground" => { if let &Value::Integer(Integer::U64(fg)) = val { model_attrs.foreground = Some(split_color(fg)); } } "background" => { if let &Value::Integer(Integer::U64(bg)) = val { model_attrs.background = Some(split_color(bg)); } } "special" => { if let &Value::Integer(Integer::U64(bg)) = val { model_attrs.special = Some(split_color(bg)); } } "reverse" => model_attrs.reverse = true, "bold" => model_attrs.bold = true, "italic" => model_attrs.italic = true, "underline" => model_attrs.underline = true, "undercurl" => model_attrs.undercurl = true, attr_key => println!("unknown attribute {}", attr_key), }; } else { panic!("attr key must be string"); } } self.cur_attrs = Some(model_attrs); } fn on_update_bg(&mut self, bg: i64) { if bg >= 0 { self.bg_color = split_color(bg as u64); } else { self.bg_color = COLOR_BLACK; } } fn on_update_fg(&mut self, fg: i64) { if fg >= 0 { self.fg_color = split_color(fg as u64); } else { self.fg_color = COLOR_WHITE; } } fn on_update_sp(&mut self, sp: i64) { if sp >= 0 { self.sp_color = split_color(sp as u64); } else { self.sp_color = COLOR_RED; } } fn on_mode_change(&mut self, mode: &str) { match mode { "normal" => self.mode = NvimMode::Normal, "insert" => self.mode = NvimMode::Insert, _ => self.mode = NvimMode::Other, } } fn on_mouse_on(&mut self) { self.mouse_enabled = true; } fn on_mouse_off(&mut self) { self.mouse_enabled = false; } } fn split_color(indexed_color: u64) -> Color { let r = ((indexed_color >> 16) & 0xff) as f64; let g = ((indexed_color >> 8) & 0xff) as f64; let b = (indexed_color & 0xff) as f64; Color(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0) }