" Utilities for list. let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! s:pop(list) return remove(a:list, -1) endfunction function! s:push(list, val) call add(a:list, a:val) return a:list endfunction function! s:shift(list) return remove(a:list, 0) endfunction function! s:unshift(list, val) return insert(a:list, a:val) endfunction function! s:cons(x, xs) return [a:x] + a:xs endfunction " TODO spec function! s:conj(xs, x) return a:xs + [a:x] endfunction " Removes duplicates from a list. function! s:uniq(list, ...) let list = a:0 ? map(copy(a:list), printf('[v:val, %s]', a:1)) : copy(a:list) let i = 0 let seen = {} while i < len(list) let key = string(a:0 ? list[i][1] : list[i]) if has_key(seen, key) call remove(list, i) else let seen[key] = 1 let i += 1 endif endwhile return a:0 ? map(list, 'v:val[0]') : list endfunction function! s:clear(list) if !empty(a:list) unlet! a:list[0 : len(a:list) - 1] endif return a:list endfunction " Concatenates a list of lists. " XXX: Should we verify the input? function! s:concat(list) let list = [] for Value in a:list let list += Value endfor return list endfunction " Flattens a list. function! s:flatten(list, ...) let limit = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : -1 let list = [] if limit == 0 return a:list endif let limit -= 1 for Value in a:list if type(Value) == type([]) let list += s:flatten(Value, limit) else call add(list, Value) endif unlet! Value endfor return list endfunction " Sorts a list with expression to compare each two values. " a:a and a:b can be used in {expr}. function! s:sort(list, expr) if type(a:expr) == type(function('function')) return sort(a:list, a:expr) endif let s:expr = a:expr return sort(a:list, 's:_compare') endfunction function! s:_compare(a, b) return eval(s:expr) endfunction " Sorts a list using a set of keys generated by mapping the values in the list " through the given expr. " v:val is used in {expr} function! s:sort_by(list, expr) let pairs = map(a:list, printf('[v:val, %s]', a:expr)) return map(s:sort(pairs, \ 'a:a[1] ==# a:b[1] ? 0 : a:a[1] ># a:b[1] ? 1 : -1'), 'v:val[0]') endfunction function! s:max(list, expr) echoerr 'Data.List.max() is obsolete. Use its max_by() instead.' return s:max_by(a:list, a:expr) endfunction " Returns a maximum value in {list} through given {expr}. " Returns 0 if {list} is empty. " v:val is used in {expr} function! s:max_by(list, expr) if empty(a:list) return 0 endif let list = map(copy(a:list), a:expr) return a:list[index(list, max(list))] endfunction function! s:min(list, expr) echoerr 'Data.List.min() is obsolete. Use its min_by() instead.' return s:min_by(a:list, a:expr) endfunction " Returns a minimum value in {list} through given {expr}. " Returns 0 if {list} is empty. " v:val is used in {expr} " FIXME: -0x80000000 == 0x80000000 function! s:min_by(list, expr) return s:max_by(a:list, '-(' . a:expr . ')') endfunction " Returns List of character sequence between [a:from, a:to] " e.g.: s:char_range('a', 'c') returns ['a', 'b', 'c'] function! s:char_range(from, to) return map( \ range(char2nr(a:from), char2nr(a:to)), \ 'nr2char(v:val)' \) endfunction " Returns true if a:list has a:value. " Returns false otherwise. function! s:has(list, value) return index(a:list, a:value) isnot -1 endfunction " Returns true if a:list[a:index] exists. " Returns false otherwise. " NOTE: Returns false when a:index is negative number. function! s:has_index(list, index) " Return true when negative index? " let index = a:index >= 0 ? a:index : len(a:list) + a:index return 0 <= a:index && a:index < len(a:list) endfunction " similar to Haskell's Data.List.span function! s:span(f, xs) let border = len(a:xs) for i in range(len(a:xs)) if !eval(substitute(a:f, 'v:val', string(a:xs[i]), 'g')) let border = i break endif endfor return border == 0 ? [[], copy(a:xs)] : [a:xs[: border - 1], a:xs[border :]] endfunction " similar to Haskell's Data.List.break function! s:break(f, xs) return s:span(printf('!(%s)', a:f), a:xs) endfunction " similar to Haskell's Data.List.takeWhile function! s:take_while(f, xs) return s:span(a:f, a:xs)[0] endfunction " similar to Haskell's Data.List.partition function! s:partition(f, xs) return [filter(copy(a:xs), a:f), filter(copy(a:xs), '!(' . a:f . ')')] endfunction " similar to Haskell's Prelude.all function! s:all(f, xs) return !s:any(printf('!(%s)', a:f), a:xs) endfunction " similar to Haskell's Prelude.any function! s:any(f, xs) return !empty(filter(map(copy(a:xs), a:f), 'v:val')) endfunction " similar to Haskell's Prelude.and function! s:and(xs) return s:all('v:val', a:xs) endfunction " similar to Haskell's Prelude.or function! s:or(xs) return s:any('v:val', a:xs) endfunction " similar to Haskell's Prelude.foldl function! s:foldl(f, init, xs) let memo = a:init for x in a:xs let expr = substitute(a:f, 'v:val', string(x), 'g') let expr = substitute(expr, 'v:memo', string(memo), 'g') unlet memo let memo = eval(expr) endfor return memo endfunction " similar to Haskell's Prelude.foldl1 function! s:foldl1(f, xs) if len(a:xs) == 0 throw 'foldl1' endif return s:foldl(a:f, a:xs[0], a:xs[1:]) endfunction " similar to Haskell's Prelude.foldr function! s:foldr(f, init, xs) return s:foldl(a:f, a:init, reverse(copy(a:xs))) endfunction " similar to Haskell's Prelude.fold11 function! s:foldr1(f, xs) if len(a:xs) == 0 throw 'foldr1' endif return s:foldr(a:f, a:xs[-1], a:xs[0:-2]) endfunction " similar to python's zip() function! s:zip(...) return map(range(min(map(copy(a:000), 'len(v:val)'))), "map(copy(a:000), 'v:val['.v:val.']')") endfunction " similar to zip(), but goes until the longer one. function! s:zip_fill(xs, ys, filler) if empty(a:xs) && empty(a:ys) return [] elseif empty(a:ys) return s:cons([a:xs[0], a:filler], s:zip_fill(a:xs[1 :], [], a:filler)) elseif empty(a:xs) return s:cons([a:filler, a:ys[0]], s:zip_fill([], a:ys[1 :], a:filler)) else return s:cons([a:xs[0], a:ys[0]], s:zip_fill(a:xs[1 :], a:ys[1: ], a:filler)) endif endfunction " Inspired by Ruby's with_index method. function! s:with_index(list, ...) let base = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 return s:zip(a:list, range(base, len(a:list)+base-1)) endfunction " similar to Ruby's detect or Haskell's find. " TODO spec and doc function! s:find(list, default, f) for x in a:list if eval(substitute(a:f, 'v:val', string(x), 'g')) return x endif endfor return a:default endfunction " Return non-zero if a:list1 and a:list2 have any common item(s). " Return zero otherwise. function! s:has_common_items(list1, list2) return !empty(filter(copy(a:list1), 'index(a:list2, v:val) isnot -1')) endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim:set et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 tw=0: