Julian Ospald
We have now ditched AnchoredFile and just use File with Path Abs in the path field. This is useful since we now: * don't allow "." or ".." as filenames anymore * normalise paths in our path parsers and reject paths with ".." This also allows us to know that filepaths are always valid. In addition the 'basename' function from hpath may throw an exception if run on the root dir "/". This exception is basically uncatched currently, which is fine, because it's not a selectable directory.
367 lines
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367 lines
13 KiB
HSFM, a filemanager written in Haskell.
Copyright (C) 2016 Julian Ospald
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module HSFM.GUI.Gtk.Callbacks where
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
, forM_
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Foldable
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import qualified HPath as P
import HPath
, Path
import HSFM.FileSystem.Errors
import HSFM.FileSystem.FileOperations
import HSFM.FileSystem.FileType
import HSFM.GUI.Gtk.Data
import HSFM.GUI.Gtk.Dialogs
import HSFM.GUI.Gtk.MyView
import HSFM.GUI.Gtk.Utils
import HSFM.Utils.IO
import Prelude hiding(readFile)
import System.Glib.UTFString
--[ Callbacks ]--
-- |Set callbacks, on hotkeys, events and stuff.
setCallbacks :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
setCallbacks mygui myview = do
view' <- readTVarIO $ view myview
case view' of
fmv@(FMTreeView treeView) -> do
_ <- treeView `on` rowActivated
$ (\_ _ -> withItems mygui myview open)
commonGuiEvents fmv
return ()
fmv@(FMIconView iconView) -> do
_ <- iconView `on` itemActivated
$ (\_ -> withItems mygui myview open)
commonGuiEvents fmv
return ()
menubarCallbacks = do
-- menubar-file
_ <- menubarFileQuit mygui `on` menuItemActivated $ mainQuit
_ <- menubarFileOpen mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview open
_ <- menubarFileExecute mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview execute
_ <- menubarFileNew mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ newFile mygui myview
-- menubar-edit
_ <- menubarEditCut mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview moveInit
_ <- menubarEditCopy mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview copyInit
_ <- menubarEditRename mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview renameF
_ <- menubarEditPaste mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview
_ <- menubarEditDelete mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview del
-- mewnubar-view
_ <- menubarViewIcon mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ switchView mygui myview createIconView
_ <- menubarViewTree mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ switchView mygui myview createTreeView
-- menubar-help
_ <- menubarHelpAbout mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO showAboutDialog
return ()
commonGuiEvents fmv = do
let view = fmViewToContainer fmv
-- GUI events
_ <- urlBar mygui `on` entryActivated $ urlGoTo mygui myview
_ <- refreshViewB mygui `on` buttonActivated $ do
cdir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDir myview
refreshView' mygui myview cdir
_ <- clearStatusBar mygui `on` buttonActivated $ do
popStatusbar mygui
writeTVarIO (operationBuffer myview) None
-- key events
_ <- rootWin mygui `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"q" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO mainQuit
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"h" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
cdir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDir myview
liftIO $ modifyTVarIO (settings mygui)
(\x -> x { showHidden = not . showHidden $ x})
>> refreshView' mygui myview cdir
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Alt] <- eventModifier
"Up" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ upDir mygui myview
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
"Delete" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview del
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[] <- eventModifier
"Return" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview open
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"c" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview copyInit
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"x" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview moveInit
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"v" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview
-- righ-click
_ <- view `on` buttonPressEvent $ do
eb <- eventButton
t <- eventTime
case eb of
RightButton -> do
_ <- liftIO $ menuPopup (rcMenu mygui)
$ Just (RightButton, t)
-- this is just to not screw with current selection
-- on right-click
-- TODO: this misbehaves under IconView
(x, y) <- eventCoordinates
mpath <- liftIO $ getPathAtPos fmv (x, y)
case mpath of
-- item under the cursor, only pass on the signal
-- if the item under the cursor is not within the current
-- selection
(Just tp) -> do
selectedTps <- liftIO $ getSelectedTreePaths mygui myview
return $ elem tp selectedTps
-- no item under the cursor, pass on the signal
Nothing -> return False
-- not right-click, so pass on the signal
_ -> return False
_ <- rcFileOpen mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview open
_ <- rcFileExecute mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview execute
_ <- rcFileNew mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ newFile mygui myview
_ <- rcFileCopy mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview copyInit
_ <- rcFileRename mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview renameF
_ <- rcFilePaste mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview
_ <- rcFileDelete mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview del
_ <- rcFileCut mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview moveInit
return ()
getPathAtPos fmv (x, y) =
case fmv of
FMTreeView treeView -> do
mp <- treeViewGetPathAtPos treeView (round x, round y)
return $ fmap (\(p, _, _) -> p) mp
FMIconView iconView ->
fmap (\tp -> if null tp then Nothing else Just tp)
$ iconViewGetPathAtPos iconView (round x) (round y)
-- |Go to the url given at the 'urlBar' and visualize it in the given
-- treeView.
