Backport changes from posix-paths PR:

* add isFileName
* add hasParentDir
* add hiddenFile
* add our own openFd version for more control
* small documentation improvements
* add a getDirectoryContents' version that works on Fd
* fix linting warnings
* lift version constraints in benchmark

Also adjust HPath.IO to work with the new API.
This commit is contained in:
Julian Ospald 2016-05-18 04:11:40 +02:00
parent 0fa66cd581
commit 797dcaf725
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 511B62C09D50CD28
7 changed files with 174 additions and 156 deletions

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ library
build-depends: base >= 4.2 && <5
, bytestring >=
@ -111,9 +112,9 @@ benchmark bench.hs
directory >= 1.1 && < 1.3,
filepath >= 1.2 && < 1.4,
filepath >= 1.2 && < 1.5,
process >= 1.0 && < 1.3,
criterion >= 0.6 && < 0.9
criterion >= 0.6 && < 1.2
ghc-options: -O2
source-repository head

View File

@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ module HPath
-- * ByteString operations

View File

@ -182,6 +182,10 @@ import System.Posix.Files.ByteString
import qualified System.Posix.Files.ByteString as PF
import qualified "unix" System.Posix.IO.ByteString as SPI
import qualified "unix-bytestring" System.Posix.IO.ByteString as SPB
import System.Posix.FD
import qualified System.Posix.Directory.Traversals as SPDT
import qualified System.Posix.Directory.Foreign as SPDF
import qualified System.Posix.Process.ByteString as SPP
@ -415,33 +419,27 @@ _copyFile sflags dflags from to
(sendFileCopy from' to')
(void $ readWriteCopy from' to')
-- this is low-level stuff utilizing sendfile(2) for speed
sendFileCopy source dest =
bracket (SPDT.openFd source SPI.ReadOnly sflags Nothing)
copyWith copyAction source dest =
bracket (openFd source SPI.ReadOnly sflags Nothing)
$ \sfd -> do
fileM <- System.Posix.Files.ByteString.fileMode
<$> getFdStatus sfd
bracketeer (SPDT.openFd dest SPI.WriteOnly
bracketeer (openFd dest SPI.WriteOnly
dflags $ Just fileM)
(\fd -> SPI.closeFd fd >> deleteFile to)
$ \dfd -> sendfileFd dfd sfd EntireFile (return ())
$ \dfd -> copyAction sfd dfd
-- this is low-level stuff utilizing sendfile(2) for speed
sendFileCopy :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
sendFileCopy = copyWith
(\sfd dfd -> sendfileFd dfd sfd EntireFile $ return ())
-- low-level copy operation utilizing read(2)/write(2)
-- in case `sendFileCopy` fails/is unsupported
readWriteCopy :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO Int
readWriteCopy source dest =
bracket (SPDT.openFd source SPI.ReadOnly sflags Nothing)
$ \sfd -> do
fileM <- System.Posix.Files.ByteString.fileMode
<$> getFdStatus sfd
bracketeer (SPDT.openFd dest SPI.WriteOnly
dflags $ Just fileM)
(\fd -> SPI.closeFd fd >> deleteFile to)
$ \dfd -> allocaBytes (fromIntegral bufSize) $ \buf ->
write' sfd dfd buf 0
readWriteCopy = copyWith
(\sfd dfd -> allocaBytes (fromIntegral bufSize)
$ \buf -> write' sfd dfd buf 0)
bufSize :: CSize
bufSize = 8192
@ -781,14 +779,12 @@ newDirPerms
getDirsFiles :: Path Abs -- ^ dir to read
-> IO [Path Abs]
getDirsFiles p =
withAbsPath p $ \fp ->
bracketOnError (SPDT.openFd fp SPI.ReadOnly [SPDF.oNofollow] Nothing)
$ \fd ->
. catMaybes
. fmap (\x -> (</>) p <$> (parseMaybe . snd $ x))
=<< getDirectoryContents' fd
withAbsPath p $ \fp -> do
fd <- openFd fp SPI.ReadOnly [SPDF.oNofollow] Nothing
. catMaybes
. fmap (\x -> (</>) p <$> (parseMaybe . snd $ x))
=<< getDirectoryContents' fd
parseMaybe :: ByteString -> Maybe (Path Fn)
parseMaybe = parseFn

