use std::cell::RefCell; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::io; use std::fs; use std::fs::DirEntry; use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}; use std::rc::Rc; use std::ops::Deref; use gio; use gio::prelude::*; use gtk; use gtk::MenuExt; use gtk::prelude::*; use neovim_lib::{NeovimApi, NeovimApiAsync}; use misc::escape_filename; use nvim::{ErrorReport, NeovimClient, NeovimRef}; use shell; const ICON_FOLDER_CLOSED: &str = "folder-symbolic"; const ICON_FOLDER_OPEN: &str = "folder-open-symbolic"; const ICON_FILE: &str = "text-x-generic-symbolic"; struct Components { dir_list_model: gtk::TreeStore, dir_list: gtk::ComboBox, context_menu: gtk::Menu, show_hidden_checkbox: gtk::CheckMenuItem, cd_action: gio::SimpleAction, } struct State { current_dir: String, show_hidden: bool, selected_path: Option, } pub struct FileBrowserWidget { store: gtk::TreeStore, tree: gtk::TreeView, widget: gtk::Box, nvim: Option>, comps: Components, state: Rc>, } impl Deref for FileBrowserWidget { type Target = gtk::Box; fn deref(&self) -> >k::Box { &self.widget } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum FileType { File, Dir, } #[allow(dead_code)] enum Column { Filename, Path, FileType, IconName, } impl FileBrowserWidget { pub fn new() -> Self { let builder = gtk::Builder::new_from_string(include_str!("../resources/side-panel.ui")); let widget: gtk::Box = builder.get_object("file_browser").unwrap(); let tree: gtk::TreeView = builder.get_object("file_browser_tree_view").unwrap(); let store: gtk::TreeStore = builder.get_object("file_browser_tree_store").unwrap(); let dir_list_model: gtk::TreeStore = builder.get_object("dir_list_model").unwrap(); let dir_list: gtk::ComboBox = builder.get_object("dir_list").unwrap(); let context_menu: gtk::Menu = builder.get_object("file_browser_context_menu").unwrap(); let show_hidden_checkbox: gtk::CheckMenuItem = builder .get_object("file_browser_show_hidden_checkbox") .unwrap(); let file_browser = FileBrowserWidget { store, tree, widget, nvim: None, comps: Components { dir_list_model, dir_list, context_menu, show_hidden_checkbox, cd_action: gio::SimpleAction::new("cd", None), }, state: Rc::new(RefCell::new(State { current_dir: "".to_owned(), show_hidden: false, selected_path: None, })), }; file_browser } fn nvim(&self) -> Option { self.nvim.as_ref().unwrap().nvim() } pub fn init(&mut self, shell_state: &shell::State) { // Initialize values. let nvim = shell_state.nvim_clone(); self.nvim = Some(nvim); if let Some(dir) = get_current_dir(&mut self.nvim().unwrap()) { update_dir_list(&dir, &self.comps.dir_list_model, &self.comps.dir_list); self.state.borrow_mut().current_dir = dir; } // Populate tree. tree_reload(&, &self.state.borrow()); let store = &; let state_ref = &self.state; self.tree.connect_test_expand_row(clone!(store, state_ref => move |_, iter, _| { store.set(&iter, &[Column::IconName as u32], &[&ICON_FOLDER_OPEN]); // We cannot recursively populate all directories. Instead, we have prepared a single // empty child entry for all non-empty directories, so the row will be expandable. Now, // when a directory is expanded, populate its children. let state = state_ref.borrow(); if let Some(child) = store.iter_children(iter) { let filename = store.get_value(&child, Column::Filename as i32); if filename.get::<&str>().is_none() { store.remove(&child); let dir_value = store.get_value(&iter, Column::Path as i32); if let Some(dir) = dir_value.get() { populate_tree_nodes(&store, &state, dir, Some(iter)); } } else { // This directory is already populated, i.e. it has been expanded and collapsed // again. Rows further down the tree might have been silently collapsed without // getting an event. Update their folder icon. let mut tree_path = store.get_path(&child).unwrap(); while let Some(iter) = store.get_iter(&tree_path) {; let file_type = store .get_value(&iter, Column::FileType as i32) .get::(); if file_type == Some(FileType::Dir as u8) { store.set(&iter, &[Column::IconName as u32], &[&ICON_FOLDER_CLOSED]); } } } } Inhibit(false) })); self.tree.connect_row_collapsed(clone!