"============================================================================= " FILE: helpers.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita " License: MIT license "============================================================================= function! neosnippet#helpers#get_cursor_snippet(snippets, cur_text) abort "{{{ let cur_word = matchstr(a:cur_text, '\S\+$') if cur_word != '' && has_key(a:snippets, cur_word) return cur_word endif while cur_word != '' if has_key(a:snippets, cur_word) && \ a:snippets[cur_word].options.word return cur_word endif let cur_word = substitute(cur_word, '^\%(\w\+\|\W\)', '', '') endwhile return cur_word endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#helpers#get_snippets(...) abort "{{{ let mode = get(a:000, 0, mode()) call neosnippet#init#check() let neosnippet = neosnippet#variables#current_neosnippet() let snippets = copy(neosnippet.snippets) for filetype in s:get_sources_filetypes(neosnippet#helpers#get_filetype()) call neosnippet#commands#_make_cache(filetype) call extend(snippets, neosnippet#variables#snippets()[filetype]) endfor let cur_text = neosnippet#util#get_cur_text() if mode ==# 'i' || mode ==# 's' " Special filters. if !s:is_beginning_of_line(cur_text) call filter(snippets, '!v:val.options.head') endif endif call filter(snippets, "cur_text =~# get(v:val, 'regexp', '')") if exists('b:neosnippet_disable_snippet_triggers') call filter(snippets, \ "index(b:neosnippet_disable_snippet_triggers, v:val.word) < 0") endif return snippets endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#helpers#get_completion_snippets() abort "{{{ return filter(neosnippet#helpers#get_snippets(), \ "!get(v:val.options, 'oneshot', 0)") endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#helpers#get_snippets_directory() abort "{{{ let snippets_dir = copy(neosnippet#variables#snippets_dir()) if !get(g:neosnippet#disable_runtime_snippets, \ neosnippet#helpers#get_filetype(), \ get(g:neosnippet#disable_runtime_snippets, '_', 0)) let snippets_dir += neosnippet#variables#runtime_dir() endif return snippets_dir endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#helpers#get_filetype() abort "{{{ " context_filetype.vim installation check. if !exists('s:exists_context_filetype') silent! call context_filetype#version() let s:exists_context_filetype = exists('*context_filetype#version') endif let context_filetype = \ s:exists_context_filetype ? \ context_filetype#get_filetype() : &filetype if context_filetype == '' let context_filetype = 'nothing' endif return context_filetype endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#helpers#get_selected_text(type, ...) abort "{{{ let sel_save = &selection let &selection = 'inclusive' let reg_save = @@ let pos = getpos('.') try " Invoked from Visual mode, use '< and '> marks. if a:0 silent exe "normal! `<" . a:type . "`>y" elseif a:type == 'line' silent exe "normal! '[V']y" elseif a:type == 'block' silent exe "normal! `[\`]y" else silent exe "normal! `[v`]y" endif return @@ finally let &selection = sel_save let @@ = reg_save call setpos('.', pos) endtry endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#helpers#delete_selected_text(type, ...) abort "{{{ let sel_save = &selection let &selection = 'inclusive' let reg_save = @@ let pos = getpos('.') try " Invoked from Visual mode, use '< and '> marks. if a:0 silent exe "normal! `<" . a:type . "`>d" elseif a:type ==# 'V' silent exe "normal! `[V`]s" elseif a:type ==# "\" silent exe "normal! `[\`]d" else silent exe "normal! `[v`]d" endif finally let &selection = sel_save let @@ = reg_save call setpos('.', pos) endtry endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#helpers#substitute_selected_text(type, text) abort "{{{ let sel_save = &selection let &selection = 'inclusive' let reg_save = @@ let pos = getpos('.') try " Invoked from Visual mode, use '< and '> marks. if a:0 silent exe "normal! `<" . a:type . "`>s" . a:text elseif a:type ==# 'V' silent exe "normal! '[V']hs" . a:text elseif a:type ==# "\" silent exe "normal! `[\`]s" . a:text else silent exe "normal! `[v`]s" . a:text endif finally let &selection = sel_save let @@ = reg_save call setpos('.', pos) endtry endfunction"}}} function! neosnippet#helpers#vim2json(expr) abort "{{{ return has('patch-7.4.1498') ? json_encode(a:expr) : string(a:expr) endfunction "}}} function! neosnippet#helpers#json2vim(expr) abort "{{{ sandbox return has('patch-7.4.1498') ? json_decode(a:expr) : eval(a:expr) endfunction "}}} function! s:is_beginning_of_line(cur_text) abort "{{{ let keyword_pattern = '\S\+' let cur_keyword_str = matchstr(a:cur_text, keyword_pattern.'$') let line_part = a:cur_text[: -1-len(cur_keyword_str)] let prev_word_end = matchend(line_part, keyword_pattern) return prev_word_end <= 0 endfunction"}}} function! s:get_sources_filetypes(filetype) abort "{{{ let filetypes = \ exists('*context_filetype#get_filetypes') ? \ context_filetype#get_filetypes(a:filetype) : \ split(((a:filetype == '') ? 'nothing' : a:filetype), '\.') return ['_'] + filetypes endfunction"}}} " vim: foldmethod=marker