use std::io; use std::thread; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use serde_json; use gtk; use gtk::prelude::*; use glib; pub fn call(cb: F) where F: FnOnce(io::Result) + Send + 'static, { thread::spawn(move || { let mut cb = Some(cb); glib::idle_add(move || { cb.take().unwrap()(request()); glib::Continue(false) }) }); } fn request() -> io::Result { let child = Command::new("curl") .arg("-s") .arg("") .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn()?; let out = child.wait_with_output()?; if out.status.success() { let description_list: DescriptionList = serde_json::from_slice(&out.stdout).map_err(|e| { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e) })?; Ok(description_list) } else { Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!( "curl exit with error:\n{}", match out.status.code() { Some(code) => format!("Exited with status code: {}", code), None => "Process terminated by signal".to_owned(), } ), )) } } pub fn build_result_panel(list: &DescriptionList) -> gtk::ScrolledWindow { let scroll = gtk::ScrolledWindow::new(None, None); scroll.get_style_context().map(|c| c.add_class("view")); let panel = gtk::ListBox::new(); for plug in list.plugins.iter() { let row = create_plug_row(plug); panel.add(&row); } scroll.add(&panel); scroll.show_all(); scroll } fn create_plug_row(plug: &Description) -> gtk::ListBoxRow { let row = gtk::ListBoxRow::new(); let row_container = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 5); row_container.set_border_width(5); let hbox = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, 5); let label_box = create_plug_label(plug); let button_box = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, 0); button_box.set_halign(gtk::Align::End); let add_btn = gtk::Button::new_with_label("Install"); button_box.pack_start(&add_btn, false, true, 0); row_container.pack_start(&hbox, true, true, 0); hbox.pack_start(&label_box, true, true, 0); hbox.pack_start(&button_box, false, true, 0); row.add(&row_container); add_btn.connect_clicked(clone!(button_box => move |_| { })); row } fn create_plug_label(plug: &Description) -> gtk::Box { let label_box = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 5); let name_lbl = gtk::Label::new(None); name_lbl.set_markup(&format!( "{} by {}",,|s| s.as_ref()).unwrap_or( "unknown", ) )); name_lbl.set_halign(gtk::Align::Start); let url_lbl = gtk::Label::new(None); if let Some(url) = plug.github_url.as_ref() { url_lbl.set_markup(&format!("{}", url, url)); } url_lbl.set_halign(gtk::Align::Start); label_box.pack_start(&name_lbl, true, true, 0); label_box.pack_start(&url_lbl, true, true, 0); label_box } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct DescriptionList { pub plugins: Box<[Description]>, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Description { pub name: String, pub github_url: Option, pub author: Option, pub github_stars: Option, }