
536 lines
13 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
-- |This module provides data types for representing directories/files
-- and related operations on it, mostly internal stuff, not actual IO actions.
-- It doesn't allow to represent the whole filesystem, since that's only
-- possible through IO laziness, which introduces too much internal state.
module Data.DirTree where
import Control.Applicative
, (<$>)
, (<|>)
, pure
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception
import Control.Exception.Base
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Default
import Data.IntMap.Lazy (IntMap)
import Data.List
, sort
, sortBy
, (\\)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
, posixSecondsToUTCTime
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Word
import System.Directory
, executable
, getPermissions
, readable
, searchable
, writable
, Permissions
import System.FilePath
, equalFilePath
, joinPath
, splitDirectories
, (</>)
import System.IO
, Handle
, openFile
import System.IO.Error
, isDoesNotExistErrorType
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Locale
, rfc822DateFormat
import System.Posix.Types
, EpochTime
, FileID
, FileMode
, FileOffset
, GroupID
, LinkCount
, UserID
import qualified Data.Bitraversable as BT
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF
import qualified Data.Bifoldable as BFL
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified System.Posix.Files as PF
import qualified System.Posix.Directory as PFD
import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as IM
--[ BASE TYPES ]--
-- |Weak type to distinguish between FilePath and FileName.
type FileName = String
-- |Represents a directory with it's contents (one level only), while
-- preserving the context via the anchor.
data AnchoredDirFile a b =
(:/) { anchor :: FilePath, dirTree :: IntMap (DirFile a b) }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- |The String in the name field is always a file name, never a full path.
-- The free type variable is used in the File/Dir constructor and can hold
-- Handles, Strings representing a file's contents or anything else you can
-- think of. We catch any IO errors in the Failed constructor. an Exception
-- can be converted to a String with 'show'.
data DirFile a b =
Failed {
name :: FileName
, err :: IOException
| Dir {
name :: FileName
, dir :: a
| File {
name :: FileName
, file :: b
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- |All possible file information we could ever need.
data FileInfo = FileInfo {
deviceID :: DeviceID
, fileID :: FileID
, fileMode :: FileMode
, linkCount :: LinkCount
, fileOwner :: UserID
, fileGroup :: GroupID
, specialDeviceID :: DeviceID
, fileSize :: FileOffset
, accessTime :: EpochTime
, modificationTime :: EpochTime
, statusChangeTime :: EpochTime
, accessTimeHiRes :: POSIXTime
, modificationTimeHiRes :: POSIXTime
, statusChangeTimeHiRes :: POSIXTime
, isBlockDevice :: Bool
, isCharacterDevice :: Bool
, isNamedPipe :: Bool
, isRegularFile :: Bool
, isDirectory :: Bool
, isSymbolicLink :: Bool
, isSocket :: Bool
, permissions :: Permissions
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance BF.Bifunctor DirFile where
bimap = BT.bimapDefault
instance BFL.Bifoldable DirFile where
bifoldMap = BT.bifoldMapDefault
instance BT.Bitraversable DirFile where
bitraverse f1 f2 (Dir n b) =
Dir n <$> f1 b
bitraverse _ f2 (File n a) =
File n <$> f2 a
bitraverse _ _ (Failed n e) =
pure (Failed n e)
-- | First compare constructors: Failed < Dir < File...
-- Then compare `name`...
-- Then compare free variable parameter of `File` constructors
instance (Ord a, Ord b, Eq a, Eq b) => Ord (DirFile a b) where
compare (File n a) (File n' a') =
case compare n n' of
EQ -> compare a a'
el -> el
compare (Dir n b) (Dir n' b') =
case compare n n' of
EQ -> compare b b'
el -> el
-- after comparing above we can hand off to shape ord function:
compare d d' = comparingShape d d'
-- | build an AnchoredDirFile, given the path to a directory, opening the files
-- using readFile.
