"============================================================================= " FILE: parser.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim let s:Cache = neosnippet#util#get_vital().import('System.Cache') function! neosnippet#parser#_parse(snippet_file) "{{{ if !filereadable(a:snippet_file) call neosnippet#util#print_error( \ printf('snippet file "%s" is not found.', a:snippet_file)) return {} endif let cache_dir = neosnippet#variables#data_dir() if s:Cache.check_old_cache(cache_dir, a:snippet_file) let snippets = s:parse(a:snippet_file) if len(snippets) > 5 call s:Cache.writefile(cache_dir, a:snippet_file, [string(snippets)]) endif else sandbox let snippets = eval(s:Cache.readfile(cache_dir, a:snippet_file)[0]) endif return snippets endfunction"}}} function! s:parse(snippet_file) "{{{ let dup_check = {} let snippet_dict = {} let linenr = 1 let snippets = {} for line in readfile(a:snippet_file) if line =~ '^\h\w*.*\s$' " Delete spaces. let line = substitute(line, '\s\+$', '', '') endif if line =~ '^#' " Ignore. elseif line =~ '^include' " Include snippets. let filename = matchstr(line, '^include\s\+\zs.*$') for snippet_file in split(globpath(join( \ neosnippet#helpers#get_snippets_directory(), ','), \ filename), '\n') let snippets = extend(snippets, \ neosnippet#parser#_parse(snippet_file)) endfor elseif line =~ '^delete\s' let name = matchstr(line, '^delete\s\+\zs.*$') if name != '' && has_key(snippets, name) call filter(snippets, 'v:val.real_name !=# name') endif elseif line =~ '^snippet\s' if !empty(snippet_dict) " Set previous snippet. call s:set_snippet_dict(snippet_dict, \ snippets, dup_check, a:snippet_file) endif let snippet_dict = s:parse_snippet_name( \ a:snippet_file, line, linenr, dup_check) elseif !empty(snippet_dict) if line =~ '^\s' || line == '' if snippet_dict.word == '' " Substitute head tab character. let line = substitute(line, '^\t', '', '') endif let snippet_dict.word .= \ substitute(line, '^ *', '', '') . "\n" else call s:add_snippet_attribute( \ a:snippet_file, line, linenr, snippet_dict) endif endif let linenr += 1 endfor if !empty(snippet_dict) " Set previous snippet. call s:set_snippet_dict(snippet_dict, \ snippets, dup_check, a:snippet_file) endif return snippets endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_snippet_name(snippet_file, line, linenr, dup_check) "{{{ " Initialize snippet dict. let snippet_dict = { 'word' : '', 'linenr' : a:linenr, \ 'options' : neosnippet#parser#_initialize_snippet_options() } " Try using the name without the description (abbr). let snippet_dict.name = matchstr(a:line, '^snippet\s\+\zs\S\+') " Fall back to using the name and description (abbr) combined. " SnipMate snippets may have duplicate names, but different " descriptions (abbrs). let description = matchstr(a:line, '^snippet\s\+\S\+\s\+\zs.*$') if description != '' && description !=# snippet_dict.name " Convert description. let snippet_dict.name .= '_' . \ substitute(substitute( \ description, '\W\+', '_', 'g'), '_\+$', '', '') endif " Collect the description (abbr) of the snippet, if set on snippet line. " This is for compatibility with SnipMate-style snippets. let snippet_dict.abbr = matchstr(a:line, \ '^snippet\s\+\S\+\s\+\zs.