{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module HPath.IO.CreateRegularFileSpec where

import Test.Hspec
import System.IO.Error
import GHC.IO.Exception
import Utils

upTmpDir :: IO ()
upTmpDir = do
  setTmpDir "CreateRegularFileSpec"

setupFiles :: IO ()
setupFiles = do
  createRegularFile' "alreadyExists"
  createDir' "noPerms"
  createDir' "noWritePerms"
  noPerms "noPerms"
  noWritableDirPerms "noWritePerms"

cleanupFiles :: IO ()
cleanupFiles = do
  normalDirPerms "noPerms"
  normalDirPerms "noWritePerms"
  deleteFile' "alreadyExists"
  deleteDir' "noPerms"
  deleteDir' "noWritePerms"

spec :: Spec
spec = beforeAll_ (upTmpDir >> setupFiles) $ afterAll_ cleanupFiles $
  describe "HPath.IO.createRegularFile" $ do

    -- successes --
    it "createRegularFile, all fine" $ do
      createRegularFile' "newDir"
      removeFileIfExists "newDir"

    -- posix failures --
    it "createRegularFile, parent directories do not exist" $
      createRegularFile' "some/thing/dada"
        (\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == NoSuchThing)

    it "createRegularFile, can't write to destination directory" $
      createRegularFile' "noWritePerms/newDir"
        (\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == PermissionDenied)

    it "createRegularFile, can't write to destination directory" $
      createRegularFile' "noPerms/newDir"
        (\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == PermissionDenied)

    it "createRegularFile, destination file already exists" $
      createRegularFile' "alreadyExists"
        (\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == AlreadyExists)