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759 lines
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HSFM, a filemanager written in Haskell.
Copyright (C) 2015 Julian Ospald
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
-- |This module provides data types for representing directories/files
-- and related operations on it, mostly internal stuff, not actual IO actions.
-- It doesn't allow to represent the whole filesystem, since that's only
-- possible through IO laziness, which introduces too much internal state.
module Data.DirTree where
import Control.Applicative
, (<$>)
, (<|>)
, pure
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception
import Control.Exception.Base
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Default
import Data.List
, foldl'
, isPrefixOf
, sort
, sortBy
, (\\)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
, posixSecondsToUTCTime
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Word
import Safe
, initDef
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
, normalise
, equalFilePath
, isAbsolute
, joinPath
, splitDirectories
, takeFileName
, (</>)
import System.IO
, Handle
, openFile
import System.IO.Error
, isDoesNotExistErrorType
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Locale
, rfc822DateFormat
import System.Posix.Types
, EpochTime
, FileID
, FileMode
, FileOffset
, GroupID
, LinkCount
, UserID
import qualified Data.Bitraversable as BT
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF
import qualified Data.Bifoldable as BFL
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified System.Posix.Files as PF
import qualified System.Posix.Directory as PFD
--[ BASE TYPES ]--
-- |Weak type to distinguish between FilePath and FileName.
type FileName = String
-- |Represents a file. The `anchor` field is the path
-- to that file without the filename.
data AnchoredFile a =
(:/) { anchor :: FilePath, file :: File a }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- |The String in the name field is always a file name, never a full path.
-- The free type variable is used in the File/Dir constructor and can hold
-- Handles, Strings representing a file's contents or anything else you can
-- think of. We catch any IO errors in the Failed constructor. an Exception
-- can be converted to a String with 'show'.
data File a =
Failed {
name :: FileName
, err :: IOException
| Dir {
name :: FileName
, fvar :: a
| RegFile {
name :: FileName
, fvar :: a
| SymLink {
name :: FileName
, fvar :: a
, sdest :: AnchoredFile a -- ^ symlink madness,
-- we need to know where it points to
| BlockDev {
name :: FileName
, fvar :: a
| CharDev {
name :: FileName
, fvar :: a
| NamedPipe {
name :: FileName
, fvar :: a
| Socket {
name :: FileName
, fvar :: a
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- |All possible file information we could ever need.
data FileInfo = FileInfo {
deviceID :: DeviceID
, fileID :: FileID
, fileMode :: FileMode
, linkCount :: LinkCount
, fileOwner :: UserID
, fileGroup :: GroupID
, specialDeviceID :: DeviceID
, fileSize :: FileOffset
, accessTime :: EpochTime
, modificationTime :: EpochTime
, statusChangeTime :: EpochTime
, accessTimeHiRes :: POSIXTime
, modificationTimeHiRes :: POSIXTime
, statusChangeTimeHiRes :: POSIXTime
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type UserIO a = FilePath -> IO a
type Builder a = UserIO a -> FilePath -> IO [File a]
--[ ViewPatterns/PatternSynonyms ]--
saregfile :: AnchoredFile FileInfo
-> (Bool, AnchoredFile FileInfo)
saregfile f@(bp :/ constr) =
let (b, file) = sregfile constr
in (b, bp :/ file)
sregfile :: File FileInfo -> (Bool, File FileInfo)
sregfile f@(RegFile {}) = (True, f)
sregfile f@(SymLink {}) = (True, f)
sregfile f = (False, f)
sadir :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> (Bool, AnchoredFile FileInfo)
sadir f@(bp :/ constr) =
let (b, file) = sdir constr
in (b, bp :/ file)
sdir :: File FileInfo -> (Bool, File FileInfo)
sdir f@(SymLink { sdest = (_ :/ s@(SymLink {}) )})
-- we have to follow a chain of symlinks here, but
-- return only the very first level
= case (sdir s) of
(True, _) -> (True, f)
_ -> (False, f)
sdir f@(SymLink { sdest = (_ :/ Dir {} )})
= (True, f)
sdir f@(Dir {}) = (True, f)
sdir f = (False, f)
safile :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> (Bool, AnchoredFile FileInfo)
safile f@(bp :/ constr) =
let (b, file) = sfile constr
in (b, bp :/ file)
sfile :: File FileInfo -> (Bool, File FileInfo)
sfile f@(SymLink { sdest = (_ :/ s@(SymLink {}) )})
-- we have to follow a chain of symlinks here, but
-- return only the very first level
= case (sfile s) of
(True, _) -> (True, f)
_ -> (False, f)
sfile f@(SymLink { sdest = (_ :/ RegFile {} )})
= (True, f)
sfile f@(RegFile {}) = (True, f)
sfile f@(BlockDev {}) = (True, f)
sfile f@(CharDev {}) = (True, f)
sfile f@(NamedPipe {}) = (True, f)
sfile f@(Socket {}) = (True, f)
sfile f = (False, f)
-- |Matches on symlinks (pointing to anything) or regular files.
pattern SARegFile <- (saregfile -> (True, _))
pattern SRegFile <- (sregfile -> (True, _))
-- |Matches on directories or symlinks pointing to directories.