(store => move |_, iter, _| { store.set(&iter, &[Column::IconName as u32], &[&ICON_FOLDER_CLOSED]); })); // Further initialization. self.init_actions(); self.init_subscriptions(shell_state); self.connect_events(); } fn init_actions(&self) { let actions = gio::SimpleActionGroup::new(); let store = &; let state_ref = &self.state; let nvim_ref = self.nvim.as_ref().unwrap(); let reload_action = gio::SimpleAction::new("reload", None); reload_action.connect_activate(clone!(store, state_ref => move |_, _| { tree_reload(&store, &state_ref.borrow()); })); actions.add_action(&reload_action); let cd_action = &self.comps.cd_action; cd_action.connect_activate(clone!(state_ref, nvim_ref => move |_, _| { let mut nvim = nvim_ref.nvim().unwrap(); if let Some(ref path) = state_ref.borrow().selected_path { nvim.set_current_dir(&path).report_err(); } })); actions.add_action(cd_action); self.comps .context_menu .insert_action_group("filebrowser", &actions); } fn init_subscriptions(&self, shell_state: &shell::State) { // Always set the current working directory as the root of the file browser. let store = &; let state_ref = &self.state; let dir_list_model = &self.comps.dir_list_model; let dir_list = &self.comps.dir_list; shell_state.subscribe( "DirChanged", &["getcwd()"], clone!(store, state_ref, dir_list_model, dir_list => move |args| { let dir = args.into_iter().next().unwrap(); let mut state = state_ref.borrow_mut(); if dir != *state.current_dir { update_dir_list(&dir, &dir_list_model, &dir_list); state.current_dir = dir; tree_reload(&store, &state); } }), ); // Reveal the file of an entered buffer in the file browser and select the entry. let tree = &self.tree; let subscription = shell_state.subscribe( "BufEnter", &["getcwd()", "expand('%:p')"], clone!(tree, store => move |args| { let mut args_iter = args.into_iter(); let dir =; let file_path =; let could_reveal = if let Ok(rel_path) = Path::new(&file_path).strip_prefix(&Path::new(&dir)) { reveal_path_in_tree(&store, &tree, &rel_path) } else { false }; if !could_reveal { tree.get_selection().unselect_all(); } }), ); shell_state.run_now(&subscription); } fn connect_events(&self) { // Open file / go to dir, when user clicks on an entry. let store = &; let state_ref = &self.state; let nvim_ref = self.nvim.as_ref().unwrap(); self.tree.connect_row_activated(clone!(store, state_ref, nvim_ref => move |tree, path, _| { let iter = store.get_iter(path).unwrap(); let file_type = store .get_value(&iter, Column::FileType as i32) .get::() .unwrap(); let file_path = store .get_value(&iter, Column::Path as i32) .get::() .unwrap(); if file_type == FileType::Dir as u8 { let expanded = tree.row_expanded(path); if expanded { tree.collapse_row(path); } else { tree.expand_row(path, false); } } else { // FileType::File let cwd = &state_ref.borrow().current_dir; let cwd = Path::new(cwd); let file_path = if let Some(rel_path) = Path::new(&file_path) .strip_prefix(&cwd) .ok() .and_then(|p| p.to_str()) { rel_path } else { &file_path }; let file_path = escape_filename(file_path); nvim_ref.nvim().unwrap().command_async(&format!(":e {}", file_path)) .cb(|r| r.report_err()) .call(); } })); // Connect directory list. let nvim_ref = self.nvim.as_ref().unwrap(); self.comps.dir_list.connect_changed(clone!