-- Uses `readDirectoryWith` internally and has the effect of traversing the
-- entire directory structure. See `readDirectoryWithL` for lazy production
-- of a DirFile structure.
readDirectory :: FilePath -> IO (AnchoredDirFile String String)
readDirectory = readDirectoryWith readFile return
-- | same as readDirectory but allows us to, for example, use
-- ByteString.readFile to return a tree of ByteStrings.
readDirectoryWith :: (FilePath -> IO a)
-> (FilePath -> IO b)
-> FilePath
-> IO (AnchoredDirFile a b)
readDirectoryWith fd ff p = buildWith' buildAtOnce' fd ff p
-- | builds a DirFile from the contents of the directory passed to it, saving
-- the base directory in the Anchored* wrapper. Errors are caught in the tree in
-- the Failed constructor. The 'file' fields initially are populated with full
-- paths to the files they are abstracting.
build :: FilePath -> IO (AnchoredDirFile FilePath FilePath)
build = buildWith' buildAtOnce' return return -- we say 'return' here to get
-- back a tree of FilePaths
-- -- -- helpers: -- -- --
type UserIO a = FilePath -> IO a
type Builder a b = UserIO a -> UserIO b -> FilePath -> IO (IntMap (DirFile a b))
-- remove non-existent file errors, which are artifacts of the "non-atomic"
-- nature of traversing a system firectory tree:
buildWith' :: Builder a b
-> UserIO a
-> UserIO b
-> FilePath
-> IO (AnchoredDirFile a b)
buildWith' bf' fd ff p =
do tree <- bf' fd ff p
return (p :/ removeNonexistent tree)
-- IO function passed to our builder and finally executed here:
buildAtOnce' :: Builder a b
buildAtOnce' fd ff p = do
contents <- getDirsFiles p
for contents $ \n -> handleDT n $ do
let subf = p </> n
do isFile <- doesFileExist subf
if isFile
then File n <$> ff subf
else Dir n <$> fd subf
-- | True if any Failed constructors in the tree
anyFailed :: [DirFile a b] -> Bool
anyFailed = not . successful
-- | True if there are no Failed constructors in the tree
successful :: [DirFile a b] -> Bool
successful = null . failures
-- | returns true if argument is a `Failed` constructor:
failed :: DirFile a b -> Bool
failed (Failed _ _) = True
failed _ = False
-- | returns a list of 'Failed' constructors only:
failures :: [DirFile a b] -> [DirFile a b]
failures = filter failed
-- | Tests equality of two trees, ignoring their free variable portion. Can be
-- used to check if any files have been added or deleted, for instance.
equalShape :: DirFile a b -> DirFile c d -> Bool
equalShape d d' = comparingShape d d' == EQ
-- TODO: we should use equalFilePath here, but how to sort properly?
-- with System.Directory.canonicalizePath, before compare?
-- | a compare function that ignores the free "file" type variable:
comparingShape :: DirFile a b -> DirFile c d -> Ordering
comparingShape (Dir n _) (Dir n' _) = compare n n'
-- else simply compare the flat constructors, non-recursively:
comparingShape t t' = comparingConstr t t'
-- HELPER: a non-recursive comparison
comparingConstr :: DirFile a b -> DirFile a1 b1 -> Ordering
comparingConstr (Failed _ _) (Dir _ _) = LT
comparingConstr (Failed _ _) (File _ _) = LT
comparingConstr (File _ _) (Failed _ _) = GT
comparingConstr (File _ _) (Dir _ _) = GT
comparingConstr (Dir _ _) (Failed _ _) = GT
comparingConstr (Dir _ _) (File _ _) = LT
-- else compare on the names of constructors that are the same, without
-- looking at the contents of Dir constructors:
comparingConstr t t' = compare (name t) (name t')
---- OTHER ----
--[ HELPERS ]--
isFileC :: DirFile a b -> Bool
isFileC (File _ _) = True
isFileC _ = False
isDirC :: DirFile a b -> Bool
isDirC (Dir _ _) = True
isDirC _ = False
-- extracting pathnames and base names:
topDir, baseDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
topDir = last . splitDirectories
baseDir = joinPath . init . splitDirectories
---- IO HELPERS: ----
----- the let expression is an annoying hack, because dropFileName "." == ""
----- and getDirectoryContents fails epically on ""
-- prepares the directory contents list. we sort so that we can be sure of
-- a consistent fold/traversal order on the same directory:
getDirsFiles :: FilePath -> IO (IntMap FilePath)
getDirsFiles fp = do
dirstream <- PFD.openDirStream fp
let mdirs :: Int -> IntMap FilePath -> IO (IntMap FilePath)
mdirs ix dirs = do
dir <- PFD.readDirStream dirstream
if dir == ""
then return dirs
else mdirs (ix + 1) (instertF ix dir dirs)
dirs <- mdirs 0 IM.empty
PFD.closeDirStream dirstream
return dirs
instertF ix dir dirs = case dir of
"." -> dirs
".." -> dirs
_ -> IM.insert ix dir dirs
-- |Read a filepath and return transform it into our `AnchoredDirFile`
-- with the free variables of both the File and Dir constructors filled
-- with `FileInfo`.
