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56 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- | Internal types and functions.
module HPath.Internal
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Data
-- | The main Path type.
-- The type variable 'b' is either:
-- * Abs -- absolute path
-- * Rel -- relative path
-- Internally is a ByteString. The path is guaranteed to
-- be normalised and contain no trailing Path separators,
-- except for the '/' root path.
-- There are no duplicate path separators
-- @\/\/@, no @..@, no @.\/@, no @~\/@, etc.
data Path b = MkPath ByteString
deriving (Typeable)
-- | ByteString equality.
-- The following property holds:
-- @show x == show y ≡ x == y@
instance Eq (Path b) where
(==) (MkPath x) (MkPath y) = x == y
-- | ByteString ordering.
-- The following property holds:
-- @show x \`compare\` show y ≡ x \`compare\` y@
instance Ord (Path b) where
compare (MkPath x) (MkPath y) = compare x y
-- | Same as 'HPath.toFilePath'.
-- The following property holds:
-- @x == y ≡ show x == show y@
instance Show (Path b) where
show (MkPath x) = show x
instance NFData (Path b) where
rnf (MkPath x) = rnf x