101 lines
2.3 KiB
101 lines
2.3 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module System.Posix.RawFilePath.Directory.GetDirsFilesSpec where
import Data.List
import "hpath-directory" System.Posix.RawFilePath.Directory hiding (getDirsFiles')
import System.Posix.FilePath
import Test.Hspec
import System.IO.Error
import GHC.IO.Exception
import Utils
upTmpDir :: IO ()
upTmpDir = do
setTmpDir "GetDirsFilesSpec"
setupFiles :: IO ()
setupFiles = do
createRegularFile' "file"
createRegularFile' "Lala"
createRegularFile' ".hidden"
createSymlink' "syml" "Lala"
createDir' "dir"
createSymlink' "dirsym" "dir"
createDir' "noPerms"
noPerms "noPerms"
cleanupFiles :: IO ()
cleanupFiles = do
normalDirPerms "noPerms"
deleteFile' "file"
deleteFile' "Lala"
deleteFile' ".hidden"
deleteFile' "syml"
deleteDir' "dir"
deleteFile' "dirsym"
deleteDir' "noPerms"
spec :: Spec
spec = beforeAll_ (upTmpDir >> setupFiles) $ afterAll_ cleanupFiles $
describe "System.Posix.RawFilePath.Directory.getDirsFiles" $ do
-- successes --
it "getDirsFiles, all fine" $
withRawTmpDir $ \p -> do
let expectedFiles = [".hidden"
(fmap sort $ getDirsFiles p)
`shouldReturn` fmap (p </>) expectedFiles
-- posix failures --
it "getDirsFiles, nonexistent directory" $
getDirsFiles' "nothingHere"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == NoSuchThing)
it "getDirsFiles, wrong file type (file)" $
getDirsFiles' "file"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType)
it "getDirsFiles, wrong file type (symlink to file)" $
getDirsFiles' "syml"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == InvalidArgument)
it "getDirsFiles, wrong file type (symlink to dir)" $
getDirsFiles' "dirsym"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == InvalidArgument)
it "getDirsFiles, can't open directory" $
getDirsFiles' "noPerms"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == PermissionDenied)