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HSFM, a filemanager written in Haskell.
Copyright (C) 2015 Julian Ospald
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
-- |This module provides all the atomic IO related file operations like
-- copy, delete, move and so on. It operates only on FilePaths and reads
-- all necessary file information manually in order to stay atomic and not
-- rely on the state of passed objects.
-- It would be nicer to pass states around, but the filesystem state changes
-- too quickly and cannot be relied upon. Lazy implementations of filesystem
-- trees have been tried as well, but they can introduce subtle bugs.
module IO.File where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Data.DirTree
import Data.Foldable
import Foreign.C.Error
import IO.Error
import IO.Utils
import System.FilePath
import System.Posix.Directory
, removeDirectory
import System.Posix.Files
, fileMode
, readSymbolicLink
, getSymbolicLinkStatus
, groupExecuteMode
, groupReadMode
, groupWriteMode
, otherExecuteMode
, otherReadMode
, otherWriteMode
, ownerModes
, ownerReadMode
, ownerWriteMode
, rename
, unionFileModes
, removeLink
import System.Posix.IO
, createFile
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Process
, ProcessHandle
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-- TODO: file operations should be threaded and not block the UI
-- |Data type describing an actual file operation that can be
-- carried out via `doFile`. Useful to build up a list of operations
-- or delay operations.
data FileOperation = FCopy Copy
| FMove Move
| FDelete (AnchoredFile FileInfo)
| FOpen (AnchoredFile FileInfo)
| FExecute (AnchoredFile FileInfo) [String]
| None
-- |Data type describing partial or complete file copy operation.
-- CC stands for a complete operation and can be used for `runFileOp`.
data Copy = CP1 (AnchoredFile FileInfo)
| CP2 (AnchoredFile FileInfo)
(AnchoredFile FileInfo)
| CC (AnchoredFile FileInfo)
(AnchoredFile FileInfo)
-- |Data type describing partial or complete file move operation.
-- MC stands for a complete operation and can be used for `runFileOp`.
data Move = MP1 (AnchoredFile FileInfo)
| MC (AnchoredFile FileInfo)
(AnchoredFile FileInfo)
-- |Directory copy modes.
data DirCopyMode = Strict -- ^ fail if the target directory already exists
| Merge -- ^ overwrite files if necessary
| Replace -- ^ remove target directory before copying
-- |Run a given FileOperation. If the FileOperation is partial, it will
-- be returned.
runFileOp :: FileOperation -> IO (Maybe FileOperation)
runFileOp (FCopy (CC from to cm)) = easyCopy cm from to >> return Nothing
runFileOp (FCopy fo) = return $ Just $ FCopy fo
runFileOp (FMove (MC from to)) = moveFile from to >> return Nothing
runFileOp (FMove fo) = return $ Just $ FMove fo
runFileOp (FDelete fp) = easyDelete fp >> return Nothing
runFileOp (FOpen fp) = openFile fp >> return Nothing
runFileOp (FExecute fp args) = executeFile fp args >> return Nothing
--[ File Copying ]--
-- TODO: allow renaming
-- |Copies a directory to the given destination with the specified
-- `DirCopyMode`. Excludes symlinks.
copyDir :: DirCopyMode
-> AnchoredFile FileInfo -- ^ source dir
-> AnchoredFile FileInfo -- ^ destination dir
-> IO ()
copyDir cm (_ :/ SymLink {}) _ = return ()
copyDir cm from@(_ :/ Dir fromn _)
to@(_ :/ Dir {})
= do
let fromp = fullPath from
top = fullPath to
destdirp = top </> fromn
throwDestinationInSource fromp destdirp
throwSameFile fromp destdirp
createDestdir destdirp
destdir <- Data.DirTree.readFile destdirp
contents <- readDirectory' (fullPath from)
for_ contents $ \f ->
case f of
(_ :/ SymLink {}) -> recreateSymlink f destdir
(_ :/ Dir {}) -> copyDir cm f destdir
(_ :/ RegFile {}) -> copyFileToDir f destdir
_ -> return ()
createDestdir destdir =
case cm of
Merge ->
unlessM (doesDirectoryExist destdir)
(createDirectory destdir newDirPerms)
Strict -> do
throwDirDoesExist destdir
createDirectory destdir newDirPerms
Replace -> do
whenM (doesDirectoryExist destdir)
(deleteDirRecursive =<< Data.DirTree.readFile destdir)
createDirectory destdir newDirPerms
recreateSymlink' f destdir = do
let destfilep = fullPath destdir </> (name . file $ f)
destfile <- Data.DirTree.readFile destfilep
_ <- case cm of
-- delete old file/dir to be able to create symlink
Merge -> easyDelete destfile
_ -> return ()
recreateSymlink f destdir
copyDir _ _ _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
-- |Recreate a symlink.
recreateSymlink :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -- ^ the old symlink file
-> AnchoredFile FileInfo -- ^ destination dir of the
-- new symlink file
-> IO ()
recreateSymlink symf@(_ :/ SymLink {})
symdest@(_ :/ Dir {})
= do
symname <- readSymbolicLink (fullPath symf)
createSymbolicLink symname (fullPath symdest </> (name . file $ symf))
recreateSymlink _ _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
-- |TODO: handle EAGAIN exception for non-blocking IO
-- |Low-level function to copy a given file to the given path. The fileMode
-- is preserved.
copyFile' :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFile' from to = do
fromFstatus <- getSymbolicLinkStatus from
fromContent <- BS.readFile from
fd <- System.Posix.IO.createFile to
(System.Posix.Files.fileMode fromFstatus)
closeFd fd
BS.writeFile to fromContent
-- |Copies the given file to the given file destination.
