Instead of using zipLazy (which does more IO than we need) we just construct the newDest zipper from the information we already have. This should be sufficient.
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288 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module IO.File where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
, void
import Data.DirTree
import Data.DirTree.Zipper
import Data.Foldable
import IO.Error
import IO.Utils
import System.Directory
, createDirectory
, createDirectoryIfMissing
, doesDirectoryExist
, doesFileExist
, executable
, removeDirectory
, removeDirectoryRecursive
, removeFile
import System.FilePath
, isAbsolute
, takeFileName
, takeDirectory
, (</>)
import System.Posix.Files
, readSymbolicLink
import System.Process
, ProcessHandle
import qualified System.Directory as SD
-- TODO: modify the DTZipper directly after file operations!?
-- TODO: file operations should be threaded and not block the UI
-- |Data type describing an actual file operation that can be
-- carried out via `doFile`. Useful to build up a list of operations
-- or delay operations.
data FileOperation = FCopy Copy
| FMove Move
| FDelete DTInfoZipper
| FOpen DTInfoZipper
| FExecute DTInfoZipper [String]
| None
data Copy = CP1 DTInfoZipper
| CP2 DTInfoZipper DTInfoZipper
| CC DTInfoZipper DTInfoZipper DirCopyMode
data Move = MP1 DTInfoZipper
| MC DTInfoZipper DTInfoZipper
-- |Directory copy modes.
-- Strict means we fail if the target directory already exists.
-- Merge means we keep the old directories/files, but overwrite old files
-- on collision.
-- Replace means the target directory will be removed recursively before
-- performing the copy operation.
data DirCopyMode = Strict
| Merge
| Replace
runFileOp :: FileOperation -> IO (Maybe FileOperation)
runFileOp (FCopy (CC from@(File {}, _) to cm)) =
copyFileToDir from to >> return Nothing
runFileOp (FCopy (CC from@(Dir {}, _) to cm)) =
copyDir cm from to >> return Nothing
runFileOp fo@(FCopy _) = return $ Just fo
runFileOp (FDelete fp) = easyDelete fp >> return Nothing
runFileOp (FOpen fp) = openFile fp >> return Nothing
runFileOp (FExecute fp args) = executeFile fp args >> return Nothing
runFileOp _ = return Nothing
-- TODO: allow renaming
-- |Copies a directory to the given destination.
copyDir :: DirCopyMode
-> DTInfoZipper -- ^ source dir
-> DTInfoZipper -- ^ destination dir
-> IO ()
copyDir cm from@(Dir fn _ _, _) to@(tod@Dir {}, tobs) = do
let fromp = getFullPath from
top = getFullPath to
destdir = getFullPath to </> fn
dirSanityThrow fromp
dirSanityThrow top
throwDestinationInSource fromp top
throwSameFile fromp destdir
createDestdir destdir
ddinfo <- mkDirInfo destdir
let newDest = (Dir fn [] ddinfo, tod : tobs)
for_ (goAllDown from) $ \f ->
-- TODO: maybe do this strict?
case f of
-- recreate symlink
sz@(Dir { name = n, dir = (DirInfo { sym = True }) }, _) ->
recreateSymlink newDest n sz
sz@(Dir {}, _) ->
copyDir cm sz newDest
sz@(File {}, _) ->
copyFileToDir sz newDest
createDestdir destdir =
case cm of
Merge ->
createDirectoryIfMissing False destdir
Strict -> do
throwDirDoesExist destdir
createDirectory destdir
Replace -> do
whenM (doesDirectoryExist destdir) (removeDirectoryRecursive destdir)
createDirectory destdir
recreateSymlink newDest n sz = do
let sympoint = getFullPath newDest </> n
case cm of
Merge ->
-- delete old file/dir to be able to create symlink
for_ (goDown n newDest) $ \odtz ->
easyDelete odtz
_ -> return ()
symname <- readSymbolicLink (getFullPath sz)
createSymbolicLink symname sympoint
copyDir _ from@(File _ _, _) _ = throw $ NotADir (getFullPath from)
copyDir _ _ to@(File _ _, _) = throw $ NotADir (getFullPath to)
-- |Copies the given file.
-- This will throw an exception if any of the filepaths are not absolute
-- and an exception if the source file does not exist.
