module HPath.IO.Errors
, isFileDoesNotExist
, isDirDoesNotExist
, isSameFile
, isDestinationInSource
, isFileDoesExist
, isDirDoesExist
, isInvalidOperation
, isCan'tOpenDirectory
, isCopyFailed
, isRecursiveFailure
, throwFileDoesExist
, throwDirDoesExist
, throwFileDoesNotExist
, throwDirDoesNotExist
, throwSameFile
, sameFile
, throwDestinationInSource
, doesFileExist
, doesDirectoryExist
, isWritable
, canOpenDirectory
, throwCantOpenDirectory
, catchErrno
, rethrowErrnoAs
, handleIOError
, bracketeer
, reactOnError
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
, when
import Data.ByteString
import Data.ByteString.UTF8
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign.C.Error
, Errno
import GHC.IO.Exception
import HPath
import HPath.IO
import HPath.IO.Utils
import System.IO.Error
, ioeGetErrorType
import qualified System.Posix.Directory.ByteString as PFD
import System.Posix.Files.ByteString
, getFileStatus
import qualified System.Posix.Files.ByteString as PF
data HPathIOException = FileDoesNotExist ByteString
| DirDoesNotExist ByteString
| SameFile ByteString ByteString
| DestinationInSource ByteString ByteString
| FileDoesExist ByteString
| DirDoesExist ByteString
| InvalidOperation String
| Can'tOpenDirectory ByteString
| CopyFailed String
| RecursiveFailure [IOException]
deriving (Typeable, Eq)
instance Show HPathIOException where
show (FileDoesNotExist fp) = "File does not exist:" ++ toString fp
show (DirDoesNotExist fp) = "Directory does not exist: "
++ toString fp
show (SameFile fp1 fp2) = toString fp1
++ " and " ++ toString fp2
++ " are the same file!"
show (DestinationInSource fp1 fp2) = toString fp1
++ " is contained in "
++ toString fp2
show (FileDoesExist fp) = "File does exist: " ++ toString fp
show (DirDoesExist fp) = "Directory does exist: " ++ toString fp
show (InvalidOperation str) = "Invalid operation: " ++ str
show (Can'tOpenDirectory fp) = "Can't open directory: "
++ toString fp
show (CopyFailed str) = "Copying failed: " ++ str
show (RecursiveFailure exs) = "Recursive operation failed: "
++ show exs
toConstr :: HPathIOException -> String
toConstr FileDoesNotExist {} = "FileDoesNotExist"
toConstr DirDoesNotExist {} = "DirDoesNotExist"
toConstr SameFile {} = "SameFile"
toConstr DestinationInSource {} = "DestinationInSource"
toConstr FileDoesExist {} = "FileDoesExist"
toConstr DirDoesExist {} = "DirDoesExist"
toConstr InvalidOperation {} = "InvalidOperation"
toConstr Can'tOpenDirectory {} = "Can'tOpenDirectory"
toConstr CopyFailed {} = "CopyFailed"
toConstr RecursiveFailure {} = "RecursiveFailure"
instance Exception HPathIOException
isFileDoesNotExist, isDirDoesNotExist, isSameFile, isDestinationInSource, isFileDoesExist, isDirDoesExist, isInvalidOperation, isCan'tOpenDirectory, isCopyFailed, isRecursiveFailure :: HPathIOException -> Bool
isFileDoesNotExist ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr FileDoesNotExist{}
isDirDoesNotExist ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr DirDoesNotExist{}
isSameFile ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr SameFile{}
isDestinationInSource ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr DestinationInSource{}
isFileDoesExist ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr FileDoesExist{}
isDirDoesExist ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr DirDoesExist{}
isInvalidOperation ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr InvalidOperation{}
isCan'tOpenDirectory ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr Can'tOpenDirectory{}
isCopyFailed ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr CopyFailed{}
