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HSFM, a filemanager written in Haskell.
Copyright (C) 2016 Julian Ospald
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
-- |Provides error handling.
module HSFM.FileSystem.Errors where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
, forM
import Data.ByteString
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign.C.Error
, Errno
import qualified HPath as P
import HPath
, Path
import HSFM.Utils.IO
import System.IO.Error
import qualified System.Posix.Files.ByteString as PF
import qualified System.Posix.Directory.ByteString as PFD
data FmIOException = FileDoesNotExist ByteString
| DirDoesNotExist ByteString
| PathNotAbsolute ByteString
| FileNotExecutable ByteString
| SameFile ByteString ByteString
| NotAFile ByteString
| NotADir ByteString
| DestinationInSource ByteString ByteString
| FileDoesExist ByteString
| DirDoesExist ByteString
| IsSymlink ByteString
| InvalidOperation String
| InvalidFileName
| Can'tOpenDirectory ByteString
| CopyFailed String
| MoveFailed String
deriving (Typeable)
instance Show FmIOException where
show (FileDoesNotExist fp) = "File does not exist:" ++ P.fpToString fp
show (DirDoesNotExist fp) = "Directory does not exist: "
++ P.fpToString fp
show (PathNotAbsolute fp) = "Path not absolute: " ++ P.fpToString fp
show (FileNotExecutable fp) = "File not executable: "
++ P.fpToString fp
show (SameFile fp1 fp2) = P.fpToString fp1
++ " and " ++ P.fpToString fp2
++ " are the same file!"
show (NotAFile fp) = "Not a file: " ++ P.fpToString fp
show (NotADir fp) = "Not a directory: " ++ P.fpToString fp
show (DestinationInSource fp1 fp2) = P.fpToString fp1
++ " is contained in "
++ P.fpToString fp2
show (FileDoesExist fp) = "File does exist: " ++ P.fpToString fp
show (DirDoesExist fp) = "Directory does exist: " ++ P.fpToString fp
show (IsSymlink fp) = "Is a symlink: " ++ P.fpToString fp
show (InvalidOperation str) = "Invalid operation: " ++ str
show InvalidFileName = "Invalid file name!"
show (Can'tOpenDirectory fp) = "Can't open directory: "
++ P.fpToString fp
show (CopyFailed str) = "Copying failed: " ++ show str
show (MoveFailed str) = "Movinf failed: " ++ show str
instance Exception FmIOException
--[ Path based functions ]--
throwFileDoesExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwFileDoesExist fp =
whenM (doesFileExist fp) (throw . FileDoesExist
. P.fromAbs $ fp)
throwDirDoesExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwDirDoesExist fp =
whenM (doesDirectoryExist fp) (throw . DirDoesExist
. P.fromAbs $ fp)
throwFileDoesNotExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwFileDoesNotExist fp =
whenM (doesFileExist fp) (throw . FileDoesExist
. P.fromAbs $ fp)
throwDirDoesNotExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwDirDoesNotExist fp =
whenM (doesDirectoryExist fp) (throw . DirDoesExist
. P.fromAbs $ fp)
throwSameFile :: Path Abs -- ^ will be canonicalized
-> Path Abs -- ^ will be canonicalized
-> IO ()
throwSameFile fp1 fp2 = do
fp1' <- fmap P.fromAbs $ P.canonicalizePath fp1
-- TODO: clean this up... if canonicalizing fp2 fails we try to
-- canonicalize `dirname fp2`
fp2' <- catchIOError (fmap P.fromAbs $ P.canonicalizePath fp2)
(\_ -> fmap P.fromAbs
$ (P.</> P.basename fp2)
<$> (P.canonicalizePath $ P.dirname fp2))
when (P.equalFilePath fp1' fp2') (throw $ SameFile fp1' fp2')
-- |Checks whether the destination directory is contained
-- within the source directory by comparing the device+file ID of the
-- source directory with all device+file IDs of the parent directories
-- of the destination.
throwDestinationInSource :: Path Abs -- ^ source dir
-> Path Abs -- ^ full destination, `dirname dest`
-- must exist
-> IO ()
throwDestinationInSource source dest = do
source' <- P.canonicalizePath source
dest' <- (P.</> P.basename dest) <$> (P.canonicalizePath $ P.dirname dest)
dids <- forM (P.getAllParents dest') $ \p -> do
fs <- PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus (P.fromAbs p)
return (PF.deviceID fs, PF.fileID fs)
sid <- fmap (\x -> (PF.deviceID x, PF.fileID x))
$ PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus (P.fromAbs source')
when (elem sid dids)
(throw $ DestinationInSource (P.fromAbs dest)
(P.fromAbs source))
-- |Checks if the given file exists and is not a directory. This follows
-- symlinks, but will return True if the symlink is broken.
doesFileExist :: Path Abs -> IO Bool
doesFileExist fp =
handleIOError (\_ -> return False) $ do
fp' <- fmap P.fromAbs $ P.canonicalizePath fp
fs <- PF.getFileStatus fp'
return $ not . PF.isDirectory $ fs
-- |Checks if the given file exists and is a directory. This follows
-- symlinks, but will return False if the symlink is broken.
doesDirectoryExist :: Path Abs -> IO Bool
doesDirectoryExist fp =
handleIOError (\_ -> return False) $ do
fp' <- fmap P.fromAbs $ P.canonicalizePath fp
fs <- PF.getFileStatus fp'
return $ PF.isDirectory fs
-- |Checks whether the directory at the given path exists and can be
-- opened. This invokes `openDirStream`.
canOpenDirectory :: Path Abs -> IO Bool
canOpenDirectory fp =
handleIOError (\_ -> return False) $ do
bracket (PFD.openDirStream . P.fromAbs $ fp)
(\_ -> return ())
return True
-- |Throws a `Can'tOpenDirectory` FmIOException if the directory at the given
-- path cannot be opened.
throwCantOpenDirectory :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwCantOpenDirectory fp =
unlessM (canOpenDirectory fp)
(throw . Can'tOpenDirectory . P.fromAbs $ fp)
--[ Error handling functions ]--
-- |Carries out an action, then checks if there is an IOException and
-- a specific errno. If so, then it carries out another action, otherwise
-- it rethrows the error.
catchErrno :: [Errno] -- ^ errno to catch
-> IO a -- ^ action to try, which can raise an IOException
-> IO a -- ^ action to carry out in case of an IOException and
-- if errno matches
-> IO a
catchErrno en a1 a2 =
catchIOError a1 $ \e -> do
errno <- getErrno
if errno `elem` en
then a2
else ioError e
-- |Execute the given action and retrow IO exceptions as a new Exception
-- that have the given errno. If errno does not match the exception is rethrown
-- as is.
rethrowErrnoAs :: Exception e
=> [Errno] -- ^ errno to catch
-> e -- ^ rethrow as if errno matches
-> IO a -- ^ action to try
-> IO a
rethrowErrnoAs en fmex action = catchErrno en action (throw fmex)
-- |Like `catchIOError`, with arguments swapped.
handleIOError :: (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleIOError = flip catchIOError