#![windows_subsystem = "windows"] extern crate cairo; extern crate env_logger; extern crate gdk; extern crate gdk_sys; extern crate gio; #[macro_use] extern crate glib; extern crate glib_sys as glib_ffi; extern crate gobject_sys as gobject_ffi; extern crate gtk; extern crate gtk_sys; extern crate htmlescape; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate neovim_lib; extern crate pango; extern crate pango_cairo_sys; extern crate pango_sys; extern crate pangocairo; extern crate percent_encoding; extern crate phf; extern crate rmpv; extern crate regex; extern crate unicode_width; extern crate serde; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; extern crate serde_json; extern crate toml; mod sys; mod nvim_config; mod dirs; mod theme; mod color; mod value; mod mode; mod ui_model; #[macro_use] mod ui; mod plug_manager; mod nvim; mod render; mod shell; mod input; mod settings; mod cursor; mod cmd_line; mod shell_dlg; mod popup_menu; mod project; mod tabline; mod error; mod file_browser; mod subscriptions; mod misc; use std::env; use std::time::Duration; use std::str::FromStr; use gio::prelude::*; use ui::Ui; use shell::ShellOptions; const BIN_PATH_ARG: &str = "--nvim-bin-path"; const TIMEOUT_ARG: &str = "--timeout"; const DISABLE_WIN_STATE_RESTORE: &str = "--disable-win-restore"; fn main() { env_logger::init(); let app_flags = gio::ApplicationFlags::HANDLES_OPEN | gio::ApplicationFlags::NON_UNIQUE; glib::set_program_name(Some("NeovimGtk")); let app = if cfg!(debug_assertions) { gtk::Application::new(Some("org.daa.NeovimGtkDebug"), app_flags) } else { gtk::Application::new(Some("org.daa.NeovimGtk"), app_flags) }.expect("Failed to initialize GTK application"); app.connect_activate(activate); app.connect_open(open); let new_window_action = gio::SimpleAction::new("new-window", None); let app_ref = app.clone(); new_window_action.connect_activate(move |_, _| activate(&app_ref)); app.add_action(&new_window_action); gtk::Window::set_default_icon_name("org.daa.NeovimGtk"); let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let argv: Vec = args.iter() .filter(|a| !a.starts_with(BIN_PATH_ARG)) .filter(|a| !a.starts_with(TIMEOUT_ARG)) .filter(|a| !a.starts_with(DISABLE_WIN_STATE_RESTORE)) .cloned() .collect(); app.run(&argv); } fn open(app: >k::Application, files: &[gio::File], _: &str) { let files_list: Vec = files .into_iter() .filter_map(|f| f.get_path()?.to_str().map(str::to_owned)) .collect(); let mut ui = Ui::new(ShellOptions::new( nvim_bin_path(std::env::args()), files_list, nvim_timeout(std::env::args()), )); ui.init(app, !nvim_disable_win_state(std::env::args())); } fn activate(app: >k::Application) { let mut ui = Ui::new(ShellOptions::new( nvim_bin_path(std::env::args()), Vec::new(), nvim_timeout(std::env::args()), )); ui.init(app, !nvim_disable_win_state(std::env::args())); } fn nvim_bin_path(mut args: I) -> Option where I: Iterator, { args.find(|a| a.starts_with(BIN_PATH_ARG)) .and_then(|p| p.split('=').nth(1).map(str::to_owned)) } fn nvim_timeout(mut args: I) -> Option where I: Iterator, { args.find(|a| a.starts_with(TIMEOUT_ARG)) .and_then(|p| p.split('=').nth(1).map(str::to_owned)) .and_then(|timeout| match u64::from_str(&timeout) { Ok(timeout) => Some(timeout), Err(err) => { error!("Can't convert timeout argument to integer: {}", err); None } }) .map(|timeout| Duration::from_secs(timeout)) } fn nvim_disable_win_state(mut args: I) -> bool where I: Iterator, { args.find(|a| a.starts_with(DISABLE_WIN_STATE_RESTORE)) .map(|_| true) .unwrap_or(false) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_bin_path_arg() { assert_eq!( Some("/test_path".to_string()), nvim_bin_path( vec!["neovim-gtk", "--nvim-bin-path=/test_path"] .iter() .map(|s| s.to_string()), ) ); } #[test] fn test_timeout_arg() { assert_eq!( Some(Duration::from_secs(100)), nvim_timeout( vec!["neovim-gtk", "--timeout=100"] .iter() .map(|s| s.to_string(),) ) ); } }