isRecursiveFailure ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr RecursiveFailure{}
throwFileDoesExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwFileDoesExist fp =
whenM (doesFileExist fp) (throwIO . FileDoesExist
. fromAbs $ fp)
throwDirDoesExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwDirDoesExist fp =
whenM (doesDirectoryExist fp) (throwIO . DirDoesExist
. fromAbs $ fp)
throwFileDoesNotExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwFileDoesNotExist fp =
unlessM (doesFileExist fp) (throwIO . FileDoesNotExist
. fromAbs $ fp)
throwDirDoesNotExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwDirDoesNotExist fp =
unlessM (doesDirectoryExist fp) (throwIO . DirDoesNotExist
. fromAbs $ fp)
throwSameFile :: Path Abs
-> Path Abs
-> IO ()
throwSameFile fp1 fp2 =
whenM (sameFile fp1 fp2)
(throwIO $ SameFile (fromAbs fp1) (fromAbs fp2))
sameFile :: Path Abs -> Path Abs -> IO Bool
sameFile fp1 fp2 =
withAbsPath fp1 $ \fp1' -> withAbsPath fp2 $ \fp2' ->
handleIOError (\_ -> return False) $ do
fs1 <- getFileStatus fp1'
fs2 <- getFileStatus fp2'
if ((PF.deviceID fs1, PF.fileID fs1) ==
(PF.deviceID fs2, PF.fileID fs2))
then return True
else return False
throwDestinationInSource :: Path Abs
-> Path Abs
-> IO ()
throwDestinationInSource source dest = do
dest' <- (\x -> maybe x (\y -> x </> y) $ basename dest)
<$> (canonicalizePath $ dirname dest)
dids <- forM (getAllParents dest') $ \p -> do
fs <- PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus (fromAbs p)
return (PF.deviceID fs, PF.fileID fs)
sid <- fmap (\x -> (PF.deviceID x, PF.fileID x))
$ PF.getFileStatus (fromAbs source)
when (elem sid dids)
(throwIO $ DestinationInSource (fromAbs dest)
(fromAbs source))
doesFileExist :: Path Abs -> IO Bool
doesFileExist fp =
handleIOError (\_ -> return False) $ do
fs <- PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus (fromAbs fp)
return $ not . PF.isDirectory $ fs
doesDirectoryExist :: Path Abs -> IO Bool
doesDirectoryExist fp =
handleIOError (\_ -> return False) $ do
fs <- PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus (fromAbs fp)
return $ PF.isDirectory fs
isWritable :: Path Abs -> IO Bool
isWritable fp =
handleIOError (\_ -> return False) $
fileAccess (fromAbs fp) False True False
canOpenDirectory :: Path Abs -> IO Bool
canOpenDirectory fp =
handleIOError (\_ -> return False) $ do
bracket (PFD.openDirStream . fromAbs $ fp)
(\_ -> return ())
return True
throwCantOpenDirectory :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwCantOpenDirectory fp =
unlessM (canOpenDirectory fp)
(throwIO . Can'tOpenDirectory . fromAbs $ fp)
catchErrno :: [Errno]
-> IO a
-> IO a
-> IO a
catchErrno en a1 a2 =
catchIOError a1 $ \e -> do
errno <- getErrno
if errno `elem` en
then a2
else ioError e
rethrowErrnoAs :: Exception e
=> [Errno]
-> e
-> IO a
-> IO a
rethrowErrnoAs en fmex action = catchErrno en action (throwIO fmex)
handleIOError :: (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleIOError = flip catchIOError
bracketeer :: IO a
-> (a -> IO b)
-> (a -> IO b)
-> (a -> IO c)
-> IO c
bracketeer before after afterEx thing =
mask $ \restore -> do
a <- before
r <- restore (thing a) `onException` afterEx a
_ <- after a
return r
reactOnError :: IO a
-> [(IOErrorType, IO a)]
-> [(HPathIOException, IO a)]
-> IO a
reactOnError a ios fmios =
a `catches` [iohandler, fmiohandler]
iohandler = Handler $
\(ex :: IOException) ->
foldr (\(t, a') y -> if ioeGetErrorType ex == t
then a'
else y)
(throwIO ex)
fmiohandler = Handler $
\(ex :: HPathIOException) ->
foldr (\(t, a') y -> if toConstr ex == toConstr t
then a'
else y)
(throwIO ex)