"============================================================================= " FILE: snippets_complete.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita " Last Modified: 15 Jan 2012. " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim let s:begin_snippet = 0 let s:end_snippet = 0 if !exists('s:snippets') let s:snippets = {} endif let s:source = { \ 'name' : 'snippets_complete', \ 'kind' : 'plugin', \} function! s:source.initialize()"{{{ " Initialize. let s:snippets = {} let s:begin_snippet = 0 let s:end_snippet = 0 let s:snippet_holder_cnt = 1 if !exists('g:neocomplcache_snippets_disable_runtime_snippets') let g:neocomplcache_snippets_disable_runtime_snippets = 0 endif call neocomplcache#set_dictionary_helper( \ g:neocomplcache_plugin_rank, 'snippets_complete', 8) let s:snippets_dir = [] let s:runtime_dir = split(globpath(&runtimepath, \ 'autoload/neocomplcache/sources/snippets_complete'), '\n') if !g:neocomplcache_snippets_disable_runtime_snippets " Set snippets dir. let s:snippets_dir += (exists('g:snippets_dir') ? \ split(g:snippets_dir, ',') \ : split(globpath(&runtimepath, 'snippets'), '\n')) \ + s:runtime_dir endif if exists('g:neocomplcache_snippets_dir') for dir in split(g:neocomplcache_snippets_dir, ',') let dir = neocomplcache#util#expand(dir) if !isdirectory(dir) call mkdir(dir, 'p') endif call add(s:snippets_dir, dir) endfor endif call map(s:snippets_dir, 'substitute(v:val, "[\\\\/]$", "", "")') augroup neocomplcache"{{{ " Set caching event. autocmd FileType * call s:caching() " Recaching events autocmd BufWritePost *.snip,*.snippets call s:caching_snippets(expand(':t:r')) " Detect syntax file. autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.snip,*.snippets set filetype=snippet augroup END"}}} if has('conceal') " Supported conceal features. augroup neocomplcache autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,ColorScheme * \ syn match neocomplcacheExpandSnippets \ '\${\d\+\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@\|\$\d\+' conceal cchar=$ augroup END else augroup neocomplcache autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,ColorScheme * \ syn match neocomplcacheExpandSnippets \ '\${\d\+\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@\|\$\d\+' augroup END endif hi def link NeoComplCacheExpandSnippets Special command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,neocomplcache#filetype_complete \ NeoComplCacheEditSnippets call s:edit_snippets(, 0) command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,neocomplcache#filetype_complete \ NeoComplCacheEditRuntimeSnippets call s:edit_snippets(, 1) command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,neocomplcache#filetype_complete \ NeoComplCacheCachingSnippets call s:caching_snippets() " Select mode mappings. if !exists('g:neocomplcache_disable_select_mode_mappings') snoremap a snoremap a snoremap a snoremap bi snoremap ' a' snoremap ` a` snoremap % a% snoremap U aU snoremap ^ a^ snoremap \ a\ snoremap a endif " Caching _ snippets. call s:caching_snippets('_') " Initialize check. call s:caching() if neocomplcache#exists_echodoc() call echodoc#register('snippets_complete', s:doc_dict) endif endfunction"}}} function! s:source.finalize()"{{{ delcommand NeoComplCacheEditSnippets delcommand NeoComplCacheEditRuntimeSnippets delcommand NeoComplCacheCachingSnippets hi clear NeoComplCacheExpandSnippets if neocomplcache#exists_echodoc() call echodoc#unregister('snippets_complete') endif endfunction"}}} function! s:source.get_keyword_list(cur_keyword_str)"{{{ if !has_key(s:snippets, '_') " Caching _ snippets. call s:caching_snippets('_') endif let snippets = values(s:snippets['_']) let filetype = neocomplcache#get_context_filetype() if !has_key(s:snippets, filetype) " Caching snippets. call s:caching_snippets(filetype) endif for source in neocomplcache#get_sources_list(s:snippets, filetype) let snippets += values(source) endfor return s:keyword_filter(neocomplcache#dup_filter(snippets), a:cur_keyword_str) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#define()"{{{ return s:source endfunction"}}} function! s:compare_words(i1, i2) return a:i1.menu - a:i2.menu endfunction " For echodoc."