readPath :: FilePath
-> IO (AnchoredDirFile FileInfo FileInfo)
readPath = readDirectoryWith getFileInfo getFileInfo
-- |Gets all file information.
getFileInfo :: FilePath -> IO FileInfo
getFileInfo fp = do
fs <- PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus fp
perms <- getPermissions fp
return $ FileInfo
(PF.deviceID fs)
(PF.fileID fs)
(PF.fileMode fs)
(PF.linkCount fs)
(PF.fileOwner fs)
(PF.fileGroup fs)
(PF.specialDeviceID fs)
(PF.fileSize fs)
(PF.accessTime fs)
(PF.modificationTime fs)
(PF.statusChangeTime fs)
(PF.accessTimeHiRes fs)
(PF.modificationTimeHiRes fs)
(PF.statusChangeTimeHiRes fs)
(PF.isBlockDevice fs)
(PF.isCharacterDevice fs)
(PF.isNamedPipe fs)
(PF.isRegularFile fs)
(PF.isDirectory fs)
(PF.isSymbolicLink fs)
(PF.isSocket fs)
-- |Gets the free variable. Returns Nothing if the constructor is of `Failed`.
getFreeVar :: DirFile a a -> Maybe a
getFreeVar (File _ f) = Just f
getFreeVar (Dir _ d) = Just d
getFreeVar _ = Nothing
-- handles an IO exception by returning a Failed constructor filled with that
-- exception:
handleDT :: FileName -> IO (DirFile a b) -> IO (DirFile a b)
handleDT n = handle (return . Failed n)
-- DoesNotExist errors not present at the topmost level could happen if a
-- named file or directory is deleted after being listed by
-- getDirectoryContents but before we can get it into memory.
-- So we filter those errors out because the user should not see errors
-- raised by the internal implementation of this module:
-- This leaves the error if it exists in the top (user-supplied) level:
removeNonexistent :: IntMap (DirFile a b) -> IntMap (DirFile a b)
removeNonexistent = IM.filter isOkConstructor
where isOkConstructor c = not (failed c) || isOkError c
isOkError = not . isDoesNotExistErrorType . ioeGetErrorType . err
---- OTHER: ----
-- TODO: use Maybe type?
dirLookup :: AnchoredDirFile a b -> Int -> DirFile a b
dirLookup df ix =
fromMaybe errTree (IM.lookup ix . dirTree $ df)
errTree = Failed "Not found!!!"
(userError $ "Failed to lookup index " ++ show ix)
subDirName :: AnchoredDirFile a b -> Int -> FilePath
subDirName df ix = anchor df </> name (dirLookup df ix)
fromFreeVar :: (Default d) => (a -> d) -> DirFile a a -> d
fromFreeVar f df = maybeD f $ getFreeVar df
maybeD :: (Default b) => (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybeD = maybe def
-- |Pack the modification time
packModTime :: DirFile FileInfo FileInfo
-> String
packModTime = fromFreeVar
$ show . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac . modificationTime
packPermissions :: DirFile FileInfo FileInfo
-> String
packPermissions dt = fromFreeVar (pStr . permissions) dt
pStr perm = str perm readable "r"
++ str perm writable "w"
++ str perm (if isDirC dt then searchable else executable)
str perm f ch
| f perm = ch
| otherwise = "-"