-- If the symlink is pointing to a symlink pointing to a directory, then
-- it will return True, but also return the first element in the symlink-
-- chain, not the last.
pattern SADir f <- (sadir -> (True, f))
pattern SDir f <- (sdir -> (True, f))
-- |Matches on any non-directory kind of files or symlinks pointing to
-- such.
-- If the symlink is pointing to a symlink pointing to such a file, then
-- it will return True, but also return the first element in the symlink-
-- chain, not the last.
pattern SAFile f <- (safile -> (True, f))
pattern SFile f <- (sfile -> (True, f))
-- | First compare constructors: Failed < Dir < File...
-- Then compare `name`...
-- Then compare free variable parameter of `File` constructors
instance Ord (File FileInfo) where
compare (RegFile n a) (RegFile n' a') =
case compare n n' of
EQ -> compare a a'
el -> el
compare (Dir n b) (Dir n' b') =
case compare n n' of
EQ -> compare b b'
el -> el
-- after comparing above we can hand off to shape ord function:
compare d d' = comparingConstr d d'
-- |First compare anchor, then compare File.
instance Ord (AnchoredFile FileInfo) where
compare (bp1 :/ a) (bp2 :/ b) =
case compare bp1 bp2 of
EQ -> compare a b
el -> el
-- |Read a file into an `AnchoredFile`, filling the free variables via
-- the given function.
readFileWith :: (FilePath -> IO a)
-> FilePath
-> IO (AnchoredFile a)
readFileWith ff p = do
let fn = topDir p
bd = baseDir p
handleDT' bd fn $ do
fs <- PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus p
fv <- ff p
file <- constructFile fs fv bd fn
return (bd :/ file)
constructFile fs fv bd' n
| PF.isSymbolicLink fs = do
-- symlink madness, we need to make sure we save the correct
-- AnchoredFile
let fp = bd' </> n
resolvedSyml <- handleDT' bd' n $ do
sfp <- (\x -> if isAbsolute x then x else bd' </> x)
<$> PF.readSymbolicLink fp
_ <- PF.getFileStatus sfp -- important to break infinite symbolic
-- link cycle
readFileWith ff sfp
return $ SymLink n fv resolvedSyml
| PF.isDirectory fs = return $ Dir n fv
| PF.isRegularFile fs = return $ RegFile n fv
| PF.isBlockDevice fs = return $ BlockDev n fv
| PF.isCharacterDevice fs = return $ CharDev n fv
| PF.isNamedPipe fs = return $ NamedPipe n fv
| PF.isSocket fs = return $ Socket n fv
| otherwise = return $ Failed n (userError
"Unknown filetype!")
readFile :: FilePath -> IO (AnchoredFile FileInfo)
readFile fp = readFileWith getFileInfo $ normalize fp
-- |Build a list of AnchoredFile, given the path to a directory, filling
-- the free variables via `getFileInfo`. This includes the "." and ".."
-- directories.
readDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [AnchoredFile FileInfo]
readDirectory fp = readDirectoryWith getAllDirsFiles getFileInfo
$ normalize fp
-- |Build a list of AnchoredFile, given the path to a directory, filling
-- the free variables via `getFileInfo`. This excludes the "." and ".."
-- directories.
readDirectory' :: FilePath -> IO [AnchoredFile FileInfo]
readDirectory' fp = readDirectoryWith getDirsFiles getFileInfo
$ normalize fp
-- | same as readDirectory but allows us to, for example, use
-- ByteString.readFile to return a tree of ByteStrings.