{{{ let s:doc_dict = { \ 'name' : 'snippets_complete', \ 'rank' : 100, \ 'filetypes' : {}, \ } function! s:doc_dict.search(cur_text)"{{{ if mode() !=# 'i' return [] endif let snippets = neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#get_snippets() let cur_word = s:get_cursor_keyword_snippet(snippets, a:cur_text) if cur_word == '' return [] endif let snip = snippets[cur_word] let ret = [] call add(ret, { 'text' : snip.word, 'highlight' : 'String' }) call add(ret, { 'text' : ' ' }) call add(ret, { 'text' : snip.menu, 'highlight' : 'Special' }) call add(ret, { 'text' : ' ' }) call add(ret, { 'text' : snip.snip}) return ret endfunction"}}} "}}} function! s:keyword_filter(list, cur_keyword_str)"{{{ let keyword_escape = neocomplcache#keyword_escape(a:cur_keyword_str) let prev_word = neocomplcache#get_prev_word(a:cur_keyword_str) " Keyword filter. let pattern = printf('v:val.word =~ %s && (!has_key(v:val, "prev_word") || v:val.prev_word == %s)', \string('^' . keyword_escape), string(prev_word)) let list = filter(a:list, pattern) " Substitute abbr. let abbr_pattern = printf('%%.%ds..%%s', g:neocomplcache_max_keyword_width-10) for snippet in list if snippet.snip =~ '\\\@= 0 && \ len(snippet.menu) > g:neocomplcache_max_keyword_width let snippet.menu = printf(abbr_pattern, snippet.menu, snippet.menu[-8:]) endif let snippet.menu = '`Snip` ' . snippet.menu endif endfor return list endfunction"}}} function! neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expandable()"{{{ let snippets = neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#get_snippets() let cur_text = neocomplcache#get_cur_text(1) let ret = 0 if s:get_cursor_keyword_snippet(snippets, cur_text) != '' " Found snippet trigger. let ret += 1 endif if search('\${\d\+\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@', 'nw') > 0 " Found snippet placeholder. let ret += 2 endif return ret endfunction"}}} function! s:caching()"{{{ for filetype in neocomplcache#get_source_filetypes(neocomplcache#get_context_filetype(1)) if !has_key(s:snippets, filetype) call s:caching_snippets(filetype) endif endfor endfunction"}}} function! s:set_snippet_dict(snippet_pattern, snippet_dict, dup_check, snippets_file)"{{{ if has_key(a:snippet_pattern, 'name') let pattern = s:set_snippet_pattern(a:snippet_pattern) let action_pattern = '^snippet\s\+' . a:snippet_pattern.name . '$' let a:snippet_dict[a:snippet_pattern.name] = pattern let a:dup_check[a:snippet_pattern.name] = 1 if has_key(a:snippet_pattern, 'alias') for alias in a:snippet_pattern.alias let alias_pattern = copy(pattern) let alias_pattern.word = alias let abbr = (g:neocomplcache_max_keyword_width >= 0 && \ len(alias) > g:neocomplcache_max_keyword_width) ? \ printf(abbr_pattern, alias, alias[-8:]) : alias let alias_pattern.abbr = abbr let alias_pattern.action__path = a:snippets_file let alias_pattern.action__pattern = action_pattern let alias_pattern.real_name = a:snippet_pattern.name let a:snippet_dict[alias] = alias_pattern let a:dup_check[alias] = 1 endfor endif let snippet = a:snippet_dict[a:snippet_pattern.name] let snippet.action__path = a:snippets_file let snippet.action__pattern = action_pattern let snippet.real_name = a:snippet_pattern.name endif endfunction"}}} function! s:set_snippet_pattern(dict)"{{{ let abbr_pattern = printf('%%.%ds..%%s', g:neocomplcache_max_keyword_width-10) let word = substitute(a:dict.word, '\%(<\\n>\)\+$', '', '') let menu_pattern = a:dict.word =~ '\${\d\+\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@ ' : '[Snip] ' let abbr = has_key(a:dict, 'abbr')? a:dict.abbr : \substitute(a:dict.word, '\${\d\+\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@\|\$\d\+\|<\%(\\n\|\\t\)>\|\s\+', ' ', 'g') let abbr = (g:neocomplcache_max_keyword_width >= 0 && len(abbr) > g:neocomplcache_max_keyword_width)? \ printf(abbr_pattern, abbr, abbr[-8:]) : abbr let dict = { \ 'word' : a:dict.name, 'snip' : word, 'abbr' : a:dict.name, \ 'description' : word, \ 'menu' : menu_pattern . abbr, 'dup' : 1 \} if has_key(a:dict, 'prev_word') let dict.prev_word = a:dict.prev_word endif return dict endfunction"}}} function! s:edit_snippets(filetype, isruntime)"{{{ if a:filetype == '' let filetype = neocomplcache#get_context_filetype(1) else let filetype = a:filetype endif " Edit snippet file. if a:isruntime if empty(s:runtime_dir) return endif let filename = s:runtime_dir[0].'