View File

@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ import Data.ByteString
import Data.ByteString.UTF8
import Data.Data
@ -114,20 +118,20 @@ data HPathIOException = FileDoesNotExist ByteString
instance Show HPathIOException where
show (FileDoesNotExist fp) = "File does not exist:" ++ fpToString fp
show (FileDoesNotExist fp) = "File does not exist:" ++ toString fp
show (DirDoesNotExist fp) = "Directory does not exist: "
++ fpToString fp
show (SameFile fp1 fp2) = fpToString fp1
++ " and " ++ fpToString fp2
++ toString fp
show (SameFile fp1 fp2) = toString fp1
++ " and " ++ toString fp2
++ " are the same file!"
show (DestinationInSource fp1 fp2) = fpToString fp1
show (DestinationInSource fp1 fp2) = toString fp1
++ " is contained in "
++ fpToString fp2
show (FileDoesExist fp) = "File does exist: " ++ fpToString fp
show (DirDoesExist fp) = "Directory does exist: " ++ fpToString fp
++ toString fp2
show (FileDoesExist fp) = "File does exist: " ++ toString fp
show (DirDoesExist fp) = "Directory does exist: " ++ toString fp
show (InvalidOperation str) = "Invalid operation: " ++ str
show (Can'tOpenDirectory fp) = "Can't open directory: "
++ fpToString fp
++ toString fp
show (CopyFailed str) = "Copying failed: " ++ str