-- Excludes symlinks.
copyFile :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -- ^ source file
-> AnchoredFile FileInfo -- ^ destination file
-> IO ()
copyFile (_ :/ SymLink {}) _ = return ()
copyFile from@(_ :/ RegFile {}) to@(_ :/ RegFile {}) = do
let from' = fullPath from
to' = fullPath to
throwSameFile from' to'
copyFile' from' to'
copyFile _ _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
-- |Copies the given file to the given dir with the same filename.
-- Excludes symlinks.
copyFileToDir :: AnchoredFile FileInfo
-> AnchoredFile FileInfo
-> IO ()
copyFileToDir (_ :/ SymLink {}) _ = return ()
copyFileToDir from@(_ :/ RegFile fn _)
to@(_ :/ Dir {}) =
let from' = fullPath from
to' = fullPath to </> fn
copyFile' from' to'
copyFileToDir _ _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
-- |Copies a file, directory or symlink. In case of a symlink, it is just
-- recreated, even if it points to a directory.
easyCopy :: DirCopyMode
-> AnchoredFile FileInfo
-> AnchoredFile FileInfo
-> IO ()
easyCopy _ from@(_ :/ SymLink {}) to@(_ :/ Dir {}) = recreateSymlink from to
easyCopy _ from@(_ :/ RegFile fn _)
to@(_ :/ Dir {})
= copyFileToDir from to
easyCopy _ from@(_ :/ RegFile fn _)
to@(_ :/ RegFile {})
= copyFile from to
easyCopy cm from@(_ :/ Dir fn _)
to@(_ :/ Dir {})
= copyDir cm from to
easyCopy _ _ _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
--[ File Deletion ]--
-- |Deletes a symlink, which can either point to a file or directory.
deleteSymlink :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> IO ()
deleteSymlink f@(_ :/ SymLink {})
= removeLink (fullPath f)
deleteSymlink _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
-- |Deletes the given file, never symlinks.
deleteFile :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> IO ()
deleteFile (_ :/ SymLink {}) = return ()
deleteFile f@(_ :/ RegFile {})
= removeLink (fullPath f)
deleteFile _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
-- |Deletes the given directory, never symlinks.
deleteDir :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> IO ()
deleteDir (_ :/ SymLink {}) = return ()
deleteDir f@(_ :/ Dir {})
= removeDirectory (fullPath f)
deleteDir _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
-- |Deletes the given directory recursively.
deleteDirRecursive :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> IO ()
deleteDirRecursive f@(_ :/ Dir {}) = do
let fp = fullPath f
files <- readDirectory' fp
for_ files $ \file ->
case file of
(_ :/ SymLink {}) -> deleteSymlink file
(_ :/ Dir {}) -> deleteDirRecursive file
(AFileLike _) -> removeLink (fullPath file)
_ -> throw $ FileDoesExist (fullPath file)
removeDirectory fp
deleteDirRecursive _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
-- |Deletes a file, directory or symlink, whatever it may be.
-- In case of directory, performs recursive deletion. In case of
-- a symlink, the symlink file is deleted.
easyDelete :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> IO ()
easyDelete f@(_ :/ SymLink {}) = deleteSymlink f
easyDelete f@(_ :/ RegFile {})
= deleteFile f
easyDelete f@(_ :/ Dir {})
= deleteDirRecursive f
easyDelete _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
--[ File Opening ]--
-- |Opens a file appropriately by invoking xdg-open.
openFile :: AnchoredFile a
-> IO ProcessHandle
openFile f = spawnProcess "xdg-open" [fullPath f]
-- |Executes a program with the given arguments.
executeFile :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -- ^ program
-> [String] -- ^ arguments
-> IO ProcessHandle
executeFile prog@(_ :/ RegFile {}) args
= spawnProcess (fullPath prog) args
executeFile _ _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
--[ File Creation ]--
createFile :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> FileName -> IO ()
createFile (ADirOrSym td) (ValFN fn) = do
let fullp = fullPath td </> fn
throwFileDoesExist fullp
fd <- System.Posix.IO.createFile fullp newFilePerms
closeFd fd
createFile _ _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
createDir :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> FileName -> IO ()
createDir (ADirOrSym td) (ValFN fn) = do
let fullp = fullPath td </> fn
throwDirDoesExist fullp
createDirectory fullp newFilePerms
createDir _ _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
--[ File Renaming/Moving ]--
renameFile :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> FileName -> IO ()
renameFile (_ :/ Failed {}) _ = return ()
renameFile af (ValFN fn) = do
let fromf = fullPath af
tof = anchor af </> fn
throwFileDoesExist tof
throwSameFile fromf tof
rename fromf tof
renameFile _ _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
-- |Move a given file to the given target directory.
moveFile :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -- ^ file to move
-> AnchoredFile FileInfo -- ^ base target directory
-> IO ()
moveFile from to@(_ :/ Dir {}) = do
let from' = fullPath from
to' = fullPath to </> (name . file $ from)
throwFileDoesExist to'
throwSameFile from' to'
catchErrno eXDEV (rename from' to') $ do
easyCopy Strict from to
easyDelete from
moveFile _ _ = throw $ InvalidOperation "wrong input type"
--[ File Permissions]--
newFilePerms :: FileMode
= ownerWriteMode
`unionFileModes` ownerReadMode
`unionFileModes` groupWriteMode
`unionFileModes` groupReadMode
`unionFileModes` otherWriteMode
`unionFileModes` otherReadMode
newDirPerms :: FileMode
= ownerModes
`unionFileModes` groupExecuteMode
`unionFileModes` groupReadMode
`unionFileModes` otherExecuteMode
`unionFileModes` otherReadMode