2020-04-14 11:29:56 +02:00

707 lines
20 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE CApiFFI, CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, NondecreasingIndentation #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-} -- global variables
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Module : System.Posix.Signals
-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable (requires POSIX)
-- POSIX signal support
#include "HsUnixConfig.h"
##include "HsUnixConfig.h"
#include <signal.h>
module System.Posix.Signals (
-- * The Signal type
-- * Specific signals
internalAbort, sigABRT,
realTimeAlarm, sigALRM,
busError, sigBUS,
processStatusChanged, sigCHLD,
continueProcess, sigCONT,
floatingPointException, sigFPE,
lostConnection, sigHUP,
illegalInstruction, sigILL,
keyboardSignal, sigINT,
killProcess, sigKILL,
openEndedPipe, sigPIPE,
keyboardTermination, sigQUIT,
segmentationViolation, sigSEGV,
softwareStop, sigSTOP,
softwareTermination, sigTERM,
keyboardStop, sigTSTP,
backgroundRead, sigTTIN,
backgroundWrite, sigTTOU,
userDefinedSignal1, sigUSR1,
userDefinedSignal2, sigUSR2,
pollableEvent, sigPOLL,
profilingTimerExpired, sigPROF,
badSystemCall, sigSYS,
breakpointTrap, sigTRAP,
urgentDataAvailable, sigURG,
virtualTimerExpired, sigVTALRM,
cpuTimeLimitExceeded, sigXCPU,
fileSizeLimitExceeded, sigXFSZ,
-- * Sending signals
-- * Handling signals
SignalInfo(..), SignalSpecificInfo(..),
-- * Signal sets
emptySignalSet, fullSignalSet, reservedSignals,
addSignal, deleteSignal, inSignalSet,
-- * The process signal mask
getSignalMask, setSignalMask, blockSignals, unblockSignals,
-- * The alarm timer
-- * Waiting for signals
-- * The @NOCLDSTOP@ flag
setStoppedChildFlag, queryStoppedChildFlag,
-- sigaction(), (inc. the sigaction structure + flags etc.)
-- the siginfo structure
-- sigaltstack()
-- sighold, sigignore, sigpause, sigrelse, sigset
-- siginterrupt
) where
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Marshal
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.Internals
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.Process.Internals
import Data.Dynamic
##include "rts/Signals.h"
import GHC.Conc hiding (Signal)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Specific signals
nullSignal :: Signal
nullSignal = 0
-- | Process abort signal.
sigABRT :: CInt
-- | Alarm clock.
sigALRM :: CInt
-- | Access to an undefined portion of a memory object.
sigBUS :: CInt
-- | Child process terminated, stopped, or continued.
sigCHLD :: CInt
-- | Continue executing, if stopped.
sigCONT :: CInt
-- | Erroneous arithmetic operation.
sigFPE :: CInt
-- | Hangup.
sigHUP :: CInt
-- | Illegal instruction.
sigILL :: CInt
-- | Terminal interrupt signal.
sigINT :: CInt
-- | Kill (cannot be caught or ignored).
sigKILL :: CInt
-- | Write on a pipe with no one to read it.
sigPIPE :: CInt
-- | Terminal quit signal.
sigQUIT :: CInt
-- | Invalid memory reference.
sigSEGV :: CInt
-- | Stop executing (cannot be caught or ignored).
sigSTOP :: CInt
-- | Termination signal.
sigTERM :: CInt
-- | Terminal stop signal.
sigTSTP :: CInt
-- | Background process attempting read.
sigTTIN :: CInt
-- | Background process attempting write.
sigTTOU :: CInt
-- | User-defined signal 1.
sigUSR1 :: CInt
-- | User-defined signal 2.
sigUSR2 :: CInt
-- | Pollable event.
sigPOLL :: CInt
-- | Profiling timer expired.
sigPROF :: CInt
-- | Bad system call.
sigSYS :: CInt
-- | Trace/breakpoint trap.
sigTRAP :: CInt
-- | High bandwidth data is available at a socket.
sigURG :: CInt
-- | Virtual timer expired.
sigVTALRM :: CInt
-- | CPU time limit exceeded.
sigXCPU :: CInt
-- | File size limit exceeded.
sigXFSZ :: CInt
-- | Alias for 'sigABRT'.
internalAbort ::Signal
internalAbort = sigABRT
-- | Alias for 'sigALRM'.
realTimeAlarm :: Signal
realTimeAlarm = sigALRM
-- | Alias for 'sigBUS'.
busError :: Signal
busError = sigBUS
-- | Alias for 'sigCHLD'.
processStatusChanged :: Signal
processStatusChanged = sigCHLD
-- | Alias for 'sigCONT'.
continueProcess :: Signal
continueProcess = sigCONT
-- | Alias for 'sigFPE'.
floatingPointException :: Signal
floatingPointException = sigFPE
-- | Alias for 'sigHUP'.
lostConnection :: Signal
lostConnection = sigHUP
-- | Alias for 'sigILL'.
illegalInstruction :: Signal
illegalInstruction = sigILL
-- | Alias for 'sigINT'.
keyboardSignal :: Signal
keyboardSignal = sigINT
-- | Alias for 'sigKILL'.
killProcess :: Signal
killProcess = sigKILL
-- | Alias for 'sigPIPE'.
openEndedPipe :: Signal
openEndedPipe = sigPIPE
-- | Alias for 'sigQUIT'.
keyboardTermination :: Signal
keyboardTermination = sigQUIT
-- | Alias for 'sigSEGV'.
segmentationViolation :: Signal
segmentationViolation = sigSEGV
-- | Alias for 'sigSTOP'.
softwareStop :: Signal
softwareStop = sigSTOP
-- | Alias for 'sigTERM'.
softwareTermination :: Signal
softwareTermination = sigTERM
-- | Alias for 'sigTSTP'.
keyboardStop :: Signal
keyboardStop = sigTSTP
-- | Alias for 'sigTTIN'.
backgroundRead :: Signal
backgroundRead = sigTTIN
-- | Alias for 'sigTTOU'.
backgroundWrite :: Signal
backgroundWrite = sigTTOU
-- | Alias for 'sigUSR1'.
userDefinedSignal1 :: Signal
userDefinedSignal1 = sigUSR1
-- | Alias for 'sigUSR2'.
userDefinedSignal2 :: Signal
userDefinedSignal2 = sigUSR2
-- | Alias for 'sigPOLL'.
pollableEvent :: Signal
pollableEvent = sigPOLL
-- | Alias for 'sigPROF'.
profilingTimerExpired :: Signal
profilingTimerExpired = sigPROF
-- | Alias for 'sigSYS'.
badSystemCall :: Signal
badSystemCall = sigSYS
-- | Alias for 'sigTRAP'.
breakpointTrap :: Signal
breakpointTrap = sigTRAP
-- | Alias for 'sigURG'.
urgentDataAvailable :: Signal
urgentDataAvailable = sigURG
-- | Alias for 'sigVTALRM'.
virtualTimerExpired :: Signal
virtualTimerExpired = sigVTALRM
-- | Alias for 'sigXCPU'.
cpuTimeLimitExceeded :: Signal
cpuTimeLimitExceeded = sigXCPU
-- | Alias for 'sigXFSZ'.
fileSizeLimitExceeded :: Signal
fileSizeLimitExceeded = sigXFSZ
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Signal-related functions
-- | @signalProcess int pid@ calls @kill@ to signal process @pid@
-- with interrupt signal @int@.
signalProcess :: Signal -> ProcessID -> IO ()
signalProcess sig pid
= throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "signalProcess" (c_kill pid sig)
foreign import ccall unsafe "kill"
c_kill :: CPid -> CInt -> IO CInt
-- | @signalProcessGroup int pgid@ calls @kill@ to signal
-- all processes in group @pgid@ with interrupt signal @int@.
signalProcessGroup :: Signal -> ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
signalProcessGroup sig pgid
= throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "signalProcessGroup" (c_killpg pgid sig)
foreign import ccall unsafe "killpg"
c_killpg :: CPid -> CInt -> IO CInt
-- | @raiseSignal int@ calls @kill@ to signal the current process
-- with interrupt signal @int@.
raiseSignal :: Signal -> IO ()
raiseSignal sig = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "raiseSignal" (c_raise sig)
-- See also note in GHC's rts/RtsUtils.c
-- This is somewhat fragile because we need to keep the
-- `#if`-conditional in sync with GHC's runtime.
#if (defined(openbsd_HOST_OS) || defined(freebsd_HOST_OS) || defined(dragonfly_HOST_OS) || defined(netbsd_HOST_OS) || defined(darwin_HOST_OS))
foreign import ccall unsafe "genericRaise"
c_raise :: CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "raise"
c_raise :: CInt -> IO CInt
type Signal = CInt
-- | The actions to perform when a signal is received.
data Handler = Default
| Ignore
-- not yet: | Hold
| Catch (IO ())
| CatchOnce (IO ())
| CatchInfo (SignalInfo -> IO ()) -- ^ @since
| CatchInfoOnce (SignalInfo -> IO ()) -- ^ @since
deriving (Typeable)
-- | Information about a received signal (derived from @siginfo_t@).
-- @since
data SignalInfo = SignalInfo {
siginfoSignal :: Signal,
siginfoError :: Errno,
siginfoSpecific :: SignalSpecificInfo
-- | Information specific to a particular type of signal
-- (derived from @siginfo_t@).
-- @since
data SignalSpecificInfo
= NoSignalSpecificInfo
| SigChldInfo {
siginfoPid :: ProcessID,
siginfoUid :: UserID,
siginfoStatus :: ProcessStatus
-- | @installHandler int handler iset@ calls @sigaction@ to install an
-- interrupt handler for signal @int@. If @handler@ is @Default@,
-- @SIG_DFL@ is installed; if @handler@ is @Ignore@, @SIG_IGN@ is
-- installed; if @handler@ is @Catch action@, a handler is installed
-- which will invoke @action@ in a new thread when (or shortly after) the
-- signal is received.
-- If @iset@ is @Just s@, then the @sa_mask@ of the @sigaction@ structure
-- is set to @s@; otherwise it is cleared. The previously installed
-- signal handler for @int@ is returned
installHandler :: Signal
-> Handler
-> Maybe SignalSet -- ^ other signals to block
-> IO Handler -- ^ old handler
installHandler =
error "installHandler: not available for Parallel Haskell"
installHandler sig handler _maybe_mask = do
ensureIOManagerIsRunning -- for the threaded RTS
-- if we're setting the action to DFL or IGN, we should do that *first*
-- if we're setting a handler,
-- if the previous action was handle, then setHandler is ok
-- if the previous action was IGN/DFL, then setHandler followed by sig_install
(old_action, old_handler) <-
case handler of
Ignore -> do
old_action <- stg_sig_install sig STG_SIG_IGN nullPtr
old_handler <- setHandler sig Nothing
return (old_action, old_handler)
Default -> do
old_action <- stg_sig_install sig STG_SIG_DFL nullPtr
old_handler <- setHandler sig Nothing
return (old_action, old_handler)
_some_kind_of_catch -> do
-- I don't think it's possible to get CatchOnce right. If
-- there's a signal in flight, then we might run the handler
-- more than once.
let dyn = toDyn handler
old_handler <- case handler of
Catch action -> setHandler sig (Just (const action,dyn))
CatchOnce action -> setHandler sig (Just (const action,dyn))
CatchInfo action -> setHandler sig (Just (getinfo action,dyn))
CatchInfoOnce action -> setHandler sig (Just (getinfo action,dyn))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 811
_ -> error "installHandler"
let action = case handler of
Catch _ -> STG_SIG_HAN
CatchOnce _ -> STG_SIG_RST
CatchInfo _ -> STG_SIG_HAN
CatchInfoOnce _ -> STG_SIG_RST
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 811
_ -> error "installHandler"
old_action <- stg_sig_install sig action nullPtr
-- mask is pointless, so leave it NULL
return (old_action, old_handler)
case (old_handler,old_action) of
(_, STG_SIG_DFL) -> return $ Default
(_, STG_SIG_IGN) -> return $ Ignore
(Nothing, _) -> return $ Ignore
(Just (_,dyn), _)
| Just h <- fromDynamic dyn -> return h
| Just io <- fromDynamic dyn -> return (Catch io)
-- handlers put there by the base package have type IO ()
| otherwise -> return Default
foreign import ccall unsafe
:: CInt -- sig no.
-> CInt -- action code (STG_SIG_HAN etc.)
-> Ptr CSigset -- (in, out) blocked
-> IO CInt -- (ret) old action code
getinfo :: (SignalInfo -> IO ()) -> ForeignPtr Word8 -> IO ()
getinfo handler fp_info = do
si <- unmarshalSigInfo fp_info
handler si
unmarshalSigInfo :: ForeignPtr Word8 -> IO SignalInfo
unmarshalSigInfo fp = do
withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
sig <- (#peek siginfo_t, si_signo) p
errno <- (#peek siginfo_t, si_errno) p
extra <- case sig of
_ | sig == sigCHLD -> do
pid <- (#peek siginfo_t, si_pid) p
uid <- (#peek siginfo_t, si_uid) p
wstat <- (#peek siginfo_t, si_status) p
pstat <- decipherWaitStatus wstat
return SigChldInfo { siginfoPid = pid,
siginfoUid = uid,
siginfoStatus = pstat }
_ | otherwise ->
return NoSignalSpecificInfo
SignalInfo {
siginfoSignal = sig,
siginfoError = Errno errno,
siginfoSpecific = extra }
#endif /* !__PARALLEL_HASKELL__ */
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Alarms
-- | @scheduleAlarm i@ calls @alarm@ to schedule a real time
-- alarm at least @i@ seconds in the future.
scheduleAlarm :: Int -> IO Int
scheduleAlarm secs = do
r <- c_alarm (fromIntegral secs)
return (fromIntegral r)
foreign import ccall unsafe "alarm"
c_alarm :: CUInt -> IO CUInt
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The NOCLDSTOP flag
foreign import ccall "&nocldstop" nocldstop :: Ptr Int
-- | Tells the system whether or not to set the @SA_NOCLDSTOP@ flag when
-- installing new signal handlers.
setStoppedChildFlag :: Bool -> IO Bool
setStoppedChildFlag b = do
rc <- peek nocldstop
poke nocldstop $ fromEnum (not b)
return (rc == (0::Int))
-- | Queries the current state of the stopped child flag.
queryStoppedChildFlag :: IO Bool
queryStoppedChildFlag = do
rc <- peek nocldstop
return (rc == (0::Int))
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Manipulating signal sets
newtype SignalSet = SignalSet (ForeignPtr CSigset)
emptySignalSet :: SignalSet
emptySignalSet = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes sizeof_sigset_t
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "emptySignalSet" (withForeignPtr fp $ c_sigemptyset)
return (SignalSet fp)
fullSignalSet :: SignalSet
fullSignalSet = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes sizeof_sigset_t
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "fullSignalSet" (withForeignPtr fp $ c_sigfillset)
return (SignalSet fp)
-- | A set of signals reserved for use by the implementation. In GHC, this will normally
-- include either `sigVTALRM` or `sigALRM`.
reservedSignals :: SignalSet
reservedSignals = addSignal rtsTimerSignal emptySignalSet
foreign import ccall rtsTimerSignal :: CInt
infixr `addSignal`, `deleteSignal`
addSignal :: Signal -> SignalSet -> SignalSet
addSignal sig (SignalSet fp1) = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp2 <- mallocForeignPtrBytes sizeof_sigset_t
withForeignPtr fp1 $ \p1 ->
withForeignPtr fp2 $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p2 p1 sizeof_sigset_t
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "addSignal" (c_sigaddset p2 sig)
return (SignalSet fp2)
deleteSignal :: Signal -> SignalSet -> SignalSet
deleteSignal sig (SignalSet fp1) = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp2 <- mallocForeignPtrBytes sizeof_sigset_t
withForeignPtr fp1 $ \p1 ->
withForeignPtr fp2 $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p2 p1 sizeof_sigset_t
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "deleteSignal" (c_sigdelset p2 sig)
return (SignalSet fp2)
inSignalSet :: Signal -> SignalSet -> Bool
inSignalSet sig (SignalSet fp) = unsafePerformIO $
withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
r <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "inSignalSet" (c_sigismember p sig)
return (r /= 0)
-- | @getSignalMask@ calls @sigprocmask@ to determine the
-- set of interrupts which are currently being blocked.
getSignalMask :: IO SignalSet
getSignalMask = do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes sizeof_sigset_t
withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getSignalMask" (c_sigprocmask 0 nullPtr p)
return (SignalSet fp)
sigProcMask :: String -> CInt -> SignalSet -> IO ()
sigProcMask fn how (SignalSet set) =
withForeignPtr set $ \p_set ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ fn (c_sigprocmask how p_set nullPtr)
-- | @setSignalMask mask@ calls @sigprocmask@ with
-- @SIG_SETMASK@ to block all interrupts in @mask@.
setSignalMask :: SignalSet -> IO ()
setSignalMask set = sigProcMask "setSignalMask" (CONST_SIG_SETMASK :: CInt) set
-- | @blockSignals mask@ calls @sigprocmask@ with
-- @SIG_BLOCK@ to add all interrupts in @mask@ to the
-- set of blocked interrupts.
blockSignals :: SignalSet -> IO ()
blockSignals set = sigProcMask "blockSignals" (CONST_SIG_BLOCK :: CInt) set
-- | @unblockSignals mask@ calls @sigprocmask@ with
-- @SIG_UNBLOCK@ to remove all interrupts in @mask@ from the
-- set of blocked interrupts.
unblockSignals :: SignalSet -> IO ()
unblockSignals set = sigProcMask "unblockSignals" (CONST_SIG_UNBLOCK :: CInt) set
-- | @getPendingSignals@ calls @sigpending@ to obtain
-- the set of interrupts which have been received but are currently blocked.
getPendingSignals :: IO SignalSet
getPendingSignals = do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes sizeof_sigset_t
withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getPendingSignals" (c_sigpending p)
return (SignalSet fp)
-- | @awaitSignal iset@ suspends execution until an interrupt is received.
-- If @iset@ is @Just s@, @awaitSignal@ calls @sigsuspend@, installing
-- @s@ as the new signal mask before suspending execution; otherwise, it
-- calls @sigsuspend@ with current signal mask. Note that RTS
-- scheduler signal (either 'virtualTimerExpired' or 'realTimeAlarm')
-- could cause premature termination of this call. It might be necessary to block that
-- signal before invocation of @awaitSignal@ with 'blockSignals' 'reservedSignals'.
-- @awaitSignal@ returns when signal was received and processed by a
-- signal handler, or if the signal could not be caught. If you have
-- installed any signal handlers with @installHandler@, it may be wise
-- to call @yield@ directly after @awaitSignal@ to ensure that the
-- signal handler runs as promptly as possible.
awaitSignal :: Maybe SignalSet -> IO ()
awaitSignal maybe_sigset = do
fp <- case maybe_sigset of
Nothing -> do SignalSet fp <- getSignalMask; return fp
Just (SignalSet fp) -> return fp
withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
_ <- c_sigsuspend p
return ()
-- ignore the return value; according to the docs it can only ever be
-- (-1) with errno set to EINTR.
-- XXX My manpage says it can also return EFAULT. And why is ignoring
-- EINTR the right thing to do?
foreign import ccall unsafe "sigsuspend"
c_sigsuspend :: Ptr CSigset -> IO CInt
#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 706
-- see http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7359#comment:3
-- To be removed when support for GHC 7.4.x is dropped
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_sigdelset"
c_sigdelset :: Ptr CSigset -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_sigfillset"
c_sigfillset :: Ptr CSigset -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_sigismember"
c_sigismember :: Ptr CSigset -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "signal.h sigdelset"
c_sigdelset :: Ptr CSigset -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "signal.h sigfillset"
c_sigfillset :: Ptr CSigset -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "signal.h sigismember"
c_sigismember :: Ptr CSigset -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "sigpending"
c_sigpending :: Ptr CSigset -> IO CInt