/'.filetype.'.snip' else if empty(s:snippets_dir) return endif let filename = s:snippets_dir[-1].'/'.filetype.'.snip' endif if filereadable(filename) edit `=filename` else enew setfiletype snippet saveas `=filename` endif endfunction"}}} function! s:caching_snippets(filetype)"{{{ let filetype = a:filetype == '' ? \ &filetype : a:filetype let snippet = {} let snippets_files = split(globpath(join(s:snippets_dir, ','), filetype . '.snip*'), '\n') \ + split(globpath(join(s:snippets_dir, ','), filetype . '_*.snip*'), '\n') for snippets_file in snippets_files call s:load_snippets(snippet, snippets_file) endfor let s:snippets[filetype] = snippet endfunction"}}} function! s:load_snippets(snippet, snippets_file)"{{{ let dup_check = {} let snippet_pattern = { 'word' : '' } let abbr_pattern = printf('%%.%ds..%%s', g:neocomplcache_max_keyword_width-10) let linenr = 1 for line in readfile(a:snippets_file) if line =~ '^\h\w*.*\s$' " Delete spaces. let line = substitute(line, '\s\+$', '', '') endif if line =~ '^include' " Include snippets. let snippet_file = matchstr(line, '^include\s\+\zs.*$') for snippets_file in split(globpath(join(s:snippets_dir, ','), snippet_file), '\n') call s:load_snippets(a:snippet, snippets_file) endfor elseif line =~ '^delete\s' let name = matchstr(line, '^delete\s\+\zs.*$') if name != '' && has_key(a:snippet, name) call filter(a:snippet, 'v:val.real_name !=# name') endif elseif line =~ '^snippet\s' if has_key(snippet_pattern, 'name') " Set previous snippet. call s:set_snippet_dict(snippet_pattern, \ a:snippet, dup_check, a:snippets_file) let snippet_pattern = { 'word' : '' } endif let snippet_pattern.name = \ substitute(matchstr(line, '^snippet\s\+\zs.*$'), '\s', '_', 'g') " Check for duplicated names. if has_key(dup_check, snippet_pattern.name) call neocomplcache#print_error('Warning: ' . a:snippets_file . ':' \ . linenr . ': duplicated snippet name `' \ . snippet_pattern.name . '`') call neocomplcache#print_error('Please delete this snippet name before.') endif elseif has_key(snippet_pattern, 'name') " Only in snippets. if line =~ '^abbr\s' let snippet_pattern.abbr = matchstr(line, '^abbr\s\+\zs.*$') elseif line =~ '^alias\s' let snippet_pattern.alias = split(matchstr(line, \ '^alias\s\+\zs.*$'), '[,[:space:]]\+') elseif line =~ '^prev_word\s' let snippet_pattern.prev_word = matchstr(line, \ '^prev_word\s\+[''"]\zs.*\ze[''"]$') elseif line =~ '^\s' if snippet_pattern.word == '' let snippet_pattern.word = matchstr(line, '^\s\+\zs.*$') elseif line =~ '^\t' let line = substitute(line, '^\s', '', '') let snippet_pattern.word .= '<\n>' . \ substitute(line, '^\t\+', repeat('<\\t>', \ matchend(line, '^\t\+')), '') else let snippet_pattern.word .= '<\n>' . matchstr(line, '^\s\+\zs.*$') endif elseif line =~ '^$' " Blank line. let snippet_pattern.word .= '<\n>' endif endif let linenr += 1 endfor " Set previous snippet. call s:set_snippet_dict(snippet_pattern, \ a:snippet, dup_check, a:snippets_file) return a:snippet endfunction"}}} function! s:get_cursor_keyword_snippet(snippets, cur_text)"{{{ let cur_word = matchstr(a:cur_text, neocomplcache#get_keyword_pattern_end().'