(nvim_ref => move |dir_list| { if let Some(iter) = dir_list.get_active_iter() { let model = dir_list.get_model().unwrap(); if let Some(dir) = model.get_value(&iter, 2).get::<&str>() { let mut nvim = nvim_ref.nvim().unwrap(); nvim.set_current_dir(dir).report_err(); } } })); let store = &; let state_ref = &self.state; let context_menu = &self.comps.context_menu; let cd_action = &self.comps.cd_action; self.tree.connect_button_press_event( clone!(store, state_ref, context_menu, cd_action => move |tree, ev_btn| { // Open context menu on right click. if ev_btn.get_button() == 3 { context_menu.popup_at_pointer(&**ev_btn); let (pos_x, pos_y) = ev_btn.get_position(); let iter = tree .get_path_at_pos(pos_x as i32, pos_y as i32) .and_then(|(path, _, _, _)| path) .and_then(|path| store.get_iter(&path)); let file_type = iter .as_ref() .and_then(|iter| { store .get_value(&iter, Column::FileType as i32) .get::() }); // Enable the "Go To Directory" action only if the user clicked on a folder. cd_action.set_enabled(file_type == Some(FileType::Dir as u8)); let path = iter .and_then(|iter| { store .get_value(&iter, Column::Path as i32) .get::() }); state_ref.borrow_mut().selected_path = path; } Inhibit(false) }), ); // Show / hide hidden files when corresponding menu item is toggled. self.comps.show_hidden_checkbox.connect_toggled(clone!(state_ref, store => move |ev| { let mut state = state_ref.borrow_mut(); state.show_hidden = ev.get_active(); tree_reload(&store, &state); })); } } /// Compare function for dir entries. /// /// Sorts directories above files. fn cmp_dirs_first(lhs: &DirEntry, rhs: &DirEntry) -> io::Result { let lhs_metadata = fs::metadata(lhs.path())?; let rhs_metadata = fs::metadata(rhs.path())?; if lhs_metadata.file_type() == rhs_metadata.file_type() { Ok(lhs.path().cmp(&rhs.path())) } else { if lhs_metadata.is_dir() { Ok(Ordering::Less) } else { Ok(Ordering::Greater) } } } /// Clears an repopulate the entire tree. fn tree_reload(store: >k::TreeStore, state: &State) { let dir = &state.current_dir; store.clear(); populate_tree_nodes(store, state, dir, None); } /// Updates the dirctory list on top of the file browser. /// /// The list represents the path the the current working directory. If the new cwd is a parent of /// the old one, the list is kept and only the active entry is updated. Otherwise, the list is /// replaced with the new path and the last entry is marked active. fn update_dir_list(dir: &str, dir_list_model: >k::TreeStore, dir_list: >k::ComboBox) { // The current working directory path. let complete_path = Path::new(dir); let mut path = PathBuf::new(); let mut components = complete_path.components(); let mut next =; // Iterator over existing dir_list model. let mut dir_list_iter = dir_list_model.get_iter_first(); // Whether existing entries up to the current position of dir_list_iter are a prefix of the // new current working directory path. let mut is_prefix = true; // Iterate over components of the cwd. Simultaneously move dir_list_iter forward. while let Some(dir) = next { next =; let dir_name = &*dir.as_os_str().to_string_lossy(); // Assemble path up to current component. path.push(Path::new(&dir)); let path_str = path.to_str().unwrap_or_else(|| { error!( "Could not convert path to string: {}\n Directory chooser will not work for that entry.", path.to_string_lossy() ); "" }); // Use the current entry of dir_list, if any, otherwise append a new one. let current_iter = dir_list_iter.unwrap_or_else(|| dir_list_model.append(None)); // Check if the current entry is still part of the new cwd. if is_prefix && dir_list_model.get_value(¤t_iter, 0).get::<&str>() != Some(&dir_name) { is_prefix = false; } if next.is_some() { // Update dir_list entry. dir_list_model.set( ¤t_iter, &[0, 1, 2], &[&dir_name, &ICON_FOLDER_CLOSED, &path_str], ); } else { // We reached the last component of the new cwd path. Set the active entry of