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Author | SHA1 | Date | |
29923d1023 | |||
c3c96ed371 |
@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ module Path
-- * Parsing
@ -37,13 +35,8 @@ module Path
-- * Conversion
@ -65,11 +58,6 @@ data Abs deriving (Typeable)
-- | A relative path; one without a root.
data Rel deriving (Typeable)
-- | A file path.
data File deriving (Typeable)
-- | A directory path.
data Dir deriving (Typeable)
-- | Exception when parsing a location.
data PathParseException
@ -78,6 +66,7 @@ data PathParseException
| InvalidAbsFile FilePath
| InvalidRelFile FilePath
| Couldn'tStripPrefixDir FilePath FilePath
| InvalidTypeCombination
deriving (Show,Typeable)
instance Exception PathParseException
@ -90,14 +79,14 @@ instance Exception PathParseException
-- Throws: 'PathParseException'
parseAbsDir :: MonadThrow m
=> FilePath -> m (Path Abs Dir)
=> FilePath -> m (Path Abs)
parseAbsDir filepath =
if FilePath.isAbsolute filepath &&
not (null (normalizeDir filepath)) &&
not ("~/" `isPrefixOf` filepath) &&
not (hasParentDir filepath) &&
FilePath.isValid filepath
then return (Path (normalizeDir filepath))
then return (DPath (normalizeDir filepath))
else throwM (InvalidAbsDir filepath)
-- | Get a location for a relative directory. Produces a normalized
@ -108,7 +97,7 @@ parseAbsDir filepath =
-- Throws: 'PathParseException'
parseRelDir :: MonadThrow m
=> FilePath -> m (Path Rel Dir)
=> FilePath -> m (Path Rel)
parseRelDir filepath =
if not (FilePath.isAbsolute filepath) &&
not (null filepath) &&
@ -117,7 +106,7 @@ parseRelDir filepath =
not (null (normalizeDir filepath)) &&
filepath /= "." && filepath /= ".." &&
FilePath.isValid filepath
then return (Path (normalizeDir filepath))
then return (DPath (normalizeDir filepath))
else throwM (InvalidRelDir filepath)
-- | Get a location for an absolute file.
@ -125,7 +114,7 @@ parseRelDir filepath =
-- Throws: 'PathParseException'
parseAbsFile :: MonadThrow m
=> FilePath -> m (Path Abs File)
=> FilePath -> m (Path Abs)
parseAbsFile filepath =
if FilePath.isAbsolute filepath &&
not (FilePath.hasTrailingPathSeparator filepath) &&
@ -133,7 +122,7 @@ parseAbsFile filepath =
not (hasParentDir filepath) &&
not (null (normalizeFile filepath)) &&
FilePath.isValid filepath
then return (Path (normalizeFile filepath))
then return (FPath (normalizeFile filepath))
else throwM (InvalidAbsFile filepath)
-- | Get a location for a relative file.
@ -143,7 +132,7 @@ parseAbsFile filepath =
-- Throws: 'PathParseException'
parseRelFile :: MonadThrow m
=> FilePath -> m (Path Rel File)
=> FilePath -> m (Path Rel)
parseRelFile filepath =
if not (FilePath.isAbsolute filepath ||
FilePath.hasTrailingPathSeparator filepath) &&
@ -153,7 +142,7 @@ parseRelFile filepath =
not (null (normalizeFile filepath)) &&
filepath /= "." && filepath /= ".." &&
FilePath.isValid filepath
then return (Path (normalizeFile filepath))
then return (FPath (normalizeFile filepath))
else throwM (InvalidRelFile filepath)
-- | Helper function: check if the filepath has any parent directories in it.
@ -181,16 +170,18 @@ mkAbsDir :: FilePath -> Q Exp
mkAbsDir s =
case parseAbsDir s of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right (Path str) ->
[|Path $(return (LitE (StringL str))) :: Path Abs Dir|]
Right (DPath str) ->
[|DPath $(return (LitE (StringL str))) :: Path Abs|]
_ -> error "Invalid Type"
-- | Make a 'Path Rel Dir'.
mkRelDir :: FilePath -> Q Exp
mkRelDir s =
case parseRelDir s of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right (Path str) ->
[|Path $(return (LitE (StringL str))) :: Path Rel Dir|]
Right (DPath str) ->
[|DPath $(return (LitE (StringL str))) :: Path Rel|]
_ -> error "Invalid Type"
-- | Make a 'Path Abs File'.
@ -201,16 +192,18 @@ mkAbsFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
mkAbsFile s =
case parseAbsFile s of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right (Path str) ->
[|Path $(return (LitE (StringL str))) :: Path Abs File|]
Right (FPath str) ->
[|FPath $(return (LitE (StringL str))) :: Path Abs|]
_ -> error "Invalid Type"
-- | Make a 'Path Rel File'.
mkRelFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
mkRelFile s =
case parseRelFile s of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right (Path str) ->
[|Path $(return (LitE (StringL str))) :: Path Rel File|]
Right (FPath str) ->
[|FPath $(return (LitE (StringL str))) :: Path Rel|]
_ -> error "Invalid Type"
-- Conversion
@ -220,24 +213,10 @@ mkRelFile s =
-- All directories have a trailing slash, so if you want no trailing
-- slash, you can use 'System.FilePath.dropTrailingPathSeparator' from
-- the filepath package.
toFilePath :: Path b t -> FilePath
toFilePath (Path l) = l
toFilePath :: Path b -> FilePath
toFilePath (FPath l) = l
toFilePath (DPath l) = l
-- | Convert absolute path to directory to 'FilePath' type.
fromAbsDir :: Path Abs Dir -> FilePath
fromAbsDir = toFilePath
-- | Convert relative path to directory to 'FilePath' type.
