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Improve error handling

* remove some obsolete functions and error types from HPath.IO.Errors
  that are completely unused
* reworked the RecursiveFailure type to contain more information,
  so we can use it to programmatically make useful choices
  without examining the weakly types IO error attributes (like
Julian Ospald 7 years ago
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 511B62C09D50CD28
6 changed files with 119 additions and 120 deletions
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+ 45
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src/HPath/IO.hs View File

@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ data FileType = Directory

-- |The error mode for recursive operations.
-- On `FailEarly` the whole operation fails immediately if any of the
-- recursive sub-operations fail, which is sort of the default
@@ -322,41 +322,56 @@ copyDirRecursive fromp destdirp cm rm
unless (null collectedExceptions)
(throwIO . RecursiveFailure $ collectedExceptions)
go :: IORef [IOException] -> Path Abs -> Path Abs -> IO ()
go :: IORef [(RecursiveFailureHint, IOException)]
-> Path Abs -> Path Abs -> IO ()
go ce fromp' destdirp' = do

-- order is important here, so we don't get empty directories
-- NOTE: order is important here, so we don't get empty directories
-- on failure
contents <- handleIOE ce [] $ do

-- get the contents of the source dir
contents <- handleIOE (ReadContentsFailed fromp' destdirp') ce [] $ do
contents <- getDirsFiles fromp'

fmode' <- PF.fileMode <$> PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus (fromAbs fromp')
case cm of
Strict -> createDirectory (fromAbs destdirp') fmode'
Overwrite -> catchIOError (createDirectory (fromAbs destdirp')
$ \e ->
case ioeGetErrorType e of
AlreadyExists -> setFileMode (fromAbs destdirp')
_ -> ioError e
return contents

-- we can't use `easyCopy` here, because we want to call `go`
-- create the destination dir and
-- only return contents if we succeed
handleIOE (CreateDirFailed fromp' destdirp') ce [] $ do
fmode' <- PF.fileMode <$> PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus (fromAbs fromp')
case cm of
Strict -> createDirectory (fromAbs destdirp') fmode'
Overwrite -> catchIOError (createDirectory (fromAbs destdirp')
$ \e ->
case ioeGetErrorType e of
AlreadyExists -> setFileMode (fromAbs destdirp')
_ -> ioError e
return contents

-- NOTE: we can't use `easyCopy` here, because we want to call `go`
-- recursively to skip the top-level sanity checks

-- if reading the contents and creating the destination dir worked,
-- then copy the contents to the destination too
for_ contents $ \f -> do
ftype <- getFileType f
newdest <- (destdirp' </>) <$> basename f
case ftype of
SymbolicLink -> handleIOE ce ()
SymbolicLink -> handleIOE (RecreateSymlinkFailed f newdest) ce ()
$ recreateSymlink f newdest cm
Directory -> go ce f newdest
RegularFile -> handleIOE ce () $ copyFile f newdest cm
RegularFile -> handleIOE (CopyFileFailed f newdest) ce ()
$ copyFile f newdest cm
_ -> return ()
handleIOE :: IORef [IOException] -> a -> IO a -> IO a
handleIOE ce def = case rm of
FailEarly -> handleIOError throwIO
CollectFailures -> handleIOError (\e -> modifyIORef ce (e:)

-- helper to handle errors for both RecursiveErrorModes and return a
-- default value
handleIOE :: RecursiveFailureHint
-> IORef [(RecursiveFailureHint, IOException)]
-> a -> IO a -> IO a
handleIOE hint ce def = case rm of
FailEarly -> handleIOError throwIO
CollectFailures -> handleIOError (\e -> modifyIORef ce ((hint, e):)
>> return def)

@@ -379,7 +394,7 @@ copyDirRecursive fromp destdirp cm rm
-- Throws in `Strict` mode only:
-- - `AlreadyExists` if destination already exists
-- Throws in `Overwrite` mode only:
@@ -512,8 +527,8 @@ _copyFile sflags dflags from to
if size == 0
then return $ fromIntegral totalsize
else do rsize <- SPB.fdWriteBuf dfd buf size
when (rsize /= size) (throwIO . CopyFailed
$ "wrong size!")
when (rsize /= size) (ioError $ userError
"wrong size!")
write' sfd dfd buf (totalsize + fromIntegral size)

@@ -667,7 +682,7 @@ executeFile fp args
-- Throws:
-- - `PermissionDenied` if output directory cannot be written to
-- - `AlreadyExists` if destination already exists
-- - `NoSuchThing` if any of the parent components of the path
-- do not exist
createRegularFile :: FileMode -> Path Abs -> IO ()
@@ -683,7 +698,7 @@ createRegularFile fm dest =
-- Throws:
-- - `PermissionDenied` if output directory cannot be written to
-- - `AlreadyExists` if destination already exists
-- - `NoSuchThing` if any of the parent components of the path
-- do not exist
createDir :: FileMode -> Path Abs -> IO ()
@@ -758,10 +773,7 @@ createSymlink dest sympoint
-- - `PermissionDenied` if source directory cannot be opened
-- - `UnsupportedOperation` if source and destination are on different
-- devices
-- - `AlreadyExists` if destination already exists
-- - `SameFile` if destination and source are the same file
-- (`HPathIOException`)
@@ -800,9 +812,7 @@ renameFile fromf tof = do
-- Throws in `Strict` mode only:
-- - `AlreadyExists` if destination already exists
-- Note: calls `rename` (but does not allow to rename over existing files)
moveFile :: Path Abs -- ^ file to move

+ 61
- 85
src/HPath/IO/Errors.hs View File

@@ -9,31 +9,26 @@
-- Provides error handling.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module HPath.IO.Errors
-- * Types
, RecursiveFailureHint(..)

-- * Exception identifiers
, isFileDoesNotExist
, isDirDoesNotExist
, isSameFile
, isDestinationInSource
, isFileDoesExist
, isDirDoesExist
, isInvalidOperation
, isCan'tOpenDirectory
, isCopyFailed
, isRecursiveFailure
, isReadContentsFailed
, isCreateDirFailed
, isCopyFileFailed
, isRecreateSymlinkFailed

-- * Path based functions
, throwFileDoesExist
, throwDirDoesExist
, throwFileDoesNotExist
, throwDirDoesNotExist
, throwSameFile
, sameFile
, throwDestinationInSource
@@ -41,7 +36,6 @@ module HPath.IO.Errors
, doesDirectoryExist
, isWritable
, canOpenDirectory
, throwCantOpenDirectory

-- * Error handling functions
, catchErrno
@@ -66,7 +60,6 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IfElse
, unlessM
import Data.ByteString
@@ -76,7 +69,6 @@ import Data.ByteString.UTF8
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign.C.Error
@@ -93,8 +85,10 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} HPath.IO
import System.IO.Error
, catchIOError
, ioeGetErrorType
, mkIOError

import qualified System.Posix.Directory.ByteString as PFD
@@ -106,55 +100,34 @@ import System.Posix.Files.ByteString
import qualified System.Posix.Files.ByteString as PF

data HPathIOException = FileDoesNotExist ByteString
| DirDoesNotExist ByteString
| SameFile ByteString ByteString
-- |Additional generic IO exceptions that the posix functions
-- do not provide.
data HPathIOException = SameFile ByteString ByteString
| DestinationInSource ByteString ByteString
| FileDoesExist ByteString
| DirDoesExist ByteString
| InvalidOperation String
| Can'tOpenDirectory ByteString
| CopyFailed String
| RecursiveFailure [IOException]
deriving (Typeable, Eq)

instance Show HPathIOException where
show (FileDoesNotExist fp) = "File does not exist:" ++ toString fp
show (DirDoesNotExist fp) = "Directory does not exist: "
++ toString fp
show (SameFile fp1 fp2) = toString fp1
++ " and " ++ toString fp2
++ " are the same file!"
show (DestinationInSource fp1 fp2) = toString fp1
++ " is contained in "
++ toString fp2
show (FileDoesExist fp) = "File does exist: " ++ toString fp
show (DirDoesExist fp) = "Directory does exist: " ++ toString fp
show (InvalidOperation str) = "Invalid operation: " ++ str
show (Can'tOpenDirectory fp) = "Can't open directory: "
++ toString fp
show (CopyFailed str) = "Copying failed: " ++ str
show (RecursiveFailure exs) = "Recursive operation failed: "
++ show exs
| RecursiveFailure [(RecursiveFailureHint, IOException)]
deriving (Eq, Show)

