mod cell; mod line; mod item; mod model_rect; mod model_layout; pub use self::cell::{Cell, Attrs}; pub use self::line::{Line, StyledLine}; pub use self::item::Item; pub use self::model_rect::{ModelRect, ModelRectVec}; pub use self::model_layout::ModelLayout; pub struct UiModel { pub columns: usize, pub rows: usize, cur_row: usize, cur_col: usize, model: Box<[Line]>, top: usize, bot: usize, left: usize, right: usize, } impl UiModel { pub fn new(rows: u64, columns: u64) -> UiModel { let mut model = Vec::with_capacity(rows as usize); for _ in 0..rows as usize { model.push(Line::new(columns as usize)); } UiModel { columns: columns as usize, rows: rows as usize, cur_row: 0, cur_col: 0, model: model.into_boxed_slice(), top: 0, bot: (rows - 1) as usize, left: 0, right: (columns - 1) as usize, } } pub fn empty() -> UiModel { UiModel { columns: 0, rows: 0, cur_row: 0, cur_col: 0, model: Box::new([]), top: 0, bot: 0, left: 0, right: 0, } } #[inline] pub fn model(&self) -> &[Line] { &self.model } #[inline] pub fn model_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Line] { &mut self.model } pub fn cur_point(&self) -> ModelRect { ModelRect::point(self.cur_col, self.cur_row) } pub fn set_cursor(&mut self, row: usize, col: usize) -> ModelRectVec { // it is possible in some cases that cursor moved out of visible rect // see if row >= self.model.len() || col >= self.model[row].line.len() { return ModelRectVec::empty(); } let mut changed_region = ModelRectVec::new(self.cur_point()); self.cur_row = row; self.cur_col = col; changed_region.join(&self.cur_point()); changed_region } pub fn get_cursor(&self) -> (usize, usize) { (self.cur_row, self.cur_col) } pub fn put(&mut self, ch: Option, double_width: bool, attrs: Option<&Attrs>) -> ModelRect { let mut changed_region = self.cur_point(); let line = &mut self.model[self.cur_row]; line.dirty_line = true; let cell = &mut line[self.cur_col]; = ch; cell.attrs =; cell.attrs.double_width = double_width; cell.dirty = true; self.cur_col += 1; if self.cur_col >= self.columns { self.cur_col -= 1; } changed_region.join(&ModelRect::point(self.cur_col, self.cur_row)); changed_region } pub fn set_scroll_region(&mut self, top: u64, bot: u64, left: u64, right: u64) { = top as usize; = bot as usize; self.left = left as usize; self.right = right as usize; } /// Copy rows from 0 to to_row, col from 0 self.columns /// /// Don't do any validation! pub fn copy_rows(&self, target: &mut UiModel, to_row: usize) { for (row_idx, line) in self.model[0..to_row + 1].iter().enumerate() { let mut target_row = &mut target.model[row_idx]; line.copy_to(target_row, 0, self.columns - 1); } } #[inline] fn copy_row(&mut self, target_row: i64, offset: i64, left_col: usize, right_col: usize) { debug_assert_ne!(0, offset); let from_row = (target_row + offset) as usize; let (left, right) = if offset > 0 { self.model.split_at_mut(from_row) } else { self.model.split_at_mut(target_row as usize) }; let (source_row, target_row) = if offset > 0 { (&right[0], &mut left[target_row as usize]) } else { (&left[from_row], &mut right[0]) }; source_row.copy_to(target_row, left_col, right_col); } pub fn scroll(&mut self, count: i64) -> ModelRect { let (top, bot, left, right) = ( as i64, as i64, self.left, self.right); if count > 0 { for row in top..(bot - count + 1) { self.copy_row(row, count, left, right); } } else { for row in ((top - count)..(bot + 1)).rev() { self.copy_row(row, count, left, right); } } if count > 0 { self.clear_region((bot - count + 1) as usize, bot as usize, left, right); } else { self.clear_region(top as usize, (top - count - 1) as usize, left, right); } ModelRect::new(top as usize, bot as usize, left, right) } pub fn clear(&mut self) { let (rows, columns) = (self.rows, self.columns); self.clear_region(0, rows - 1, 0, columns - 1); } pub fn eol_clear(&mut self) -> ModelRect { let (cur_row, cur_col, columns) = (self.cur_row, self.cur_col, self.columns); self.clear_region(cur_row, cur_row, cur_col, columns - 1); ModelRect::new(cur_row, cur_row, cur_col, columns - 1) } fn clear_region(&mut self, top: usize, bot: usize, left: usize, right: usize) { for row in &mut self.model[ + 1] { row.clear(left, right); } } pub fn clear_glyphs(&mut self) { for row in &mut self.model.iter_mut() { row.clear_glyphs(); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_vec_join_inside() { let mut list = ModelRectVec::new(ModelRect::new(0, 23, 0, 69)); let inside = ModelRect::new(23, 23, 68, 69); list.join(&inside); assert_eq!(1, list.list.len()); } #[test] fn test_vec_join_top() { let mut list = ModelRectVec::new(ModelRect::point(0, 0)); let neighbor = ModelRect::point(1, 0); list.join(&neighbor); assert_eq!(1, list.list.len()); } #[test] fn test_model_vec_join_right() { let mut list = ModelRectVec::new(ModelRect::new(23, 23, 69, 69)); let neighbor = ModelRect::new(23, 23, 69, 70); list.join(&neighbor); assert_eq!(1, list.list.len()); } #[test] fn test_model_vec_join_right2() { let mut list = ModelRectVec::new(ModelRect::new(0, 1, 0, 9)); let neighbor = ModelRect::new(1, 1, 9, 10); list.join(&neighbor); assert_eq!(1, list.list.len()); } #[test] fn test_model_vec_join() { let mut list = ModelRectVec::new(ModelRect::point(5, 5)); let neighbor = ModelRect::point(6, 5); list.join(&neighbor); assert_eq!(1, list.list.len()); } #[test] fn test_model_vec_no_join() { let mut list = ModelRectVec::new(ModelRect::point(5, 5)); let not_neighbor = ModelRect::point(6, 6); list.join(¬_neighbor); assert_eq!(2, list.list.len()); } #[test] fn test_cursor_area() { let mut model = UiModel::new(10, 20); model.set_cursor(1, 1); let rect = model.set_cursor(5, 5); assert_eq!(2, rect.list.len()); assert_eq!(1, rect.list[0].top); assert_eq!(1, rect.list[0].left); assert_eq!(1, rect.list[0].bot); assert_eq!(1, rect.list[0].right); assert_eq!(5, rect.list[1].top); assert_eq!(5, rect.list[1].left); assert_eq!(5, rect.list[1].bot); assert_eq!(5, rect.list[1].right); } #[test] fn test_eol_clear_area() { let mut model = UiModel::new(10, 20); model.set_cursor(1, 2); let rect = model.eol_clear(); assert_eq!(1,; assert_eq!(2, rect.left); assert_eq!(1,; assert_eq!(19, rect.right); } #[test] fn test_put_area() { let mut model = UiModel::new(10, 20); model.set_cursor(1, 1); let rect = model.put(Some(" ".to_owned()), false, None); assert_eq!(1,; assert_eq!(1, rect.left); assert_eq!(1,; assert_eq!(2, rect.right); } #[test] fn test_scroll_area() { let mut model = UiModel::new(10, 20); model.set_scroll_region(1, 5, 1, 5); let rect = model.scroll(3); assert_eq!(1,; assert_eq!(1, rect.left); assert_eq!(5,; assert_eq!(5, rect.right); } }