dir_list // to this one. dir_list_model.set( ¤t_iter, &[0, 1, 2], &[&dir_name, &ICON_FOLDER_OPEN, &path_str], ); dir_list.set_active_iter(¤t_iter); }; // Advance dir_list_iter. dir_list_iter = if dir_list_model.iter_next(¤t_iter) { Some(current_iter) } else { None } } // We updated the dir list to the point of the current working directory. if let Some(iter) = dir_list_iter { if is_prefix { // If we didn't change any entries to this point and the list contains further entries, // the remaining ones are subdirectories of the cwd and we keep them. loop { dir_list_model.set(&iter, &[1], &[&ICON_FOLDER_CLOSED]); if !dir_list_model.iter_next(&iter) { break; } } } else { // If we needed to change entries, the following ones are not directories under the // cwd and we clear them. while dir_list_model.remove(&iter) {} } } } /// Populates one level, i.e. one directory of the file browser tree. fn populate_tree_nodes( store: >k::TreeStore, state: &State, dir: &str, parent: Option<>k::TreeIter>, ) { let path = Path::new(dir); let read_dir = match path.read_dir() { Ok(read_dir) => read_dir, Err(err) => { error!("Couldn't populate tree: {}", err); return; } }; let iter = read_dir.filter_map(Result::ok); let mut entries: Vec = if state.show_hidden { iter.collect() } else { iter.filter(|entry| !entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().starts_with(".")) .filter(|entry| !entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().ends_with("~")) .collect() }; entries.sort_unstable_by(|lhs, rhs| cmp_dirs_first(lhs, rhs).unwrap_or(Ordering::Equal)); for entry in entries { let path = if let Some(path) = entry.path().to_str() { path.to_owned() } else { // Skip paths that contain invalid unicode. continue; }; let filename = entry.file_name().to_str().unwrap().to_owned(); let file_type = if let Ok(metadata) = fs::metadata(entry.path()) { let file_type = metadata.file_type(); if file_type.is_dir() { FileType::Dir } else if file_type.is_file() { FileType::File } else { continue; } } else { // In case of invalid symlinks, we cannot obtain metadata. continue; }; let icon = match file_type { FileType::Dir => ICON_FOLDER_CLOSED, FileType::File => ICON_FILE, }; // When we get until here, we want to show the entry. Append it to the tree. let iter = store.append(parent); store.set( &iter, &[0, 1, 2, 3], &[&filename, &path, &(file_type as u8), &icon], ); // For directories, check whether the directory is empty. If not, append a single empty // entry, so the expand arrow is shown. Its contents are dynamically populated when // expanded (see `init`). if let FileType::Dir = file_type { let not_empty = if let Ok(mut dir) = entry.path().read_dir() { } else { false }; if not_empty { let iter = store.append(&iter); store.set(&iter, &[], &[]); } } } } fn get_current_dir(nvim: &mut NeovimRef) -> Option { match nvim.eval("getcwd()") { Ok(cwd) => cwd.as_str().map(|s| s.to_owned()), Err(err) => { error!("Couldn't get cwd: {}", err); None } } } /// Reveals and selects the given file in the file browser. /// /// Returns `true` if the file could be successfully revealed. fn reveal_path_in_tree(store: >k::TreeStore, tree: >k::TreeView, rel_file_path: &Path) -> bool { let mut tree_path = gtk::TreePath::new(); 'components: for component in rel_file_path.components() { if let Component::Normal(component) = component { tree_path.down(); while let Some(iter) = store.get_iter(&tree_path) { let entry_value = store.get_value(&iter, Column::Filename as i32); let entry = entry_value.get::<&str>().unwrap(); if component == entry { tree.expand_row(&tree_path, false); continue 'components; }; } return false; } else { return false; } } if tree_path.get_depth() == 0 { return false; } tree.set_cursor(&tree_path, None, false); true }