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HSFM, a filemanager written in Haskell.
Copyright (C) 2016 Julian Ospald
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module HSFM.GUI.Gtk.Utils where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Maybe
, fromJust
import Data.Traversable
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import HSFM.FileSystem.FileType
import HSFM.GUI.Gtk.Data
import Prelude hiding(getContents)
--[ Utilities ]--
getSelectedTreePaths :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO [TreePath]
getSelectedTreePaths _ myview = do
view' <- readTVarIO $ view myview
case view' of
FMTreeView treeView -> do
tvs <- treeViewGetSelection treeView
treeSelectionGetSelectedRows tvs
FMIconView iconView ->
iconViewGetSelectedItems iconView
-- |Gets the currently selected item of the treeView, if any.
getSelectedItems :: MyGUI
-> MyView
-> IO [Item]
getSelectedItems mygui myview = do
tps <- getSelectedTreePaths mygui myview
getSelectedItems' mygui myview tps
getSelectedItems' :: MyGUI
-> MyView
-> [TreePath]
-> IO [Item]
getSelectedItems' _ myview tps = do
rawModel' <- readTVarIO $ rawModel myview
sortedModel' <- readTVarIO $ sortedModel myview
filteredModel' <- readTVarIO $ filteredModel myview
iters <- catMaybes <$> mapM (treeModelGetIter sortedModel') tps
forM iters $ \iter -> do
cIter' <- treeModelSortConvertIterToChildIter sortedModel' iter
cIter <- treeModelFilterConvertIterToChildIter filteredModel' cIter'
treeModelGetRow rawModel' cIter
-- |Carry out an action on the currently selected item.
-- If there is no item selected, does nothing.
withItems :: MyGUI
-> MyView
-> ( [Item]
-> MyGUI
-> MyView
-> IO ()) -- ^ action to carry out
-> IO ()
withItems mygui myview io = do
items <- getSelectedItems mygui myview
io items mygui myview
-- |Create the 'ListStore' of files/directories from the current directory.
-- This is the function which maps the Data.DirTree data structures
-- into the GTK+ data structures.
fileListStore :: Item -- ^ current dir
-> MyView
-> IO (ListStore Item)
fileListStore dt _ = do
cs <- getContents getFileInfo dt
listStoreNew cs
-- |Currently unsafe. This is used to obtain any item, which will
-- fail if there is none.
getFirstItem :: MyView
-> IO Item
getFirstItem myview = do
rawModel' <- readTVarIO $ rawModel myview
iter <- fromJust <$> treeModelGetIterFirst rawModel'
treeModelGetRow rawModel' iter
-- |Reads the current directory from MyView.
getCurrentDir :: MyView
-> IO Item
getCurrentDir myview = readMVar (cwd myview)
-- |Push a message to the status bar.
pushStatusBar :: MyGUI -> String -> IO (ContextId, MessageId)
pushStatusBar mygui str = do
let sb = statusBar mygui
cid <- statusbarGetContextId sb "FM Status"
mid <- statusbarPush sb cid str
return (cid, mid)
-- |Pop a message from the status bar.
popStatusbar :: MyGUI -> IO ()
popStatusbar mygui = do
let sb = statusBar mygui
cid <- statusbarGetContextId sb "FM Status"
statusbarPop sb cid