\|\h\w*\W\+$') if !has_key(a:snippets, cur_word) let cur_word = '' endif return cur_word endfunction"}}} function! s:get_cursor_snippet(snippets, cur_text)"{{{ let cur_word = matchstr(a:cur_text, '\S\+$') while cur_word != '' && !has_key(a:snippets, cur_word) let cur_word = cur_word[1:] endwhile return cur_word endfunction"}}} function! s:snippets_force_expand(cur_text, col)"{{{ let cur_word = s:get_cursor_snippet(neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#get_snippets(), a:cur_text) call neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expand(a:cur_text, a:col, cur_word) endfunction"}}} function! s:snippets_expand_or_jump(cur_text, col)"{{{ let cur_word = s:get_cursor_keyword_snippet( \ neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#get_snippets(), a:cur_text) if cur_word != '' " Found snippet trigger. call neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expand(a:cur_text, a:col, cur_word) else call s:snippets_force_jump(a:cur_text, a:col) endif endfunction"}}} function! s:snippets_jump_or_expand(cur_text, col)"{{{ let cur_word = s:get_cursor_keyword_snippet( \ neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#get_snippets(), a:cur_text) if search('\${\d\+\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@', 'nw') > 0 " Found snippet placeholder. call s:snippets_force_jump(a:cur_text, a:col) else call neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expand(a:cur_text, a:col, cur_word) endif endfunction"}}} function! neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expand(cur_text, col, trigger_name)"{{{ if a:trigger_name == '' let pos = getpos('.') let pos[2] = len(a:cur_text)+1 call setpos('.', pos) if pos[2] < col('$') startinsert else startinsert! endif return endif let snippets = neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#get_snippets() let snippet = snippets[a:trigger_name] let cur_text = a:cur_text[: -1-len(a:trigger_name)] let snip_word = snippet.snip if snip_word =~ '\\\@', 'g') endif " Substitute escaped `. let snip_word = substitute(snip_word, '\\`', '`', 'g') " Insert snippets. let next_line = getline('.')[a:col-1 :] call setline(line('.'), cur_text . snip_word . next_line) let pos = getpos('.') let pos[2] = len(cur_text)+len(snip_word)+1 call setpos('.', pos) let next_col = len(cur_text)+len(snip_word)+1 if snip_word =~ '<\\t>' call s:expand_tabline() else call s:expand_newline() end if has('folding') && foldclosed(line('.')) " Open fold. silent! normal! zO endif if next_col < col('$') startinsert else startinsert! endif if snip_word =~ '\${\d\+\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@') let s:snippet_holder_cnt = 1 let s:begin_snippet = line('.') let s:end_snippet = line('.') let formatoptions = &l:formatoptions setlocal formatoptions-=r while match >= 0 let end = getline('.')[matchend(getline('.'), '<\\n>') :] " Substitute CR. silent! execute 's/<\\n>//' . (&gdefault ? 'g' : '') " Return. let pos = getpos('.') let pos[2] = match+1 call setpos('.', pos) silent execute 'normal!' \ (match+1 >= col('$')? 'a' : 'i')."\" " Next match. let match = match(getline('.'), '<\\n>') let s:end_snippet += 1 endwhile let &l:formatoptions = formatoptions endfunction"}}} function! s:expand_tabline()"{{{ let tablines = split(getline('.'), '<\\n>') let indent = matchstr(tablines[0], '^\s\+') let line = line('.') call setline(line, tablines[0]) for tabline in tablines[1:] if &expandtab let tabline = substitute(tabline, '<\\t>', \ repeat(' ', &softtabstop ? &softtabstop : &shiftwidth), 'g') else let tabline = substitute(tabline, '<\\t>', '\t', 'g') endif call append(line, indent . tabline) let line += 1 endfor let s:snippet_holder_cnt = 1 let s:begin_snippet = line('.') let s:end_snippet = line('.') + len(tablines) - 1 endfunction"}}} function! s:snippets_force_jump(cur_text, col)"{{{ if !s:search_snippet_range(s:begin_snippet, s:end_snippet) if s:snippet_holder_cnt != 0 " Search placeholder 0. let s:snippet_holder_cnt = 0 if s:search_snippet_range(s:begin_snippet, s:end_snippet) return 1 endif endif " Not found. let s:begin_snippet = 1 let s:end_snippet = 0 let s:snippet_holder_cnt = 1 return s:search_outof_range(a:col) endif return 0 endfunction"}}} function! s:search_snippet_range(start, end)"{{{ call s:substitute_marker(a:start, a:end) let pattern = '\${'.s:snippet_holder_cnt.'