We now create the necessary directories and files for the tests on-the-fly.
222 lines
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222 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module Utils where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import HPath.IO
import HPath.IO.Errors
import HPath.IO.Utils
import Data.Maybe
import qualified HPath as P
import System.Posix.Env.ByteString
import Data.ByteString
import System.Posix.Files.ByteString
, groupReadMode
, nullFileMode
, otherExecuteMode
, otherReadMode
, ownerExecuteMode
, ownerReadMode
, setFileMode
, unionFileModes
import qualified "unix" System.Posix.IO.ByteString as SPI
import qualified "unix-bytestring" System.Posix.IO.ByteString as SPB
tmpDir :: ByteString
tmpDir = "test/HPath/IO/tmp/"
--[ Utilities ]--
createTmpDir :: IO ()
createTmpDir = do
pwd <- fromJust <$> getEnv "PWD" >>= P.parseAbs
tmp <- P.parseRel tmpDir
void $ createDir (pwd P.</> tmp)
deleteTmpDir :: IO ()
deleteTmpDir = do
pwd <- fromJust <$> getEnv "PWD" >>= P.parseAbs
tmp <- P.parseRel tmpDir
void $ deleteDir (pwd P.</> tmp)
withRawTmpDir :: (P.Path P.Abs -> IO a) -> IO a
withRawTmpDir f = do
pwd <- fromJust <$> getEnv "PWD" >>= P.parseAbs
tmp <- P.parseRel tmpDir
f (pwd P.</> tmp)
withTmpDir :: ByteString -> (P.Path P.Abs -> IO a) -> IO a
withTmpDir ip f = do
pwd <- fromJust <$> getEnv "PWD" >>= P.parseAbs
tmp <- P.parseRel tmpDir
p <- (pwd P.</> tmp P.</>) <$> P.parseRel ip
f p
withTmpDir' :: ByteString
-> ByteString
-> (P.Path P.Abs -> P.Path P.Abs -> IO a)
-> IO a
withTmpDir' ip1 ip2 f = do
pwd <- fromJust <$> getEnv "PWD" >>= P.parseAbs
tmp <- P.parseRel tmpDir
p1 <- (pwd P.</> tmp P.</>) <$> P.parseRel ip1
p2 <- (pwd P.</> tmp P.</>) <$> P.parseRel ip2
f p1 p2
removeFileIfExists :: ByteString -> IO ()
removeFileIfExists bs =
withTmpDir bs $ \p -> whenM (doesFileExist p) (deleteFile p)
removeDirIfExists :: ByteString -> IO ()
removeDirIfExists bs =
withTmpDir bs $ \p -> whenM (doesDirectoryExist p) (deleteDirRecursive p)
copyFile' :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
copyFile' inputFileP outputFileP =
withTmpDir' inputFileP outputFileP copyFile
copyFileOverwrite' :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
copyFileOverwrite' inputFileP outputFileP =
withTmpDir' inputFileP outputFileP copyFileOverwrite
copyDirRecursive' :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
copyDirRecursive' inputDirP outputDirP =
withTmpDir' inputDirP outputDirP copyDirRecursive
copyDirRecursiveOverwrite' :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
copyDirRecursiveOverwrite' inputDirP outputDirP =
withTmpDir' inputDirP outputDirP copyDirRecursiveOverwrite
createDir' :: ByteString -> IO ()
createDir' dest = withTmpDir dest createDir
createRegularFile' :: ByteString -> IO ()
createRegularFile' dest = withTmpDir dest createRegularFile
createSymlink' :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
createSymlink' dest sympoint = withTmpDir dest
(\x -> createSymlink x sympoint)
renameFile' :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
renameFile' inputFileP outputFileP =
withTmpDir' inputFileP outputFileP $ \i o -> do
renameFile i o
renameFile o i
moveFile' :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
moveFile' inputFileP outputFileP =
withTmpDir' inputFileP outputFileP $ \i o -> do
moveFile i o
moveFile o i
moveFileOverwrite' :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
moveFileOverwrite' inputFileP outputFileP =
withTmpDir' inputFileP outputFileP $ \i o -> do
moveFileOverwrite i o
moveFile o i
recreateSymlink' :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
recreateSymlink' inputFileP outputFileP =
withTmpDir' inputFileP outputFileP recreateSymlink
noWritableDirPerms :: ByteString -> IO ()
noWritableDirPerms path = withTmpDir path $ \p ->
setFileMode (P.fromAbs p) perms
perms = ownerReadMode
`unionFileModes` ownerExecuteMode
`unionFileModes` groupReadMode
`unionFileModes` groupExecuteMode
`unionFileModes` otherReadMode
`unionFileModes` otherExecuteMode
noPerms :: ByteString -> IO ()
noPerms path = withTmpDir path $ \p -> setFileMode (P.fromAbs p) nullFileMode
normalDirPerms :: ByteString -> IO ()
normalDirPerms path =
withTmpDir path $ \p -> setFileMode (P.fromAbs p) newDirPerms
getFileType' :: ByteString -> IO FileType
getFileType' path = withTmpDir path getFileType
getDirsFiles' :: ByteString -> IO [P.Path P.Abs]
getDirsFiles' path = withTmpDir path getDirsFiles
deleteFile' :: ByteString -> IO ()
deleteFile' p = withTmpDir p deleteFile
deleteDir' :: ByteString -> IO ()
deleteDir' p = withTmpDir p deleteDir
deleteDirRecursive' :: ByteString -> IO ()
deleteDirRecursive' p = withTmpDir p deleteDirRecursive
canonicalizePath' :: ByteString -> IO (P.Path P.Abs)
canonicalizePath' p = withTmpDir p canonicalizePath
writeFile' :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
writeFile' ip bs =
withTmpDir ip $ \p -> do
fd <- SPI.openFd (P.fromAbs p) SPI.WriteOnly Nothing
SPB.fdWrite fd bs
SPI.closeFd fd