" A Neovim plugin that implements GUI helper commands if !has('nvim') || exists('g:GuiLoaded') finish endif let g:GuiLoaded = 1 if exists('g:GuiInternalClipboard') function! provider#clipboard#Call(method, args) abort if a:method == 'get' return [rpcrequest(1, 'Gui', 'Clipboard', 'Get', a:args[0]), 'v'] elseif a:method == 'set' call rpcnotify(1, 'Gui', 'Clipboard', 'Set', a:args[2], join(a:args[0], ' ')) endif endfunction endif " Set GUI font function! GuiFont(fname, ...) abort call rpcnotify(1, 'Gui', 'Font', s:NvimQtToPangoFont(a:fname)) endfunction " Some subset of parse command from neovim-qt " to support interoperability function s:NvimQtToPangoFont(fname) let l:attrs = split(a:fname, ':') let l:size = -1 for part in l:attrs if len(part) >= 2 && part[0] == 'h' let l:size = strpart(part, 1) endif endfor if l:size > 0 return l:attrs[0] . ' ' . l:size endif return l:attrs[0] endf " The GuiFont command. For compatibility there is also Guifont function s:GuiFontCommand(fname, bang) abort if a:fname ==# '' if exists('g:GuiFont') echo g:GuiFont else echo 'No GuiFont is set' endif else call GuiFont(a:fname, a:bang ==# '!') endif endfunction command! -nargs=? -bang Guifont call s:GuiFontCommand("", "") command! -nargs=? -bang GuiFont call s:GuiFontCommand("", "")