-- If the destination file already exists, it will be replaced.
copyFile :: DTZipper a b -- ^ source file
-> FilePath -- ^ destination file
-> IO ()
copyFile from@(File name _, _) to = do
let fp = getFullPath from
fileSanityThrow fp
throwNotAbsolute to
throwDirDoesExist to
toC <- canonicalizePath (takeDirectory to)
let to' = toC </> takeFileName to
throwSameFile fp to'
SD.copyFile fp to'
copyFile from _ = throw $ NotAFile (getFullPath from)
-- |Copies the given file to the given dir with the same filename.
-- This is just a convenience wrapper around `copyFile`.
copyFileToDir :: DTZipper a b -- ^ source file
-> DTZipper a b -- ^ destination
-> IO ()
copyFileToDir from@(File name _, _) to@(Dir {}, _) = do
let dp = getFullPath to
dirSanityThrow dp
copyFile from (dp </> name)
copyFileToDir from (Dir {}, _) = throw $ NotAFile (getFullPath from)
copyFileToDir _ to = throw $ NotADir (getFullPath to)
-- |Copies the given file, regardless of whether the destination is
-- a file or a directory. This is a wrapper around `copyFile` and
-- `copyFileToDir`.
easyCopyFile :: DTZipper a b -> Either FilePath (DTZipper a b) -> IO ()
easyCopyFile from (Left to) = copyFile from to
easyCopyFile from (Right to) = copyFileToDir from to
-- |Deletes the given file or symlink.
-- This will throw an exception if the filepath is not absolute
-- or the file does not exist.
-- It also throws exceptions from `removeFile`.
deleteFile :: DTInfoZipper -> IO ()
deleteFile dtz@(File {}, _) = do
let fp = getFullPath dtz
fileSanityThrow fp
removeFile fp
deleteFile dtz@(Dir { dir = (DirInfo { sym = True }) }, _) = do
let fp = getFullPath dtz
throwNotAbsolute fp
removeFile fp
deleteFile dtz = throw $ NotAFile (getFullPath dtz)
-- |Deletes the given directory. Does not work on symlinks.
-- This will throw an exception if the filepath is not absolute
-- or the directory does not exist.
-- It also throws exceptions from `removeDirectory`.
deleteDir :: DTInfoZipper -> IO ()
deleteDir dtz@(Dir {}, _) = do
let fp = getFullPath dtz
dirSanityThrow fp
removeDirectory fp
deleteDir dtz = throw $ NotADir (getFullPath dtz)
-- |Deletes the given directory recursively. Does not work on symlinks.
-- This will throw an exception if the filepath is not absolute
-- or the directory does not exist.
-- It also throws exceptions from `removeDirectoryRecursive`.
deleteDirRecursive :: DTInfoZipper -> IO ()
deleteDirRecursive dtz@(Dir {}, _) = do
let fp = getFullPath dtz
dirSanityThrow fp
removeDirectoryRecursive fp
deleteDirRecursive dtz = throw $ NotADir (getFullPath dtz)
-- |Deletes a file or directory, whatever it may be.
easyDelete :: DTInfoZipper -> IO ()
easyDelete dtz@(File {}, _) = deleteFile dtz
easyDelete dtz@(Dir { dir = (DirInfo { sym = True }) }, _) = deleteFile dtz
easyDelete dtz@(Dir {}, _) = deleteDir dtz
-- |Opens a file appropriately by invoking xdg-open.
-- This will throw an exception if the filepath is not absolute
-- or the file does not exist.
openFile :: DTZipper a b
-> IO ProcessHandle
openFile dtz@(File {}, _) = do
let fp = getFullPath dtz
fileSanityThrow fp
spawnProcess "xdg-open" [fp]
openFile dtz = throw $ NotAFile (getFullPath dtz)
-- |Executes a program with the given arguments.
-- This will throw an exception if the filepath is not absolute
-- or the file does not exist. It will also throw an exception
-- if the file is not executable.
executeFile :: DTInfoZipper -- ^ program
-> [String] -- ^ arguments
-> IO ProcessHandle
executeFile dtz@(File { file = (FileInfo { permissions = p }) }, _) args = do
let fp = getFullPath dtz
fileSanityThrow fp
unless (executable p) (throw $ FileNotExecutable fp)
spawnProcess fp args
executeFile dtz _ = throw $ NotAFile (getFullPath dtz)