readDirectoryWith :: (FilePath -> IO [FilePath])
-> (FilePath -> IO a)
-> FilePath
-> IO [AnchoredFile a]
readDirectoryWith getfiles ff p = do
contents <- getfiles $ normalize p
cs <- mapM (\x -> readFileWith ff $ p </> x) contents
return $ removeNonexistent cs
-- | True if any Failed constructors in the tree
anyFailed :: [File a] -> Bool
anyFailed = not . successful
-- | True if there are no Failed constructors in the tree
successful :: [File a] -> Bool
successful = null . failures
-- | returns true if argument is a `Failed` constructor:
failed :: File a -> Bool
failed (Failed _ _) = True
failed _ = False
-- | returns a list of 'Failed' constructors only:
failures :: [File a] -> [File a]
failures = filter failed
-- HELPER: a non-recursive comparison
comparingConstr :: File FileInfo -> File FileInfo -> Ordering
comparingConstr (Failed _ _) (SDir _) = LT
comparingConstr (Failed _ _) (SFile _) = LT
comparingConstr (SFile _) (Failed _ _) = GT
comparingConstr (SFile _) (SDir _) = GT
comparingConstr (SDir _) (Failed _ _) = GT
comparingConstr (SDir _) (SFile _) = LT
-- else compare on the names of constructors that are the same, without
-- looking at the contents of Dir constructors:
comparingConstr t t' = compare (name t) (name t')
---- OTHER ----
--[ HELPERS ]--
isFileC :: File a -> Bool
isFileC (RegFile _ _) = True
isFileC _ = False
isDirC :: File a -> Bool
isDirC (Dir _ _) = True
isDirC _ = False
isSymC :: File a -> Bool
isSymC (SymLink _ _ _) = True
isSymC _ = False
isBlockC :: File a -> Bool
isBlockC (BlockDev _ _) = True
isBlockC _ = False
isCharC :: File a -> Bool
isCharC (CharDev _ _) = True
isCharC _ = False
isNamedC :: File a -> Bool
isNamedC (NamedPipe _ _) = True
isNamedC _ = False
isSocketC :: File a -> Bool
isSocketC (Socket _ _) = True
isSocketC _ = False
-- extracting pathnames and base names:
topDir, baseDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
topDir = last . splitDirectories
baseDir = joinPath . init . splitDirectories
-- |Check whether the given file is a hidden file.
hiddenFile :: FilePath -> Bool
hiddenFile "." = False
hiddenFile ".." = False
hiddenFile str
| "." `isPrefixOf` str = True
| otherwise = False
-- |Like `normalise` from System.FilePath but removes occurences of '..'.
-- Note that this sort of misbehaves if the path contains symlink
-- components.
normalize :: FilePath -> FilePath
normalize fp =
joinPath $ foldl' ff [] (splitDirectories . normalise $ fp)
ff ["/"] ".." = ["/"]
ff x ".." = initDef [] x
ff x y = x ++ [y]
-- |Like `canonicalizePath` from System.Directory, but preserves the last
-- component if it's a symlink.
canonicalizePath' :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
canonicalizePath' fp = do
-- TODO: throw fileDoesNotExist error earlier
isSymlink <- PF.isSymbolicLink <$> PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus fp
if isSymlink
then do
cbase <- canonicalizePath (baseDir fp)
return $ cbase </> topDir fp
else canonicalizePath fp
---- IO HELPERS: ----
-- |Go up one directory in the filesystem hierarchy.
goUp :: AnchoredFile FileInfo -> IO (AnchoredFile FileInfo)
goUp af@("" :/ _) = return af
goUp (bp :/ _) = Data.DirTree.readFile bp
-- |Go up one directory in the filesystem hierarchy.
goUp' :: FilePath -> IO (AnchoredFile FileInfo)
goUp' fp = do
let cfp = normalize fp
Data.DirTree.readFile $ baseDir cfp
-- |Get the contents of a directory.
getContents :: AnchoredFile FileInfo
-> IO [AnchoredFile FileInfo]
getContents (SADir af) = readDirectory (fullPath af)
getContents _ = return []
-- |Get all files of a given directory and return them as a List.
-- This includes "." and "..".
getAllDirsFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getAllDirsFiles fp = do
dirstream <- PFD.openDirStream fp
let mdirs :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
mdirs dirs = do
dir <- PFD.readDirStream dirstream
if dir == ""
then return dirs
else mdirs (dir : dirs)
dirs <- mdirs []
PFD.closeDirStream dirstream
return dirs
-- |Get all files of a given directory and return them as a List.
-- This excludes "." and "..".
getDirsFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirsFiles fp = do
dirstream <- PFD.openDirStream fp
let mdirs :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
mdirs dirs = do
dir <- PFD.readDirStream dirstream
if dir == ""
then return dirs
else mdirs (insert dir dirs)
dirs <- mdirs []
PFD.closeDirStream dirstream
return dirs
insert dir dirs = case dir of
"." -> dirs
".." -> dirs
_ -> dir : dirs
-- |Gets all file information.