*$') " Check for duplicated names. if has_key(a:dup_check, snippet_dict.name) let dup = a:dup_check[snippet_dict.name] call neosnippet#util#print_error(printf( \ 'Warning: %s:%d is overriding `%s` from %s:%d', \ a:snippet_file, a:linenr, snippet_dict.name, \ dup.action__path, dup.action__line)) call neosnippet#util#print_error(printf( \ 'Please rename the snippet name or use `delete %s`.', \ snippet_dict.name)) endif return snippet_dict endfunction"}}} function! s:add_snippet_attribute(snippet_file, line, linenr, snippet_dict) "{{{ " Allow overriding/setting of the description (abbr) of the snippet. " This will override what was set via the snippet line. if a:line =~ '^abbr\s' let a:snippet_dict.abbr = matchstr(a:line, '^abbr\s\+\zs.*$') elseif a:line =~ '^alias\s' let a:snippet_dict.alias = split(matchstr(a:line, \ '^alias\s\+\zs.*$'), '[,[:space:]]\+') elseif a:line =~ '^prev_word\s' let prev_word = matchstr(a:line, \ '^prev_word\s\+[''"]\zs.*\ze[''"]$') if prev_word == '^' " For backward compatibility. let a:snippet_dict.options.head = 1 else call neosnippet#util#print_error( \ 'prev_word must be "^" character.') endif elseif a:line =~ '^regexp\s' let a:snippet_dict.regexp = matchstr(a:line, \ '^regexp\s\+[''"]\zs.*\ze[''"]$') elseif a:line =~ '^options\s\+' for option in split(matchstr(a:line, \ '^options\s\+\zs.*$'), '[,[:space:]]\+') if !has_key(a:snippet_dict.options, option) call neosnippet#util#print_error( \ printf('[neosnippet] %s:%d', a:snippet_file, a:linenr)) call neosnippet#util#print_error( \ printf('[neosnippet] Invalid option name : "%s"', option)) else let a:snippet_dict.options[option] = 1 endif endfor else call neosnippet#util#print_error( \ printf('[neosnippet] %s:%d', a:snippet_file, a:linenr)) call neosnippet#util#print_error( \ printf('[neosnippet] Invalid syntax : "%s"', a:line)) endif endfunction"}}} function! s:set_snippet_dict(snippet_dict, snippets, dup_check, snippet_file) "{{{ if empty(a:snippet_dict) return endif let action_pattern = '^snippet\s\+' . a:snippet_dict.name . '$' let snippet = neosnippet#parser#_initialize_snippet( \ a:snippet_dict, a:snippet_file, \ a:snippet_dict.linenr, action_pattern, \ a:snippet_dict.name) let a:snippets[a:snippet_dict.name] = snippet let a:dup_check[a:snippet_dict.name] = snippet for alias in get(a:snippet_dict, 'alias', []) let alias_snippet = copy(snippet) let alias_snippet.word = alias let a:snippets[alias] = alias_snippet let a:dup_check[alias] = alias_snippet endfor endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#parser#_initialize_snippet(dict, path, line, pattern, name) "{{{ let a:dict.word = substitute(a:dict.word, '\n\+$', '', '') if a:dict.word !~ \ neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_substitute_pattern() " Add placeholder. let a:dict.word .= '${0}' endif let menu_prefix = '[nsnip] ' if !has_key(a:dict, 'abbr') || a:dict.abbr == '' " Set default abbr. let abbr = substitute(a:dict.word, \ neosnippet#get_placeholder_marker_pattern(). '\|'. \ neosnippet#get_mirror_placeholder_marker_pattern(). \ '\|\s\+\|\n\|TARGET', ' ', 'g') let a:dict.abbr = a:dict.name else let abbr = a:dict.abbr endif let snippet = { \ 'word' : a:dict.name, 'snip' : a:dict.word, \ 'description' : a:dict.word, \ 'menu_template' : menu_prefix . abbr, \ 'menu_abbr' : abbr, \ 'options' : a:dict.options, \ 'action__path' : a:path, 'action__line' : a:line, \ 'action__pattern' : a:pattern, 'real_name' : a:name, \} if has_key(a:dict, 'regexp') let snippet.regexp = a:dict.regexp endif return snippet endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#parser#_initialize_snippet_options() "{{{ return { 'head' : 0, 'word' : \ g:neosnippet#expand_word_boundary, 'indent' : 0 } endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker