diff --git a/doc/neosnippet.txt b/doc/neosnippet.txt index 440ba8b..354dcb3 100755 --- a/doc/neosnippet.txt +++ b/doc/neosnippet.txt @@ -772,5 +772,13 @@ files. https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet.vim/network If splitted default snippets, users can fork and change it easily. +Q: I want to complete function arguments using neosnippet like clang_complete. + +A: Yes, you can. You can just complete the candidate from completion window +and expand the candidate as trigger. +Note: It works in "func(arg1, arg2, ...)" prototypes only. +Note: It is experiental feature. +Note: |v:completed_item| feature is needed. + ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen:noet: