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2015-12-24 17:25:05 +00:00
HSFM, a filemanager written in Haskell.
2016-03-30 22:28:23 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2016 Julian Ospald
2015-12-24 17:25:05 +00:00
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2015-12-17 03:42:22 +00:00
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
2016-03-30 18:16:34 +00:00
module HSFM.GUI.Gtk.Callbacks where
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
, void
, when
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Foldable
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import qualified HPath as P
import HPath
, Path
2016-03-30 18:16:34 +00:00
import HSFM.FileSystem.Errors
import HSFM.FileSystem.FileOperations
import HSFM.FileSystem.FileType
import HSFM.GUI.Gtk.Data
import HSFM.GUI.Gtk.Dialogs
import HSFM.GUI.Gtk.MyView
import HSFM.GUI.Gtk.Utils
import HSFM.Utils.IO
import Prelude hiding(readFile)
import System.Glib.UTFString
import System.Posix.Env.ByteString
import qualified System.Posix.Process.ByteString as SPP
import System.Posix.Types
--[ Callbacks ]--
-- |Set callbacks for the whole gui, on hotkeys, events and stuff.
setGUICallbacks :: MyGUI -> IO ()
setGUICallbacks mygui = do
_ <- clearStatusBar mygui `on` buttonActivated $ do
popStatusbar mygui
writeTVarIO (operationBuffer mygui) None
-- menubar-file
_ <- (menubarFileQuit . menubar) mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
-- menubar-help
_ <- (menubarHelpAbout . menubar) mygui `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO showAboutDialog
return ()
-- key events
_ <- rootWin mygui `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"q" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO mainQuit
return ()
-- |Set callbacks specific to a given view, on hotkeys, events and stuff.
setViewCallbacks :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
setViewCallbacks mygui myview = do
view' <- readTVarIO $ view myview
case view' of
fmv@(FMTreeView treeView) -> do
2015-12-30 17:01:36 +00:00
_ <- treeView `on` rowActivated
$ (\_ _ -> withItems mygui myview open)
-- drag events
_ <- treeView `on` dragBegin $
\_ -> withItems mygui myview moveInit
_ <- treeView `on` dragDrop $
\dc p ts -> do
p' <- treeViewConvertWidgetToTreeCoords treeView p
mpath <- treeViewGetPathAtPos treeView p'
case mpath of
Nothing -> do
dragFinish dc False False ts
return False
Just _ -> do
2016-04-19 19:05:29 +00:00
atom <- atomNew ("HSFM" :: String)
dragGetData treeView dc atom ts
return True
_ <- treeView `on` dragDataReceived $
\dc p _ ts ->
liftIO $ do
signalStopEmission treeView "drag_data_received"
p' <- treeViewConvertWidgetToTreeCoords treeView p
mpath <- treeViewGetPathAtPos treeView p'
case mpath of
Nothing -> dragFinish dc False False ts
Just (tp, _, _) -> do
mitem <- rawPathToItem myview tp
forM_ mitem $ \item ->
operationFinal mygui myview (Just item)
dragFinish dc True False ts
commonGuiEvents fmv
2015-12-30 17:01:36 +00:00
return ()
fmv@(FMIconView iconView) -> do
2015-12-30 17:01:36 +00:00
_ <- iconView `on` itemActivated
$ (\_ -> withItems mygui myview open)
commonGuiEvents fmv
2015-12-30 17:01:36 +00:00
return ()
commonGuiEvents fmv = do
let view = fmViewToContainer fmv
-- GUI events
_ <- urlBar myview `on` entryActivated $ urlGoTo mygui myview
_ <- upViewB myview `on` buttonActivated $
upDir mygui myview
_ <- homeViewB myview `on` buttonActivated $
goHome mygui myview
_ <- refreshViewB myview `on` buttonActivated $ do
cdir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDir myview
refreshView' mygui myview cdir
-- key events
_ <- viewBox myview `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"h" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
cdir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDir myview
liftIO $ modifyTVarIO (settings mygui)
(\x -> x { showHidden = not . showHidden $ x})
>> refreshView' mygui myview cdir
_ <- viewBox myview `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Alt] <- eventModifier
"Up" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ upDir mygui myview
_ <- viewBox myview `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Alt] <- eventModifier
"Left" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ goHistoryPrev mygui myview
_ <- viewBox myview `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Alt] <- eventModifier
"Right" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ goHistoryNext mygui myview
2015-12-30 17:01:36 +00:00
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
"Delete" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview del
2015-12-30 17:01:36 +00:00
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[] <- eventModifier
"Return" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview open
2015-12-30 17:01:36 +00:00
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"c" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview copyInit
2015-12-30 17:01:36 +00:00
_ <- view `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"x" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview moveInit
_ <- viewBox myview `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"v" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview Nothing
_ <- viewBox myview `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"t" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ void $ do
cwd <- getCurrentDir myview
newTab mygui createTreeView (path cwd)
_ <- viewBox myview `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"w" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ void $ closeTab mygui myview
_ <- viewBox myview `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
"F4" <- fmap glibToString eventKeyName
liftIO $ void $ openTerminalHere myview
-- righ-click
2015-12-30 17:01:36 +00:00
_ <- view `on` buttonPressEvent $ do
eb <- eventButton
t <- eventTime
case eb of
RightButton -> do
_ <- liftIO $ menuPopup (rcMenu . rcmenu $ myview)
$ Just (RightButton, t)
-- this is just to not screw with current selection
-- on right-click
-- TODO: this misbehaves under IconView
(x, y) <- eventCoordinates
mpath <- liftIO $ getPathAtPos fmv (x, y)
case mpath of
-- item under the cursor, only pass on the signal
-- if the item under the cursor is not within the current
-- selection
(Just tp) -> do
selectedTps <- liftIO $ getSelectedTreePaths mygui myview
return $ elem tp selectedTps
-- no item under the cursor, pass on the signal
Nothing -> return False
OtherButton 8 -> do
liftIO $ goHistoryPrev mygui myview
return False
OtherButton 9 -> do
liftIO $ goHistoryNext mygui myview
return False
-- not right-click, so pass on the signal
_ -> return False
-- right click menu
_ <- (rcFileOpen . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview open
_ <- (rcFileExecute . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview execute
_ <- (rcFileNewRegFile . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ newFile mygui myview
_ <- (rcFileNewDir . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ newDir mygui myview
_ <- (rcFileCopy . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview copyInit
_ <- (rcFileRename . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview renameF
_ <- (rcFilePaste . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ operationFinal mygui myview Nothing
_ <- (rcFileDelete . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview del
_ <- (rcFileProperty . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
2016-04-19 19:05:29 +00:00
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview showFilePropertyDialog
_ <- (rcFileCut . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ withItems mygui myview moveInit
_ <- (rcFileIconView . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ switchView mygui myview createIconView
_ <- (rcFileTreeView . rcmenu) myview `on` menuItemActivated $
liftIO $ switchView mygui myview createTreeView
return ()
getPathAtPos fmv (x, y) =
case fmv of
FMTreeView treeView -> do
mp <- treeViewGetPathAtPos treeView (round x, round y)
return $ fmap (\(p, _, _) -> p) mp
FMIconView iconView ->
fmap (\tp -> if null tp then Nothing else Just tp)
$ iconViewGetPathAtPos iconView (round x) (round y)
---- OTHER ----
openTerminalHere :: MyView -> IO ProcessID
openTerminalHere myview = do
cwd <- (P.fromAbs . path) <$> getCurrentDir myview
-- TODO: make terminal configurable
SPP.forkProcess $ SPP.executeFile "sakura" True ["-d", cwd] Nothing
-- |Closes the current tab, but only if there is more than one tab.
closeTab :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
closeTab mygui myview = do
n <- notebookGetNPages (notebook mygui)
when (n > 1) $ void $ destroyView mygui myview
2015-12-24 13:41:06 +00:00
-- |Supposed to be used with 'withRows'. Deletes a file or directory.
del :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
2016-03-31 14:19:31 +00:00
del [item] _ _ = withErrorDialog $ do
let cmsg = "Really delete \"" ++ getFPasStr item ++ "\"?"
2015-12-22 16:56:37 +00:00
withConfirmationDialog cmsg
$ easyDelete . path $ item
-- this throws on the first error that occurs
2016-03-31 14:19:31 +00:00
del items@(_:_) _ _ = withErrorDialog $ do
let cmsg = "Really delete " ++ show (length items) ++ " files?"
withConfirmationDialog cmsg
$ forM_ items $ \item -> easyDelete . path $ item
del _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"Operation not supported on multiple files"
2015-12-23 15:09:37 +00:00
-- |Initializes a file move operation.
moveInit :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
moveInit items@(_:_) mygui _ = do
writeTVarIO (operationBuffer mygui) (FMove . PartialMove . map path $ items)
let sbmsg = case items of
(item:[]) -> "Move buffer: " ++ getFPasStr item
_ -> "Move buffer: " ++ (show . length $ items)
++ " items"
popStatusbar mygui
void $ pushStatusBar mygui sbmsg
moveInit _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"No file selected!"
2015-12-23 15:09:37 +00:00
-- |Supposed to be used with 'withRows'. Initializes a file copy operation.
copyInit :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
copyInit items@(_:_) mygui _ = do
writeTVarIO (operationBuffer mygui) (FCopy . PartialCopy . map path $ items)
let sbmsg = case items of
(item:[]) -> "Copy buffer: " ++ getFPasStr item
_ -> "Copy buffer: " ++ (show . length $ items)
++ " items"
popStatusbar mygui
void $ pushStatusBar mygui sbmsg
copyInit _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"No file selected!"
2015-12-23 15:09:37 +00:00
-- |Finalizes a file operation, such as copy or move.
operationFinal :: MyGUI -> MyView -> Maybe Item -> IO ()
operationFinal mygui myview mitem = withErrorDialog $ do
op <- readTVarIO (operationBuffer mygui)
cdir <- case mitem of
Nothing -> path <$> getCurrentDir myview
Just x -> return $ path x
case op of
FMove (PartialMove s) -> do
let cmsg = "Really move " ++ imsg s
++ " to \"" ++ P.fpToString (P.fromAbs cdir)
++ "\"?"
withConfirmationDialog cmsg . withCopyModeDialog
-- TODO: cm ignored
$ \cm -> do
void $ runFileOp (FMove $ Move s cdir)
popStatusbar mygui
writeTVarIO (operationBuffer mygui) None
FCopy (PartialCopy s) -> do
let cmsg = "Really copy " ++ imsg s
++ " to \"" ++ P.fpToString (P.fromAbs cdir)
++ "\"?"
withConfirmationDialog cmsg . withCopyModeDialog
-- TODO: cm ignored
$ \cm -> void $ runFileOp (FCopy $ Copy s cdir)
_ -> return ()
imsg s = case s of
(item:[]) -> "\"" ++ P.fpToString (P.fromAbs item) ++ "\""
items -> (show . length $ items) ++ " items"
-- |Create a new file.
newFile :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
2016-03-31 14:19:31 +00:00
newFile _ myview = withErrorDialog $ do
mfn <- textInputDialog "Enter file name"
let pmfn = P.parseFn =<< P.userStringToFP <$> mfn
for_ pmfn $ \fn -> do
cdir <- getCurrentDir myview
createRegularFile (path cdir P.</> fn)
-- |Create a new directory.
newDir :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
newDir _ myview = withErrorDialog $ do
mfn <- textInputDialog "Enter directory name"
let pmfn = P.parseFn =<< P.userStringToFP <$> mfn
for_ pmfn $ \fn -> do
cdir <- getCurrentDir myview
createDir (path cdir P.</> fn)
renameF :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
2016-03-31 14:19:31 +00:00
renameF [item] _ _ = withErrorDialog $ do
mfn <- textInputDialog "Enter new file name"
let pmfn = P.parseFn =<< P.userStringToFP <$> mfn
for_ pmfn $ \fn -> do
let cmsg = "Really rename \"" ++ getFPasStr item
++ "\"" ++ " to \""
++ P.fpToString (P.fromAbs $ (P.dirname . path $ item)
P.</> fn) ++ "\"?"
2016-03-30 18:16:34 +00:00
withConfirmationDialog cmsg $
HSFM.FileSystem.FileOperations.renameFile (path item)
((path item) P.</> fn)
renameF _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"Operation not supported on multiple files"
-- |Go to the url given at the 'urlBar' and visualize it in the given
-- treeView.
-- If the url is invalid, does nothing.
urlGoTo :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
urlGoTo mygui myview = withErrorDialog $ do
fp <- entryGetText (urlBar myview)
forM_ (P.parseAbs fp :: Maybe (Path Abs)) $ \fp' ->
whenM (canOpenDirectory fp')
(goDir mygui myview =<< (readFile getFileInfo $ fp'))
goHome :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
goHome mygui myview = withErrorDialog $ do
mhomedir <- getEnv "HOME"
forM_ (P.parseAbs =<< mhomedir :: Maybe (Path Abs)) $ \fp' ->
whenM (canOpenDirectory fp')
(goDir mygui myview =<< (readFile getFileInfo $ fp'))
-- |Execute a given file.
execute :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
execute [item] _ _ = withErrorDialog $
void $ executeFile (path item) []
execute _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"Operation not supported on multiple files"
-- |Supposed to be used with 'withRows'. Opens a file or directory.
open :: [Item] -> MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
open [item] mygui myview = withErrorDialog $
case item of
DirOrSym r -> do
nv <- readFile getFileInfo $ path r
goDir mygui myview nv
r ->
void $ openFile . path $ r
-- this throws on the first error that occurs
open (FileLikeList fs) _ _ = withErrorDialog $
forM_ fs $ \f -> void $ openFile . path $ f
open _ _ _ = withErrorDialog
. throw $ InvalidOperation
"Operation not supported on multiple files"
-- |Go up one directory and visualize it in the treeView.
upDir :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
upDir mygui myview = withErrorDialog $ do
cdir <- getCurrentDir myview
nv <- goUp cdir
goDir mygui myview nv
-- |Helper that is invoked for any directory change operations.
goDir :: MyGUI -> MyView -> Item -> IO ()
goDir mygui myview item = do
cdir <- getCurrentDir myview
modifyTVarIO (history myview)
(\(p, _) -> (path cdir `addHistory` p, []))
refreshView' mygui myview item
-- |Go "back" in the history.
goHistoryPrev :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
goHistoryPrev mygui myview = do
hs <- readTVarIO (history myview)
case hs of
([], _) -> return ()
(x:xs, _) -> do
cdir <- getCurrentDir myview
nv <- readFile getFileInfo $ x
modifyTVarIO (history myview)
(\(_, n) -> (xs, path cdir `addHistory` n))
refreshView' mygui myview nv
-- |Go "forth" in the history.
goHistoryNext :: MyGUI -> MyView -> IO ()
goHistoryNext mygui myview = do
hs <- readTVarIO (history myview)
case hs of
(_, []) -> return ()
(_, x:xs) -> do
cdir <- getCurrentDir myview
nv <- readFile getFileInfo $ x
modifyTVarIO (history myview)
(\(p, _) -> (path cdir `addHistory` p, xs))
refreshView' mygui myview nv