-- If the url is invalid, does nothing.
urlGoTo :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
urlGoTo mygui myview = withErrorDialog $ do
fp <- entryGetText (urlBar mygui)
forM_ (P.parseAbs fp :: Maybe (Path Abs)) $ \fp' ->
refreshView mygui myview (Just fp')
-- |Supposed to be used with 'withRows'. Opens a file or directory.
open :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
open [item] mygui myview = withErrorDialog $
case item of
DirOrSym r -> do
nv <- readFile getFileInfo $ fullPath r
refreshView' mygui myview nv
r ->
void $ openFile r
-- this throws on the first error that occurs
open (FileLikeList fs) _ _ = withErrorDialog $
forM_ fs $ \f -> void $ openFile f
open _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"Operation not supported on multiple files"
-- |Execute a given file.
execute :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
execute [item] _ _ = withErrorDialog $
void $ executeFile item []
execute _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"Operation not supported on multiple files"
-- |Supposed to be used with 'withRows'. Deletes a file or directory.
del :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
del [item] _ _ = withErrorDialog $ do
let cmsg = "Really delete \"" ++ P.fpToString (fullPathS item) ++ "\"?"
withConfirmationDialog cmsg
$ easyDelete item
-- this throws on the first error that occurs
del items@(_:_) _ _ = withErrorDialog $ do
let cmsg = "Really delete " ++ show (length items) ++ " files?"
withConfirmationDialog cmsg
$ forM_ items $ \item -> easyDelete item
del _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"Operation not supported on multiple files"
-- |Initializes a file move operation.
moveInit :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
moveInit items@(_:_) mygui myview = do
writeTVarIO (operationBuffer myview) (FMove . MP1 . map fullPath $ items)
let sbmsg = case items of
(item:[]) -> "Move buffer: " ++ P.fpToString (fullPathS item)
_ -> "Move buffer: " ++ (show . length $ items)
++ " items"
popStatusbar mygui
void $ pushStatusBar mygui sbmsg
moveInit _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"No file selected!"
-- |Supposed to be used with 'withRows'. Initializes a file copy operation.
copyInit :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
copyInit items@(_:_) mygui myview = do
writeTVarIO (operationBuffer myview) (FCopy . CP1 . map fullPath $ items)
let sbmsg = case items of
(item:[]) -> "Copy buffer: " ++ P.fpToString (fullPathS item)
_ -> "Copy buffer: " ++ (show . length $ items)
++ " items"
popStatusbar mygui
void $ pushStatusBar mygui sbmsg
copyInit _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"No file selected!"
-- |Finalizes a file operation, such as copy or move.
operationFinal :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
operationFinal _ myview = withErrorDialog $ do
op <- readTVarIO (operationBuffer myview)
cdir <- fullPath <$> getCurrentDir myview
case op of
FMove (MP1 s) -> do
let cmsg = "Really move " ++ imsg s
++ " to \"" ++ P.fpToString (P.fromAbs cdir)
++ "\"?"
withConfirmationDialog cmsg . withCopyModeDialog
$ \cm -> void $ runFileOp (FMove . MC s cdir $ cm)
return ()
FCopy (CP1 s) -> do
let cmsg = "Really copy " ++ imsg s
++ " to \"" ++ P.fpToString (P.fromAbs cdir)
++ "\"?"
withConfirmationDialog cmsg . withCopyModeDialog
$ \cm -> void $ runFileOp (FCopy . CC s cdir $ cm)
return ()
_ -> return ()
imsg s = case s of
(item:[]) -> "\"" ++ P.fpToString (P.fromAbs item) ++ "\""
items -> (show . length $ items) ++ " items"
-- |Go up one directory and visualize it in the treeView.
upDir :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
upDir mygui myview = withErrorDialog $ do
cdir <- getCurrentDir myview
nv <- goUp cdir
refreshView' mygui myview nv
-- |Go up one directory and visualize it in the treeView.
newFile :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
newFile _ myview = withErrorDialog $ do
mfn <- textInputDialog "Enter file name"
let pmfn = P.parseFn =<< P.userStringToFP <$> mfn
for_ pmfn $ \fn -> do
cdir <- getCurrentDir myview
createFile cdir fn
renameF :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
renameF [item] _ _ = withErrorDialog $ do
mfn <- textInputDialog "Enter new file name"
let pmfn = P.parseFn =<< P.userStringToFP <$> mfn
for_ pmfn $ \fn -> do
let cmsg = "Really rename \"" ++ P.fpToString (fullPathS item)
++ "\"" ++ " to \""
++ P.fpToString (P.fromAbs $ (P.dirname . path $ item)
P.</> fn) ++ "\"?"
withConfirmationDialog cmsg $
HSFM.FileSystem.FileOperations.renameFile item fn
renameF _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"Operation not supported on multiple files"