\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@ 0 call s:expand_placeholder(line('.'), 0, '\d\+', line('.')) return 1 endif let pos = getpos('.') if a:col == 1 let pos[2] = 1 call setpos('.', pos) startinsert elseif a:col == col('$') startinsert! else let pos[2] = a:col+1 call setpos('.', pos) startinsert endif " Not found. return 0 endfunction"}}} function! s:expand_placeholder(start, end, holder_cnt, line)"{{{ let pattern = '\${'.a:holder_cnt.'\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@ 0 let pattern = '\${' . cnt . '\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@', '')) let pos[2] += len('$<'.cnt.':') else " Substitute holder. call setline(a:line, \ substitute(current_line, pattern, escape(default, '\'), '')) endif call setpos('.', pos) if default_len > 0 " Select default value. let len = default_len-1 if &l:selection == "exclusive" let len += 1 endif stopinsert execute "normal! v". repeat('l', len) . "\" elseif pos[2] < col('$') startinsert else startinsert! endif endfunction"}}} function! s:search_sync_placeholder(start, end, number)"{{{ if a:end == 0 " Search in current buffer. let cnt = matchstr(getline(a:start), \ '\${\zs\d\+\ze\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@ 0 ? cnt : 0 endif let pattern = '\$'.a:number.'\d\@!' for line in filter(range(a:start, a:end), \ 'getline(v:val) =~ pattern') return s:snippet_holder_cnt endfor return 0 endfunction"}}} function! s:substitute_marker(start, end)"{{{ if s:snippet_holder_cnt > 1 let cnt = s:snippet_holder_cnt-1 let marker = '\$<'.cnt.'\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@' let line = a:start while line <= a:end if getline(line) =~ marker let sub = escape(matchstr(getline(line), '\$<'.cnt.':\zs.\{-}\ze\\\@'), '/\') silent! execute printf('%d,%ds/$%d\d\@!/%s/' . (&gdefault ? '' : 'g'), \a:start, a:end, cnt, sub) silent! execute line.'s/'.marker.'/'.sub.'/' . (&gdefault ? 'g' : '') break endif let line += 1 endwhile elseif search('\$<\d\+\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@', 'wb') > 0 let sub = escape(matchstr(getline('.'), '\$<\d\+:\zs.\{-}\ze\\\@'), '/\') let cnt = matchstr(getline('.'), '\$<\zs\d\+\ze\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@') silent! execute printf('%%s/$%d\d\@!/%s/' . (&gdefault ? 'g' : ''), cnt, sub) silent! execute '%s/'.'\$<'.cnt.'\%(:.\{-}\)\?\\\@'.'/'.sub.'/' \ . (&gdefault ? 'g' : '') endif endfunction"}}} function! s:trigger(function)"{{{ let cur_text = neocomplcache#get_cur_text(1) return printf("\:call %s(%s,%d)\", a:function, string(cur_text), col('.')) endfunction"}}} function! s:eval_snippet(snippet_text)"{{{ let snip_word = '' let prev_match = 0 let match = match(a:snippet_text, '\\\@= 0 if match - prev_match > 0 let snip_word .= a:snippet_text[prev_match : match - 1] endif let prev_match = matchend(a:snippet_text, '\\\@= 0 let snip_word .= a:snippet_text[prev_match :] endif return snip_word endfunction"}}} function! neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#get_snippets()"{{{ " Get buffer filetype. let filetype = neocomplcache#get_context_filetype(1) let snippets = {} for source in neocomplcache#get_sources_list(s:snippets, filetype) call extend(snippets, source, 'keep') endfor call extend(snippets, copy(s:snippets['_']), 'keep') return snippets endfunction"}}} function! s:SID_PREFIX() return matchstr(expand(''), '\d\+_') endfunction " Plugin key-mappings. inoremap (neocomplcache_snippets_expand) \ trigger(SID_PREFIX().'snippets_expand_or_jump') snoremap (neocomplcache_snippets_expand) \ trigger(SID_PREFIX().'snippets_expand_or_jump') inoremap (neocomplcache_snippets_jump) \ trigger(SID_PREFIX().'snippets_jump_or_expand') snoremap (neocomplcache_snippets_jump) \ trigger(SID_PREFIX().'snippets_jump_or_expand') inoremap (neocomplcache_snippets_force_expand) \ trigger(SID_PREFIX().'snippets_force_expand') snoremap (neocomplcache_snippets_force_expand) \ trigger(SID_PREFIX().'snippets_force_expand') inoremap (neocomplcache_snippets_force_jump) \ trigger(SID_PREFIX().'snippets_force_jump') snoremap (neocomplcache_snippets_force_jump) \ trigger(SID_PREFIX().'snippets_force_jump') let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker