122 lines
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122 lines
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#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Module : System.Posix.DynamicLinker.Module
-- Copyright : (c) Volker Stolz <vs@foldr.org> 2003
-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : vs@foldr.org
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable (requires POSIX)
-- DLOpen support, old API
-- Derived from GModule.chs by M.Weber & M.Chakravarty which is part of c2hs
-- I left the API more or less the same, mostly the flags are different.
module System.Posix.DynamicLinker.Module (
-- Usage:
-- ******
-- Let's assume you want to open a local shared library 'foo' (./libfoo.so)
-- offering a function
-- char * mogrify (char*,int)
-- and invoke str = mogrify("test",1):
-- type Fun = CString -> Int -> IO CString
-- foreign import dynamic unsafe fun__ :: FunPtr Fun -> Fun
-- withModule (Just ".") ("libfoo.so") [RTLD_NOW] $ \ mod -> do
-- funptr <- moduleSymbol mod "mogrify"
-- let fun = fun__ funptr
-- withCString "test" $ \ str -> do
-- strptr <- fun str 1
-- strstr <- peekCString strptr
-- ...
, moduleOpen -- :: String -> ModuleFlags -> IO Module
, moduleSymbol -- :: Source -> String -> IO (FunPtr a)
, moduleClose -- :: Module -> IO Bool
, moduleError -- :: IO String
, withModule -- :: Maybe String
-- -> String
-- -> [ModuleFlags ]
-- -> (Module -> IO a)
-- -> IO a
, withModule_ -- :: Maybe String
-- -> String
-- -> [ModuleFlags]
-- -> (Module -> IO a)
-- -> IO ()
#include "HsUnix.h"
import System.Posix.DynamicLinker
import System.Posix.DynamicLinker.Common
import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, nullPtr, FunPtr )
import System.Posix.Internals ( withFilePath )
unModule :: Module -> (Ptr ())
unModule (Module adr) = adr
-- Opens a module (EXPORTED)
moduleOpen :: String -> [RTLDFlags] -> IO Module
moduleOpen file flags = do
modPtr <- withFilePath file $ \ modAddr -> c_dlopen modAddr (packRTLDFlags flags)
if (modPtr == nullPtr)
then moduleError >>= \ err -> ioError (userError ("dlopen: " ++ err))
else return $ Module modPtr
-- Gets a symbol pointer from a module (EXPORTED)
moduleSymbol :: Module -> String -> IO (FunPtr a)
moduleSymbol file sym = dlsym (DLHandle (unModule file)) sym
-- Closes a module (EXPORTED)
moduleClose :: Module -> IO ()
moduleClose file = dlclose (DLHandle (unModule file))
-- Gets a string describing the last module error (EXPORTED)
moduleError :: IO String
moduleError = dlerror
-- Convenience function, cares for module open- & closing
-- additionally returns status of `moduleClose' (EXPORTED)
withModule :: Maybe String
-> String
-> [RTLDFlags]
-> (Module -> IO a)
-> IO a
withModule mdir file flags p = do
let modPath = case mdir of
Nothing -> file
Just dir -> dir ++ if ((head (reverse dir)) == '/')
then file
else ('/':file)
modu <- moduleOpen modPath flags
result <- p modu
moduleClose modu
return result
withModule_ :: Maybe String
-> String
-> [RTLDFlags]
-> (Module -> IO a)
-> IO ()
withModule_ dir file flags p = withModule dir file flags p >>= \ _ -> return ()