fromRelDir :: Path Rel Dir -> FilePath
fromRelDir = toFilePath
-- | Convert absolute path to file to 'FilePath' type.
fromAbsFile :: Path Abs File -> FilePath
fromAbsFile = toFilePath
-- | Convert relative path to file to 'FilePath' type.
fromRelFile :: Path Rel File -> FilePath
fromRelFile = toFilePath
-- Operations
@ -264,8 +243,10 @@ fromRelFile = toFilePath
-- @x \<\/> $(mkAbsDir …)@
(</>) :: Path b Dir -> Path Rel t -> Path b t
(</>) (Path a) (Path b) = Path (a ++ b)
(</>) :: MonadThrow m => Path b -> Path Rel -> m (Path b)
(</>) (DPath a) (FPath b) = return $ FPath (a ++ b)
(</>) (DPath a) (DPath b) = return $ DPath (a ++ b)
(</>) _ _ = throwM InvalidTypeCombination
-- | Strip directory from path, making it relative to that directory.
-- Throws 'Couldn'tStripPrefixDir' if directory is not a parent of the path.
@ -283,18 +264,27 @@ fromRelFile = toFilePath
-- In other words the bases must match.
stripDir :: MonadThrow m
=> Path b Dir -> Path b t -> m (Path Rel t)
stripDir (Path p) (Path l) =
=> Path b -> Path b -> m (Path Rel)
stripDir (DPath p) (FPath l) =
case stripPrefix p l of
Nothing -> throwM (Couldn'tStripPrefixDir p l)
Just "" -> throwM (Couldn'tStripPrefixDir p l)
Just ok -> return (Path ok)
Just ok -> return (FPath ok)
stripDir (DPath p) (DPath l) =
case stripPrefix p l of
Nothing -> throwM (Couldn'tStripPrefixDir p l)
Just "" -> throwM (Couldn'tStripPrefixDir p l)
Just ok -> return (DPath ok)
stripDir _ _ = throwM InvalidTypeCombination
-- | Is p a parent of the given location? Implemented in terms of
-- 'stripDir'. The bases must match.
isParentOf :: Path b Dir -> Path b t -> Bool
isParentOf p l =
isJust (stripDir p l)
-- Returns False if the first argument is not a directory path.
isParentOf :: Path b -> Path b -> Bool
isParentOf p@(DPath _) l@(DPath _) = isJust (stripDir p l)
isParentOf p@(DPath _) l@(FPath _) = isJust (stripDir p l)
isParentOf _ _ = False
-- | Take the absolute parent directory from the absolute path.
@ -306,29 +296,24 @@ isParentOf p l =
-- @parent (parent \"\/\") = \"\/\"@
parent :: Path Abs t -> Path Abs Dir
parent (Path fp) =
Path (normalizeDir (FilePath.takeDirectory (FilePath.dropTrailingPathSeparator fp)))
parent :: Path Abs -> Path Abs
parent (DPath fp) =
DPath (normalizeDir (FilePath.takeDirectory (FilePath.dropTrailingPathSeparator fp)))
parent (FPath fp) =
DPath (normalizeDir (FilePath.takeDirectory (FilePath.dropTrailingPathSeparator fp)))
-- | Extract the file part of a path.
-- | Extract the file/directory part of a path.
-- The following properties hold:
-- @filename (p \<\/> a) == filename a@
filename :: Path b File -> Path Rel File
filename (Path l) =
Path (normalizeFile (FilePath.takeFileName l))
filename :: Path b -> Path Rel
filename (FPath l) =
FPath (normalizeFile (FilePath.takeFileName l))
filename (DPath l) =
DPath (last (FilePath.splitPath l))
-- | Extract the last directory name of a path.
-- The following properties hold:
-- @dirname (p \<\/> a) == dirname a@
dirname :: Path b Dir -> Path Rel Dir
dirname (Path l) =
Path (last (FilePath.splitPath l))
-- Internal functions
@ -348,3 +333,4 @@ normalizeFile =
where clean "./" = ""
clean ('/':'/':xs) = clean ('/':xs)
clean x = x
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- TODO: - remove undefined in Ord instance
-- - use viewpatterns/patternsynonyms so we don't need to
-- export the constructors
-- | Internal types and functions.
module Path.Internal
@ -18,7 +22,8 @@ import Data.Data
-- All directories end in a trailing separator. There are no duplicate
-- path separators @\/\/@, no @..@, no @.\/@, no @~\/@, etc.
newtype Path b t = Path FilePath
data Path b = FPath FilePath
| DPath FilePath
deriving (Typeable)
-- | String equality.
@ -26,24 +31,31 @@ newtype Path b t = Path FilePath
-- The following property holds:
-- @show x == show y ≡ x == y@
instance Eq (Path b t) where
(==) (Path x) (Path y) = x == y
instance Eq (Path b) where
(==) (FPath x) (FPath y) = x == y
(==) (DPath x) (DPath y) = x == y
(==) _ _ = False
-- | String ordering.
-- The following property holds:
-- @show x \`compare\` show y ≡ x \`compare\` y@
instance Ord (Path b t) where
compare (Path x) (Path y) = compare x y
instance Ord (Path b) where
compare (FPath x) (FPath y) = compare x y
compare (DPath x) (DPath y) = compare x y
compare _ _ = undefined
-- | Same as 'Path.toFilePath'.
-- The following property holds:
-- @x == y ≡ show x == show y@
instance Show (Path b t) where
show (Path x) = show x
instance Show (Path b) where
show (FPath x) = show x
show (DPath x) = show x
instance NFData (Path b) where
rnf (FPath x) = rnf x
rnf (DPath x) = rnf x
instance NFData (Path b t) where
rnf (Path x) = rnf x
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