191 lines
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191 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Test suite.
module Main where
import Data.Monoid
import Path
import Path.Internal
import Test.Hspec
-- | Test suite entry point, returns exit failure if any test fails.
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
-- | Test suite.
spec :: Spec
spec =
do describe "Parsing: Path Abs Dir" parseAbsDirSpec
describe "Parsing: Path Rel Dir" parseRelDirSpec
describe "Parsing: Path Abs File" parseAbsFileSpec
describe "Parsing: Path Rel File" parseRelFileSpec
describe "Operations: (</>)" operationAppend
describe "Operations: stripDir" operationStripDir
describe "Operations: isParentOf" operationIsParentOf
describe "Operations: parentAbs" operationParentAbs
describe "Operations: filename" operationFilename
-- | The 'filename' operation.
operationFilename :: Spec
operationFilename =
do it "filename ($(mkAbsDir parent) </> filename $(mkRelFile filename)) == $(mkRelFile filename)"
(filename ($(mkAbsDir "/home/chris/") </>
filename $(mkRelFile "bar.txt")) ==
$(mkRelFile "bar.txt"))
it "filename ($(mkRelDir parent) </> filename $(mkRelFile filename)) == $(mkRelFile filename)"
(filename ($(mkRelDir "home/chris/") </>
filename $(mkRelFile "bar.txt")) ==
$(mkRelFile "bar.txt"))
-- | The 'parentAbs' operation.
operationParentAbs :: Spec
operationParentAbs =
do it "parentAbs (parent </> child) == parent"
(parent ($(mkAbsDir "/foo") </>
$(mkRelDir "bar")) ==
$(mkAbsDir "/foo"))
it "parent \"\" == \"\""
(parent $(mkAbsDir "/") ==
$(mkAbsDir "/"))
it "parent (parent \"\") == \"\""
(parent (parent $(mkAbsDir "/")) ==
$(mkAbsDir "/"))
-- | The 'isParentOf' operation.
operationIsParentOf :: Spec
operationIsParentOf =
do it "isParentOf parent (parent </> child)"
$(mkAbsDir "///bar/")
($(mkAbsDir "///bar/") </>
$(mkRelFile "bar/foo.txt")))
it "isParentOf parent (parent </> child)"
$(mkRelDir "bar/")
($(mkRelDir "bar/") </>
$(mkRelFile "bob/foo.txt")))
-- | The 'stripDir' operation.
operationStripDir :: Spec
operationStripDir =
do it "stripDir parent (parent </> child) = child"
(stripDir $(mkAbsDir "///bar/")
($(mkAbsDir "///bar/") </>
$(mkRelFile "bar/foo.txt")) ==
Just $(mkRelFile "bar/foo.txt"))
it "stripDir parent (parent </> child) = child"
(stripDir $(mkRelDir "bar/")
($(mkRelDir "bar/") </>
$(mkRelFile "bob/foo.txt")) ==
Just $(mkRelFile "bob/foo.txt"))
-- | The '</>' operation.
operationAppend :: Spec
operationAppend =
do it "AbsDir + RelDir = AbsDir"
($(mkAbsDir "/home/") </>
$(mkRelDir "chris") ==
$(mkAbsDir "/home/chris/"))
it "AbsDir + RelFile = AbsFile"
($(mkAbsDir "/home/") </>
$(mkRelFile "chris/test.txt") ==
$(mkAbsFile "/home/chris/test.txt"))
it "RelDir + RelDir = RelDir"
($(mkRelDir "home/") </>
$(mkRelDir "chris") ==
$(mkRelDir "home/chris"))
it "RelDir + RelFile = RelFile"
($(mkRelDir "home/") </>
$(mkRelFile "chris/test.txt") ==
$(mkRelFile "home/chris/test.txt"))
-- | Tests for the tokenizer.
parseAbsDirSpec :: Spec
parseAbsDirSpec =
do failing ""
failing "./"
failing "~/"
failing "foo.txt"
succeeding "/" (Path "/")
succeeding "//" (Path "/")
succeeding "///foo//bar//mu/" (Path "/foo/bar/mu/")
succeeding "///foo//bar////mu" (Path "/foo/bar/mu/")
succeeding "///foo//bar/.//mu" (Path "/foo/bar/mu/")
where failing x = parserTest parseAbsDir x Nothing
succeeding x with = parserTest parseAbsDir x (Just with)
-- | Tests for the tokenizer.
parseRelDirSpec :: Spec
parseRelDirSpec =
do failing ""
failing "/"
failing "//"
failing "~/"
failing "/"
failing "./"
failing "//"
failing "///foo//bar//mu/"
failing "///foo//bar////mu"
failing "///foo//bar/.//mu"
succeeding "foo.bak" (Path "foo.bak/")
succeeding "./foo" (Path "foo/")
succeeding "foo//bar//mu//" (Path "foo/bar/mu/")
succeeding "foo//bar////mu" (Path "foo/bar/mu/")
succeeding "foo//bar/.//mu" (Path "foo/bar/mu/")
where failing x = parserTest parseRelDir x Nothing
succeeding x with = parserTest parseRelDir x (Just with)
-- | Tests for the tokenizer.
parseAbsFileSpec :: Spec
parseAbsFileSpec =
do failing ""
failing "./"
failing "~/"
failing "./foo.txt"
failing "/"
failing "//"
failing "///foo//bar//mu/"
succeeding "/foo.txt" (Path "/foo.txt")
succeeding "///foo//bar////mu.txt" (Path "/foo/bar/mu.txt")
succeeding "///foo//bar/.//mu.txt" (Path "/foo/bar/mu.txt")
where failing x = parserTest parseAbsFile x Nothing
succeeding x with = parserTest parseAbsFile x (Just with)
-- | Tests for the tokenizer.
parseRelFileSpec :: Spec
parseRelFileSpec =
do failing ""
failing "/"
failing "//"
failing "~/"
failing "/"
failing "./"
failing "//"
failing "///foo//bar//mu/"
failing "///foo//bar////mu"
failing "///foo//bar/.//mu"
succeeding "foo.txt" (Path "foo.txt")
succeeding "./foo.txt" (Path "foo.txt")
succeeding "foo//bar//mu.txt" (Path "foo/bar/mu.txt")
succeeding "foo//bar////mu.txt" (Path "foo/bar/mu.txt")
succeeding "foo//bar/.//mu.txt" (Path "foo/bar/mu.txt")
where failing x = parserTest parseRelFile x Nothing
succeeding x with = parserTest parseRelFile x (Just with)
-- | Parser test.
parserTest :: (Show a1,Show a,Eq a1)
=> (a -> Maybe a1) -> a -> Maybe a1 -> SpecWith ()
parserTest parser input expected =
it ((case expected of
Nothing -> "Failing: "
Just{} -> "Succeeding: ") <>
"Parsing " <>
show input <>
" " <>
case expected of
Nothing -> "should fail."
Just x -> "should succeed with: " <> show x)
(actual == expected)
where actual = parser input