"============================================================================= " FILE: view.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! neosnippet#view#_expand(cur_text, col, trigger_name) "{{{ call s:skip_next_auto_completion() let snippets = neosnippet#helpers#get_snippets() if a:trigger_name == '' || !has_key(snippets, a:trigger_name) let pos = getpos('.') let pos[2] = len(a:cur_text)+1 call setpos('.', pos) if pos[2] < col('$') startinsert else startinsert! endif return endif let snippet = snippets[a:trigger_name] let cur_text = a:cur_text[: -1-len(a:trigger_name)] let snip_word = snippet.snip if snip_word =~ '\\\@', 'g') let snip_word = substitute(snip_word, \ '\\\@', 'g') let snip_word = substitute(snip_word, \ '\\'.neosnippet#get_mirror_placeholder_marker_substitute_pattern().'\|'. \ '\\'.neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_substitute_pattern(), \ '\=submatch(0)[1:]', 'g') " Insert snippets. let next_line = getline('.')[a:col-1 :] let snippet_lines = split(snip_word, '\n', 1) if empty(snippet_lines) return endif let begin_line = line('.') let end_line = line('.') + len(snippet_lines) - 1 let snippet_lines[0] = cur_text . snippet_lines[0] let snippet_lines[-1] = snippet_lines[-1] . next_line let foldmethod_save = '' if has('folding') " Note: Change foldmethod to "manual". Because, if you use foldmethod is " expr, whole snippet is visually selected. let foldmethod_save = &l:foldmethod let &l:foldmethod = 'manual' endif let expand_stack = neosnippet#variables#expand_stack() try if len(snippet_lines) > 1 call append('.', snippet_lines[1:]) endif call setline('.', snippet_lines[0]) if begin_line != end_line || snippet.options.indent call s:indent_snippet(begin_line, end_line) endif let begin_patterns = (begin_line > 1) ? \ [getline(begin_line - 1)] : [] let end_patterns = (end_line < line('$')) ? \ [getline(end_line + 1)] : [] call add(expand_stack, { \ 'begin_line' : begin_line, \ 'begin_patterns' : begin_patterns, \ 'end_line' : end_line, \ 'end_patterns' : end_patterns, \ 'holder_cnt' : 1, \ }) if snip_word =~ neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_pattern() call neosnippet#view#_jump(a:cur_text, a:col) endif finally if has('folding') if foldmethod_save !=# &l:foldmethod let &l:foldmethod = foldmethod_save endif silent! execute begin_line . ',' . end_line . 'foldopen!' endif endtry let &l:iminsert = 0 let &l:imsearch = 0 endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#view#_jump(cur_text, col) "{{{ call s:skip_next_auto_completion() let expand_stack = neosnippet#variables#expand_stack() " Get patterns and count. if empty(expand_stack) return s:search_outof_range(a:col) endif let expand_info = expand_stack[-1] " Search patterns. let [begin, end] = neosnippet#view#_get_snippet_range( \ expand_info.begin_line, \ expand_info.begin_patterns, \ expand_info.end_line, \ expand_info.end_patterns) if neosnippet#view#_search_snippet_range( \ begin, end, expand_info.holder_cnt) " Next count. let expand_info.holder_cnt += 1 return 1 endif " Search placeholder 0. if neosnippet#view#_search_snippet_range(begin, end, 0) return 1 endif " Not found. let expand_stack = neosnippet#variables#expand_stack() let expand_stack = expand_stack[: -2] return s:search_outof_range(a:col) endfunction"}}} function! s:indent_snippet(begin, end) "{{{ if a:begin > a:end return endif let pos = getpos('.') let equalprg = &l:equalprg try setlocal equalprg= let base_indent = matchstr(getline(a:begin), '^\s\+') for line_nr in range(a:begin + 1, a:end) call cursor(line_nr, 0) if getline('.') =~ '^\t\+' " Delete head tab character. let current_line = substitute(getline('.'), '^\t', '', '') if &l:expandtab && current_line =~ '^\t\+' " Expand tab. cal setline('.', substitute(current_line, \ '^\t\+', base_indent . repeat(' ', &shiftwidth * \ len(matchstr(current_line, '^\t\+'))), '')) elseif line_nr != a:begin call setline('.', base_indent . current_line) endif else silent normal! == endif endfor finally let &l:equalprg = equalprg call setpos('.', pos) endtry endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#view#_get_snippet_range(begin_line, begin_patterns, end_line, end_patterns) "{{{ let pos = getpos('.') call cursor(a:begin_line, 0) if empty(a:begin_patterns) let begin = line('.') - 50 else let begin = searchpos('^' . neosnippet#util#escape_pattern( \ a:begin_patterns[0]) . '$', 'bnW')[0] if begin <= 0 let begin = line('.') - 50 endif endif if begin <= 0 let begin = 1 endif call cursor(a:end_line, 0) if empty(a:end_patterns) let end = line('.') + 50 else let end = searchpos('^' . neosnippet#util#escape_pattern( \ a:end_patterns[0]) . '$', 'nW')[0] if end <= 0 let end = line('.') + 50 endif endif if end > line('$') let end = line('$') endif call setpos('.', pos) return [begin, end] endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#view#_search_snippet_range(start, end, cnt, ...) "{{{ let is_select = get(a:000, 0, 1) call s:substitute_placeholder_marker(a:start, a:end, a:cnt) " Search marker pattern. let pattern = substitute(neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', a:cnt, '') for line in filter(range(a:start, a:end), \ 'getline(v:val) =~ pattern') call s:expand_placeholder(a:start, a:end, a:cnt, line, is_select) return 1 endfor return 0 endfunction"}}} function! s:search_outof_range(col) "{{{ call s:substitute_placeholder_marker(1, 0, 0) let pattern = neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_pattern() if search(pattern, 'w') > 0 call s:expand_placeholder(line('.'), 0, '\\d\\+', line('.')) return 1 endif let pos = getpos('.') if a:col == 1 let pos[2] = 1 call setpos('.', pos) startinsert elseif a:col >= col('$') startinsert! else let pos[2] = a:col+1 call setpos('.', pos) startinsert endif " Not found. return 0 endfunction"}}} function! s:expand_placeholder(start, end, holder_cnt, line, ...) "{{{ let is_select = get(a:000, 0, 1) let pattern = substitute(neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', a:holder_cnt, '') let current_line = getline(a:line) let match = match(current_line, pattern) let neosnippet = neosnippet#variables#current_neosnippet() let default_pattern = substitute( \ neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_default_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', a:holder_cnt, '') let default = substitute( \ matchstr(current_line, default_pattern), \ '\\\ze[^\\]', '', 'g') if !is_select && default =~ '^#:' " Delete comments. let default = '' endif let is_target = (default =~ '^TARGET\>' && neosnippet.target != '') let default = substitute(default, '^TARGET:\?', neosnippet.target, '') let neosnippet.selected_text = default " Substitute marker. let default = substitute(default, \ neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_substitute_pattern(), \ '<`\1`>', 'g') let default = substitute(default, \ neosnippet#get_mirror_placeholder_marker_substitute_pattern(), \ '<|\1|>', 'g') " len() cannot use for multibyte. let default_len = len(substitute(default, '.', 'x', 'g')) let pos = getpos('.') let pos[1] = a:line let pos[2] = match+1 let cnt = s:search_sync_placeholder(a:start, a:end, a:holder_cnt) if cnt >= 0 let pattern = substitute(neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', cnt, '') call setline(a:line, substitute(current_line, pattern, \ '<{'.cnt.':'.escape(default, '\').'