Julian Ospald
This allows to specify the behavior on recursive operations, such that one can collect failures instead of dying on the first failure.
111 lines
2.6 KiB
111 lines
2.6 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HPath.IO.RenameFileSpec where
import Test.Hspec
import HPath.IO.Errors
import System.IO.Error
import GHC.IO.Exception
import Utils
setupFiles :: IO ()
setupFiles = do
createRegularFile' "myFile"
createSymlink' "myFileL" "myFile"
createRegularFile' "alreadyExists"
createDir' "alreadyExistsD"
createDir' "dir"
createDir' "noPerms"
createDir' "noWritePerm"
noPerms "noPerms"
noWritableDirPerms "noWritePerm"
writeFile' "myFile" "Blahfaselgagaga"
cleanupFiles :: IO ()
cleanupFiles = do
normalDirPerms "noPerms"
normalDirPerms "noWritePerm"
deleteFile' "myFile"
deleteFile' "myFileL"
deleteFile' "alreadyExists"
deleteDir' "alreadyExistsD"
deleteDir' "dir"
deleteDir' "noPerms"
deleteDir' "noWritePerm"
spec :: Spec
spec = before_ setupFiles $ after_ cleanupFiles $
describe "HPath.IO.renameFile" $ do
-- successes --
it "renameFile, all fine" $
renameFile' "myFile"
it "renameFile, all fine" $
renameFile' "myFile"
it "renameFile, all fine on symlink" $
renameFile' "myFileL"
it "renameFile, all fine on directory" $
renameFile' "dir"
-- posix failures --
it "renameFile, source file does not exist" $
renameFile' "fileDoesNotExist"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == NoSuchThing)
it "renameFile, can't write to output directory" $
renameFile' "myFile"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == PermissionDenied)
it "renameFile, can't open output directory" $
renameFile' "myFile"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == PermissionDenied)
it "renameFile, can't open source directory" $
renameFile' "noPerms/myFile"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == PermissionDenied)
-- custom failures --
it "renameFile, destination file already exists" $
renameFile' "myFile"
it "renameFile, move from file to dir" $
renameFile' "myFile"
it "renameFile, source and dest are same file" $
renameFile' "myFile"