getFileInfo :: FilePath -> IO FileInfo
getFileInfo fp = do
fs <- PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus fp
return $ FileInfo
(PF.deviceID fs)
(PF.fileID fs)
(PF.fileMode fs)
(PF.linkCount fs)
(PF.fileOwner fs)
(PF.fileGroup fs)
(PF.specialDeviceID fs)
(PF.fileSize fs)
(PF.accessTime fs)
(PF.modificationTime fs)
(PF.statusChangeTime fs)
(PF.accessTimeHiRes fs)
(PF.modificationTimeHiRes fs)
(PF.statusChangeTimeHiRes fs)
-- |Gets the free variable. Returns Nothing if the constructor is of `Failed`.
getFreeVar :: File a -> Maybe a
getFreeVar (Dir _ d) = Just d
getFreeVar (RegFile _ d) = Just d
getFreeVar (SymLink _ d _) = Just d
getFreeVar (BlockDev _ d) = Just d
getFreeVar (CharDev _ d) = Just d
getFreeVar (NamedPipe _ d) = Just d
getFreeVar (Socket _ d) = Just d
getFreeVar _ = Nothing
-- handles an IO exception by returning a Failed constructor filled with that
-- exception:
handleDT :: FileName -> IO (File a) -> IO (File a)
handleDT n = handle (return . Failed n)
-- handles an IO exception by returning a Failed constructor filled with that
-- exception:
handleDT' :: FilePath -> FileName -> IO (AnchoredFile a) -> IO (AnchoredFile a)
handleDT' bp n = handle (\e -> return $ bp :/ Failed n e)
-- DoesNotExist errors not present at the topmost level could happen if a
-- named file or directory is deleted after being listed by
-- getDirectoryContents but before we can get it into memory.
-- So we filter those errors out because the user should not see errors
-- raised by the internal implementation of this module:
-- This leaves the error if it exists in the top (user-supplied) level:
removeNonexistent :: [AnchoredFile a] -> [AnchoredFile a]
removeNonexistent = filter isOkConstructor
isOkConstructor (_ :/ c) = not (failed c) || isOkError c
isOkError = not . isDoesNotExistErrorType . ioeGetErrorType . err
-- |Follows a chain of symlinks until it finds a non-symlink. Note that
-- this can be caught in an infinite loop if the symlinks haven't been
-- constructed properly. This module however ensures that this cannot
-- happen.
followSymlink :: File FileInfo -> File FileInfo
followSymlink (SymLink _ _ (_ :/ b@(SymLink {}))) = followSymlink b
followSymlink af = af
-- |Checks if a symlink is broken by examining the constructor of the
-- symlink destination. This also follows the symlink chain.
-- When called on a non-symlink, returns False.
isBrokenSymlink :: File FileInfo -> Bool
isBrokenSymlink af@(SymLink {})
= case followSymlink af of
(Failed {}) -> True
_ -> False
isBrokenSymlink _ = False
---- OTHER: ----
fullPath :: AnchoredFile a -> FilePath
fullPath (bp :/ f) = bp </> name f
-- |Apply a function on the free variable. If there is no free variable
-- for the given constructor the value from the `Default` class is used.
fromFreeVar :: (Default d) => (a -> d) -> File a -> d
fromFreeVar f df = maybeD f $ getFreeVar df
-- |A `maybe` flavor using the `Default` class.
maybeD :: (Default b) => (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybeD = maybe def
-- |Pack the modification time into a string.
packModTime :: File FileInfo
-> String
packModTime = fromFreeVar
$ show . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac . modificationTime
-- |Pack the permissions into a string, similar to what "ls -l" does.
packPermissions :: File FileInfo
-> String
packPermissions dt = fromFreeVar (pStr . fileMode) dt
pStr ffm = typeModeStr ++ ownerModeStr ++ groupModeStr ++ otherModeStr
| hasFM PF.regularFileMode = "-"
| hasFM PF.directoryMode = "d"
| hasFM PF.symbolicLinkMode = "l"
| hasFM PF.socketMode = "s"
| hasFM PF.blockSpecialMode = "b"
| hasFM PF.characterSpecialMode = "c"
| hasFM PF.namedPipeMode = "p"
ownerModeStr = hasFmStr PF.ownerReadMode "r"
++ hasFmStr PF.ownerWriteMode "w"
++ hasFmStr PF.ownerExecuteMode "x"
groupModeStr = hasFmStr PF.groupReadMode "r"
++ hasFmStr PF.groupWriteMode "w"
++ hasFmStr PF.groupExecuteMode "x"
otherModeStr = hasFmStr PF.otherReadMode "r"
++ hasFmStr PF.otherWriteMode "w"
++ hasFmStr PF.otherExecuteMode "x"
hasFmStr fm str
| hasFM fm = str
| otherwise = "-"
hasFM fm = ffm `PF.intersectFileModes` fm == fm