#!/bin/bash # epochMillis: print the amount of millis since epoch time on the std output stream. epochMillis(){ echo $(($(date +%s%N)/1000000)) } # queue: array holding the focused window ids in order, the most recent focus is on index 0. queue=( ) queueLimit=8 # pushOnQueue: insert a window id on index 0 of the queue. This function also removes the given id if was already present, the queue is an ordered set. # arg 1: window id to insert. pushOnQueue(){ if [ "$1" = "0x0" ] then return fi newQueue=( "$1" ) for i in "${queue[@]}" do if [ "$1" = "$i" ] then continue fi newQueue=( ${newQueue[@]:0} "$i" ) done queue=( "${newQueue[@]:0:$queueLimit}" ) } # markQueue: put i3 marks using the window ids stored on the queue. The windows are marked using "_prevFocusX" where X is a integer corresponding with the index of the element on the queue. The previously focused window (the most recent) is marked using "_prevFocus0". This function also cleans the queue from windows that can't be marked (e.g. windows that have been closed). markQueue(){ queueCopy=( "${queue[@]}" ) queue=( ) j=0 for i in "${queueCopy[@]}" do i3-msg "unmark _prevFocus$j" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if i3-msg "[id=$i] mark --add _prevFocus$j" 2>/dev/null | grep -i "\"success\":true" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 then queue=( ${queue[@]:0} "$i" ) j=$(($j + 1)) fi done } lastTime=$(epochMillis) # permanence: period in millis used to determine if a window is worthy to be saved on the queue. This enables i3 window fast navigation without saving unworthy window ids. permanence=1000 # main loop: read activated window ids continuously. xprop -root -spy _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | while read line do currentTime=$(epochMillis) period=$(($currentTime-$lastTime)) lastTime=$currentTime # previousFocus: window id of the previously focused (activated) window. previousFocus=$currentFocus # currentFocus: window id of the window that has just being activated. currentFocus=$(echo "$line" | awk -F' ' '{printf $NF}') # push the previousFocus id to the queue if the time spent on the previous window was greater than permanence. Check also to allow fast switching between two windows. if [ $period -gt $permanence -o "$currentFocus" = "${queue[0]}" ] then pushOnQueue "$previousFocus" fi # if the currentFocus is marked as the previous window (_prevFocus0 or queue[0]) then swap the first two elements on the queue to allow switching. if [ "${queue[0]}" = "$currentFocus" ] then queue=( ${queue[1]} ${queue[0]} ${queue[@]:2} ) fi markQueue done