module System.Posix.Directory.Traversals (
, getDirectoryContents'
, allDirectoryContents
, allDirectoryContents'
, traverseDirectory
, readDirEnt
, packDirStream
, unpackDirStream
, fdOpendir
, realpath
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import System.Posix.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Posix.Directory.Foreign
import qualified System.Posix as Posix
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import System.Posix.ByteString.FilePath
import System.Posix.Directory.ByteString as PosixBS
import System.Posix.Files.ByteString
import System.IO.Unsafe
import "unix" System.Posix.IO.ByteString (closeFd)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Foreign.C.Error
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca,allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
allDirectoryContents :: RawFilePath -> IO [RawFilePath]
allDirectoryContents topdir = do
namesAndTypes <- getDirectoryContents topdir
let properNames = filter ((`notElem` [".", ".."]) . snd) namesAndTypes
paths <- forM properNames $ \(typ,name) -> unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
let path = topdir </> name
case () of
() | typ == dtDir -> allDirectoryContents path
| typ == dtUnknown -> do
isDir <- isDirectory <$> getFileStatus path
if isDir
then allDirectoryContents path
else return [path]
| otherwise -> return [path]
return (topdir : concat paths)
allDirectoryContents' :: RawFilePath -> IO [RawFilePath]
allDirectoryContents' = fmap reverse . traverseDirectory (\acc fp -> return (fp:acc)) []
traverseDirectory :: (s -> RawFilePath -> IO s) -> s -> RawFilePath -> IO s
traverseDirectory act s0 topdir = toploop
toploop = do
isDir <- isDirectory <$> getFileStatus topdir
s' <- act s0 topdir
if isDir then actOnDirContents topdir s' loop
else return s'
loop typ path acc = do
isDir <- case () of
() | typ == dtDir -> return True
| typ == dtUnknown -> isDirectory <$> getFileStatus path
| otherwise -> return False
if isDir
then act acc path >>= \acc' -> actOnDirContents path acc' loop
else act acc path
actOnDirContents :: RawFilePath
-> b
-> (DirType -> RawFilePath -> b -> IO b)
-> IO b
actOnDirContents pathRelToTop b f =
modifyIOError ((`ioeSetFileName` (BS.unpack pathRelToTop)) .
(`ioeSetLocation` "findBSTypRel")) $
(openDirStream pathRelToTop)
(\dirp -> loop dirp b)
loop dirp b' = do
(typ,e) <- readDirEnt dirp
if (e == "")
then return b'
if (e == "." || e == "..")
then loop dirp b'
else f typ (pathRelToTop </> e) b' >>= loop dirp
type CDir = ()
type CDirent = ()
unpackDirStream :: DirStream -> Ptr CDir
unpackDirStream = unsafeCoerce
packDirStream :: Ptr CDir -> DirStream
packDirStream = unsafeCoerce
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_readdir"
c_readdir :: Ptr CDir -> Ptr (Ptr CDirent) -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_free_dirent"
c_freeDirEnt :: Ptr CDirent -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_d_name"
c_name :: Ptr CDirent -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "__posixdir_d_type"
c_type :: Ptr CDirent -> IO DirType
foreign import ccall "realpath"
c_realpath :: CString -> CString -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "fdopendir"
c_fdopendir :: Posix.Fd -> IO (Ptr ())
readDirEnt :: DirStream -> IO (DirType, RawFilePath)
readDirEnt (unpackDirStream -> dirp) =
alloca $ \ptr_dEnt -> loop ptr_dEnt
loop ptr_dEnt = do
r <- c_readdir dirp ptr_dEnt
if (r == 0)
then do
dEnt <- peek ptr_dEnt
if (dEnt == nullPtr)
then return (dtUnknown,BS.empty)
else do
dName <- c_name dEnt >>= peekFilePath
dType <- c_type dEnt
c_freeDirEnt dEnt
return (dType, dName)
else do
errno <- getErrno
if (errno == eINTR)
then loop ptr_dEnt
else do
let (Errno eo) = errno
if (eo == 0)
then return (dtUnknown,BS.empty)
else throwErrno "readDirEnt"
getDirectoryContents :: RawFilePath -> IO [(DirType, RawFilePath)]
getDirectoryContents path =
modifyIOError ((`ioeSetFileName` (BS.unpack path)) .
(`ioeSetLocation` "System.Posix.Directory.Traversals.getDirectoryContents")) $
(PosixBS.openDirStream path)
fdOpendir :: Posix.Fd -> IO DirStream
fdOpendir fd =
packDirStream <$> throwErrnoIfNull "fdOpendir" (c_fdopendir fd)
getDirectoryContents' :: Posix.Fd -> IO [(DirType, RawFilePath)]
getDirectoryContents' fd = do
dirstream <- fdOpendir fd `catchIOError` \e -> do
closeFd fd
ioError e
finally (_dirloop dirstream) (PosixBS.closeDirStream dirstream)
_dirloop :: DirStream -> IO [(DirType, RawFilePath)]
_dirloop dirp = do
t@(_typ,e) <- readDirEnt dirp
if BS.null e then return [] else do
es <- _dirloop dirp
return (t:es)
realpath :: RawFilePath -> IO RawFilePath
realpath inp =
allocaBytes pathMax $ \tmp -> do
void $ BS.useAsCString inp $ \cstr -> throwErrnoIfNull "realpath" $ c_realpath cstr tmp
BS.packCString tmp