}>', '')) let pos[2] += len('<{'.cnt.':') else if is_target let default = '' endif " Substitute holder. call setline(a:line, \ substitute(current_line, pattern, escape(default, '&\'), '')) endif call setpos('.', pos) if is_target && cnt < 0 " Expand target return s:expand_target_placeholder(a:line, match+1) endif if default_len > 0 && is_select " Select default value. let len = default_len-1 if &l:selection == 'exclusive' let len += 1 endif stopinsert execute 'normal! v'. repeat('l', len) . "\" elseif pos[2] < col('$') startinsert else startinsert! endif endfunction"}}} function! s:expand_target_placeholder(line, col) "{{{ " Expand target let neosnippet = neosnippet#variables#current_neosnippet() let next_line = getline(a:line)[a:col-1 :] let target_lines = split(neosnippet.target, '\n', 1) let cur_text = getline(a:line)[: a:col-2] let target_lines[0] = cur_text . target_lines[0] let target_lines[-1] = target_lines[-1] . next_line let begin_line = a:line let end_line = a:line + len(target_lines) - 1 let col = col('.') try let base_indent = matchstr(cur_text, '^\s\+') call setline(a:line, target_lines[0]) if len(target_lines) > 1 call append(a:line, map(target_lines[1:], \ 'base_indent . v:val')) endif call cursor(end_line, 0) if next_line != '' startinsert let col = col('.') else startinsert! let col = col('$') endif finally if has('folding') silent! execute begin_line . ',' . end_line . 'foldopen!' endif endtry let neosnippet.target = '' call neosnippet#view#_jump(neosnippet#util#get_cur_text(), col) endfunction"}}} function! s:search_sync_placeholder(start, end, number) "{{{ if a:end == 0 " Search in current buffer. let cnt = matchstr(getline('.'), \ substitute(neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', '\\zs\\d\\+\\ze', '')) return search(substitute( \ neosnippet#get_mirror_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', cnt, ''), 'nw') > 0 ? cnt : -1 endif let pattern = substitute( \ neosnippet#get_mirror_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', a:number, '') if !empty(filter(range(a:start, a:end), \ 'getline(v:val) =~ pattern')) return a:number endif return -1 endfunction"}}} function! s:substitute_placeholder_marker(start, end, snippet_holder_cnt) "{{{ if a:snippet_holder_cnt > 0 let cnt = a:snippet_holder_cnt-1 let sync_marker = substitute(neosnippet#get_sync_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', cnt, '') let mirror_marker = substitute( \ neosnippet#get_mirror_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', cnt, '') let line = a:start for line in range(a:start, a:end) if getline(line) =~ sync_marker let sub = escape(matchstr(getline(line), \ substitute(neosnippet#get_sync_placeholder_marker_default_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', cnt, '')), '/\&') silent execute printf('%d,%ds/\m' . mirror_marker . '/%s/' \ . (&gdefault ? '' : 'g'), a:start, a:end, sub) call setline(line, substitute(getline(line), sync_marker, sub, '')) endif endfor elseif search(neosnippet#get_sync_placeholder_marker_pattern(), 'wb') > 0 let sub = escape(matchstr(getline('.'), \ neosnippet#get_sync_placeholder_marker_default_pattern()), '/\') let cnt = matchstr(getline('.'), \ substitute(neosnippet#get_sync_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', '\\zs\\d\\+\\ze', '')) let mirror_marker = substitute( \ neosnippet#get_mirror_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', cnt, '') silent execute printf('%%s/\m' . mirror_marker . '/%s/' \ . (&gdefault ? 'g' : ''), sub) let sync_marker = substitute(neosnippet#get_sync_placeholder_marker_pattern(), \ '\\d\\+', cnt, '') call setline('.', substitute(getline('.'), sync_marker, sub, '')) endif endfunction"}}} function! s:eval_snippet(snippet_text) "{{{ let snip_word = '' let prev_match = 0 let match = match(a:snippet_text, '\\\@= 0 if match - prev_match > 0 let snip_word .= a:snippet_text[prev_match : match - 1] endif let prev_match = matchend(a:snippet_text, \ '\\\@= 0 let snip_word .= a:snippet_text[prev_match :] endif return snip_word endfunction"}}} function! s:skip_next_auto_completion() "{{{ " Skip next auto completion. if exists('*neocomplcache#skip_next_complete') call neocomplcache#skip_next_complete() endif if exists('*neocomplete#skip_next_complete') call neocomplete#skip_next_complete() endif let neosnippet = neosnippet#variables#current_neosnippet() let neosnippet.trigger = 0 endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker