" TODO: move all comments to doc file. " " " FIXME: This module name should be Vital.System ? " But the name has been already taken. let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " FIXME: Unfortunately, can't use s:_vital_loaded() for this purpose. " Because these variables are used when this script file is loaded. let s:is_windows = has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64') || has('win95') let s:is_unix = has('unix') " Execute program in the background from Vim. " Return an empty string always. " " If a:expr is a List, shellescape() each argument. " If a:expr is a String, the arguments are passed as-is. " " Windows: " Using :!start , execute program without via cmd.exe. " Spawning 'expr' with 'noshellslash' " keep special characters from unwanted expansion. " (see :help shellescape()) " " Unix: " using :! , execute program in the background by shell. function! s:spawn(expr, ...) let shellslash = 0 if s:is_windows let shellslash = &l:shellslash setlocal noshellslash endif try if type(a:expr) is type([]) let special = 1 let cmdline = join(map(a:expr, 'shellescape(v:val, special)'), ' ') elseif type(a:expr) is type("") let cmdline = a:expr if a:0 && a:1 " for :! command let cmdline = substitute(cmdline, '\([!%#]\|<[^<>]\+>\)', '\\\1', 'g') endif else throw 'Process.spawn(): invalid argument (value type:'.type(a:expr).')' endif if s:is_windows silent execute '!start' cmdline else silent execute '!' cmdline '&' endif finally if s:is_windows let &l:shellslash = shellslash endif endtry return '' endfunction " iconv() wrapper for safety. function! s:iconv(expr, from, to) if a:from == '' || a:to == '' || a:from ==? a:to return a:expr endif let result = iconv(a:expr, a:from, a:to) return result != '' ? result : a:expr endfunction " Check vimproc. function! s:has_vimproc() if !exists('s:exists_vimproc') try call vimproc#version() let s:exists_vimproc = 1 catch let s:exists_vimproc = 0 endtry endif return s:exists_vimproc endfunction " * {command} [, {input} [, {timeout}]] " * {command} [, {dict}] " {dict} = { " use_vimproc: bool, " input: string, " timeout: bool, " } function! s:system(str, ...) if type(a:str) is type([]) let command = join(map(copy(a:str), 's:shellescape(v:val)'), ' ') elseif type(a:str) is type("") let command = a:str else throw 'Process.system(): invalid argument (value type:'.type(a:str).')' endif let command = s:iconv(command, &encoding, 'char') let input = '' let use_vimproc = s:has_vimproc() let args = [command] if a:0 ==# 1 if type(a:1) is type({}) if has_key(a:1, 'use_vimproc') let use_vimproc = a:1.use_vimproc endif if has_key(a:1, 'input') let args += [s:iconv(a:1.input, &encoding, 'char')] endif if use_vimproc && has_key(a:1, 'timeout') " ignores timeout unless you have vimproc. let args += [a:1.timeout] endif endif elseif a:0 >= 2 let [input; rest] = a:000 let input = s:iconv(a:1, &encoding, 'char') let args += [input] + rest endif let funcname = use_vimproc ? 'vimproc#system' : 'system' let output = call(funcname, args) let output = s:iconv(output, 'char', &encoding) return output endfunction function! s:get_last_status() return s:has_vimproc() ? \ vimproc#get_last_status() : v:shell_error endfunction if s:is_windows function! s:shellescape(command) return substitute(a:command, '[&()[\]{}^=;!''+,`~]', '^\0', 'g') endfunction else function! s:shellescape(...) return call('shellescape', a:000) endfunction endif let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim:set et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 tw=0: