ccall picks the wrong one, causes crashes and truncated d_name entries. Wrapping the function in a small C shim, as well as using the CAPI, fixes this. |
hpath | ||
hpath-directory | ||
hpath-filepath | ||
hpath-io | ||
hpath-posix | ||
.gitignore | ||
.travis.yml | ||
cabal.project | || |
HPath libraries
Set of libraries to deal with filepaths and files.
- filepaths should be type-safe (absolute, relative, ...)
- filepaths should be ByteString under the hood, see Abstract FilePath Proposal (AFPP)
- file high-level operations should be platform-specific, exception-stable, safe and as atomic as possible
hpath: Support for well-typed paths
hpath-filepath: ByteString based filepath manipulation (can be used without hpath)
hpath-directory: High-level IO operations for files/directories on raw ByteString filepaths (use hpath-io for the type-safe path version)
hpath-io: High-level IO operations for files/directories utilizing type-safe Path
hpath-posix: Some low-level POSIX glue code that is not in 'unix'