toConstr :: HPathIOException -> String
toConstr FileDoesNotExist {} = "FileDoesNotExist"
toConstr DirDoesNotExist {} = "DirDoesNotExist"
toConstr SameFile {} = "SameFile"
toConstr DestinationInSource {} = "DestinationInSource"
toConstr FileDoesExist {} = "FileDoesExist"
toConstr DirDoesExist {} = "DirDoesExist"
toConstr InvalidOperation {} = "InvalidOperation"
toConstr Can'tOpenDirectory {} = "Can'tOpenDirectory"
toConstr CopyFailed {} = "CopyFailed"
toConstr RecursiveFailure {} = "RecursiveFailure"
-- |A type for giving failure hints on recursive failure, which allows
-- to programmatically make choices without examining
-- the weakly typed I/O error attributes (like `ioeGetFileName`).
-- The first argument to the data constructor is always the
-- source and the second the destination.
data RecursiveFailureHint = ReadContentsFailed (Path Abs) (Path Abs)
| CreateDirFailed (Path Abs) (Path Abs)
| CopyFileFailed (Path Abs) (Path Abs)
| RecreateSymlinkFailed (Path Abs) (Path Abs)
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Exception HPathIOException

instance Exception HPathIOException
toConstr :: HPathIOException -> String
toConstr SameFile {} = "SameFile"
toConstr DestinationInSource {} = "DestinationInSource"
toConstr RecursiveFailure {} = "RecursiveFailure"

@@ -164,47 +137,54 @@ instance Exception HPathIOException
--[ Exception identifiers ]--

isFileDoesNotExist, isDirDoesNotExist, isSameFile, isDestinationInSource, isFileDoesExist, isDirDoesExist, isInvalidOperation, isCan'tOpenDirectory, isCopyFailed, isRecursiveFailure :: HPathIOException -> Bool
isFileDoesNotExist ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr FileDoesNotExist{}
isDirDoesNotExist ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr DirDoesNotExist{}

isSameFile, isDestinationInSource, isRecursiveFailure :: HPathIOException -> Bool
isSameFile ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr SameFile{}
isDestinationInSource ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr DestinationInSource{}
isFileDoesExist ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr FileDoesExist{}
isDirDoesExist ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr DirDoesExist{}
isInvalidOperation ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr InvalidOperation{}
isCan'tOpenDirectory ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr Can'tOpenDirectory{}
isCopyFailed ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr CopyFailed{}
isRecursiveFailure ex = toConstr (ex :: HPathIOException) == toConstr RecursiveFailure{}

isReadContentsFailed, isCreateDirFailed, isCopyFileFailed, isRecreateSymlinkFailed ::RecursiveFailureHint -> Bool
isReadContentsFailed ReadContentsFailed{} = True
isReadContentsFailed _ = False
isCreateDirFailed CreateDirFailed{} = True
isCreateDirFailed _ = False
isCopyFileFailed CopyFileFailed{} = True
isCopyFileFailed _ = False
isRecreateSymlinkFailed RecreateSymlinkFailed{} = True
isRecreateSymlinkFailed _ = False

--[ Path based functions ]--

-- |Throws `AlreadyExists` `IOError` if file exists.
throwFileDoesExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwFileDoesExist fp =
whenM (doesFileExist fp) (throwIO . FileDoesExist
. fromAbs $ fp)
whenM (doesFileExist fp)
(ioError . mkIOError
"File already exists"
$ (Just (toString $ fromAbs fp))

-- |Throws `AlreadyExists` `IOError` if directory exists.
throwDirDoesExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwDirDoesExist fp =
whenM (doesDirectoryExist fp) (throwIO . DirDoesExist
. fromAbs $ fp)

throwFileDoesNotExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwFileDoesNotExist fp =
unlessM (doesFileExist fp) (throwIO . FileDoesNotExist
. fromAbs $ fp)

throwDirDoesNotExist :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwDirDoesNotExist fp =
unlessM (doesDirectoryExist fp) (throwIO . DirDoesNotExist
. fromAbs $ fp)
whenM (doesDirectoryExist fp)
(ioError . mkIOError
"Directory already exists"
$ (Just (toString $ fromAbs fp))

-- |Uses `isSameFile` and throws `SameFile` if it returns True.
@@ -289,13 +269,6 @@ canOpenDirectory fp =
return True

throwCantOpenDirectory :: Path Abs -> IO ()
throwCantOpenDirectory fp =
unlessM (canOpenDirectory fp)
(throwIO . Can'tOpenDirectory . fromAbs $ fp)

@@ -375,3 +348,4 @@ reactOnError a ios fmios =
else y)
(throwIO ex)

+ 8
- 6
test/HPath/IO/CopyDirRecursiveCollectFailuresSpec.hs View File

@@ -157,8 +157,10 @@ spec = beforeAll_ (upTmpDir >> setupFiles) $ afterAll_ cleanupFiles $
(\(RecursiveFailure ex@[_, _]) ->
any (\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType) ex &&
any (\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == PermissionDenied) ex)
any (\(h, e) -> ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType
&& isCopyFileFailed h) ex &&
any (\(h, e) -> ioeGetErrorType e == PermissionDenied
&& isReadContentsFailed h) ex)
normalDirPerms "outputDir1/foo2/foo4"
normalDirPerms "outputDir1/foo2/foo4/inputFile4"
c <- allDirectoryContents' "outputDir1"
@@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ spec = beforeAll_ (upTmpDir >> setupFiles) $ afterAll_ cleanupFiles $
(\(RecursiveFailure [e]) -> ioeGetErrorType e == PermissionDenied)
(\(RecursiveFailure [(CreateDirFailed{}, e)]) -> ioeGetErrorType e == PermissionDenied)

it "copyDirRecursive (Strict, CollectFailures), cannot open output dir" $
copyDirRecursive' "inputDir"
@@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ spec = beforeAll_ (upTmpDir >> setupFiles) $ afterAll_ cleanupFiles $
(\(RecursiveFailure [e]) -> ioeGetErrorType e == AlreadyExists)
(\(RecursiveFailure [(_, e)]) -> ioeGetErrorType e == AlreadyExists)

it "copyDirRecursive (Strict, CollectFailures), destination already exists and is a file" $
copyDirRecursive' "inputDir"
@@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ spec = beforeAll_ (upTmpDir >> setupFiles) $ afterAll_ cleanupFiles $
(\(RecursiveFailure [e]) -> ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType)
(\(RecursiveFailure [(_, e)]) -> ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType)

it "copyDirRecursive (Strict, CollectFailures), wrong input (symlink to directory)" $
copyDirRecursive' "wrongInputSymL"
@@ -224,7 +226,7 @@ spec = beforeAll_ (upTmpDir >> setupFiles) $ afterAll_ cleanupFiles $
(\(RecursiveFailure [e]) -> ioeGetErrorType e == InvalidArgument)
(\(RecursiveFailure [(_, e)]) -> ioeGetErrorType e == InvalidArgument)

it "copyDirRecursive (Strict, CollectFailures), destination in source" $
copyDirRecursive' "inputDir"

+ 1
- 1
test/HPath/IO/MoveFileOverwriteSpec.hs View File

@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ spec = beforeAll_ (upTmpDir >> setupFiles) $ afterAll_ cleanupFiles $
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == AlreadyExists)

it "moveFile (Overwrite), source and dest are same file" $
moveFile' "myFile"

+ 2
- 2
test/HPath/IO/MoveFileSpec.hs View File

@@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ spec = beforeAll_ (upTmpDir >> setupFiles) $ afterAll_ cleanupFiles $
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == AlreadyExists)

it "moveFile (Strict), move from file to dir" $
moveFile' "myFile"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == AlreadyExists)

it "moveFile (Strict), source and dest are same file" $
moveFile' "myFile"

+ 2
- 2
test/HPath/IO/RenameFileSpec.hs View File

@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ spec = beforeAll_ (upTmpDir >> setupFiles) $ afterAll_ cleanupFiles $
renameFile' "myFile"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == AlreadyExists)

it "renameFile, move from file to dir" $
renameFile' "myFile"
(\e -> ioeGetErrorType e == AlreadyExists)

it "renameFile, source and dest are same file" $
renameFile' "myFile"