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ module System.Posix.Directory.Traversals (
, readDirEnt
, packDirStream
, unpackDirStream
, openFd
, fdOpendir
, realpath
) where
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ import System.Posix.Directory.ByteString as PosixBS
import System.Posix.Files.ByteString
import System.IO.Unsafe
import "unix" System.Posix.IO.ByteString (closeFd)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Foreign.C.Error
import Foreign.C.String
@ -54,6 +56,8 @@ import Foreign.Storable
-- Upon entering a directory, 'allDirectoryContents' will get all entries
-- strictly. However the returned list is lazy in that directories will only
-- be accessed on demand.
-- Follows symbolic links for the input dir.
allDirectoryContents :: RawFilePath -> IO [RawFilePath]
allDirectoryContents topdir = do
namesAndTypes <- getDirectoryContents topdir
@ -71,6 +75,8 @@ allDirectoryContents topdir = do
return (topdir : concat paths)
-- | Get all files from a directory and its subdirectories strictly.
-- Follows symbolic links for the input dir.
allDirectoryContents' :: RawFilePath -> IO [RawFilePath]
allDirectoryContents' = fmap reverse . traverseDirectory (\acc fp -> return (fp:acc)) []
-- this uses traverseDirectory because it's more efficient than forcing the
@ -80,6 +86,8 @@ allDirectoryContents' = fmap reverse . traverseDirectory (\acc fp -> return (fp:
-- files/subdirectories.
-- This function allows for memory-efficient traversals.
-- Follows symbolic links for the input dir.
traverseDirectory :: (s -> RawFilePath -> IO s) -> s -> RawFilePath -> IO s
traverseDirectory act s0 topdir = toploop
@ -103,17 +111,17 @@ actOnDirContents :: RawFilePath
-> IO b
actOnDirContents pathRelToTop b f =
modifyIOError ((`ioeSetFileName` (BS.unpack pathRelToTop)) .
(`ioeSetLocation` "findBSTypRel")) $ do
(`ioeSetLocation` "findBSTypRel")) $
(openDirStream pathRelToTop)
(\dirp -> loop dirp b)
loop dirp b' = do
(typ,e) <- readDirEnt dirp
if (e == "")
then return b'
else do
if (e == "." || e == "..")
then loop dirp b'
else f typ (pathRelToTop </> e) b' >>= loop dirp
@ -154,9 +162,6 @@ foreign import ccall "realpath"
foreign import ccall unsafe "fdopendir"
c_fdopendir :: Posix.Fd -> IO (Ptr ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "open"
c_open :: CString -> CInt -> Posix.CMode -> IO CInt
-- less dodgy but still lower-level
@ -189,81 +194,53 @@ readDirEnt (unpackDirStream -> dirp) =
else throwErrno "readDirEnt"
-- |Gets all directory contents (not recursively).
getDirectoryContents :: RawFilePath -> IO [(DirType, RawFilePath)]
getDirectoryContents path =
modifyIOError ((`ioeSetFileName` (BS.unpack path)) .
(`ioeSetLocation` "System.Posix.Directory.Traversals.getDirectoryContents")) $ do
(`ioeSetLocation` "System.Posix.Directory.Traversals.getDirectoryContents")) $
(PosixBS.openDirStream path)
loop dirp = do
t@(_typ,e) <- readDirEnt dirp
if BS.null e then return [] else do
es <- loop dirp
return (t:es)
-- |Binding to @fdopendir(3)@.
fdOpendir :: Posix.Fd -> IO DirStream
fdOpendir fd =
packDirStream <$> throwErrnoIfNull "fdOpendir" (c_fdopendir fd)
-- |Like `getDirectoryContents` except for a file descriptor.
-- To avoid complicated error checks, the file descriptor is
-- __always__ closed, even if `fdOpendir` fails. Usually, this
-- only happens on successful `fdOpendir` and after the directory
-- stream is closed. Also see the manpage of @fdopendir(3)@ for
-- more details.
getDirectoryContents' :: Posix.Fd -> IO [(DirType, RawFilePath)]
getDirectoryContents' fd =
(fdOpendir fd)
loop dirp = do
t@(_typ,e) <- readDirEnt dirp
if BS.null e then return [] else do
es <- loop dirp
return (t:es)
getDirectoryContents' fd = do
dirstream <- fdOpendir fd `catchIOError` \e -> do
closeFd fd
ioError e
-- closeDirStream closes the filedescriptor
finally (_dirloop dirstream) (PosixBS.closeDirStream dirstream)
open_ :: CString
-> Posix.OpenMode
-> [Flags]
-> Maybe Posix.FileMode
-> IO Posix.Fd
open_ str how optional_flags maybe_mode = do
fd <- c_open str all_flags mode_w
return (Posix.Fd fd)
all_flags = unionFlags $ optional_flags ++ [open_mode] ++ creat
(creat, mode_w) = case maybe_mode of
Nothing -> ([],0)
Just x -> ([oCreat], x)
open_mode = case how of
Posix.ReadOnly -> oRdonly
Posix.WriteOnly -> oWronly
Posix.ReadWrite -> oRdwr
-- |Open and optionally create this file. See 'System.Posix.Files'
-- for information on how to use the 'FileMode' type.
openFd :: RawFilePath
-> Posix.OpenMode
-> [Flags]
-> Maybe Posix.FileMode
-> IO Posix.Fd
openFd name how optional_flags maybe_mode =
withFilePath name $ \str ->
throwErrnoPathIfMinus1Retry "openFd" name $
open_ str how optional_flags maybe_mode
_dirloop :: DirStream -> IO [(DirType, RawFilePath)]
{-# INLINE _dirloop #-}
_dirloop dirp = do
t@(_typ,e) <- readDirEnt dirp
if BS.null e then return [] else do
es <- _dirloop dirp
return (t:es)
-- | return the canonicalized absolute pathname
-- like canonicalizePath, but uses realpath(3)
-- like canonicalizePath, but uses @realpath(3)@
realpath :: RawFilePath -> IO RawFilePath
realpath inp = do
realpath inp =
allocaBytes pathMax $ \tmp -> do
void $ BS.useAsCString inp $ \cstr -> throwErrnoIfNull "realpath" $ c_realpath cstr tmp
BS.packCString tmp

src/System/Posix/FD.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |Provides an alternative for `System.Posix.IO.ByteString.openFd`
-- which gives us more control on what status flags to pass to the
-- low-level `open(2)` call, in contrast to the unix package.
module System.Posix.FD (
, fooBar
) where
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import System.Posix.Directory.Foreign
import qualified System.Posix as Posix
import System.Posix.ByteString.FilePath
foreign import ccall unsafe "open"
c_open :: CString -> CInt -> Posix.CMode -> IO CInt
open_ :: CString
-> Posix.OpenMode
-> [Flags]
-> Maybe Posix.FileMode
-> IO Posix.Fd
open_ str how optional_flags maybe_mode = do
fd <- c_open str all_flags mode_w
return (Posix.Fd fd)
all_flags = unionFlags $ optional_flags ++ [open_mode] ++ creat
(creat, mode_w) = case maybe_mode of
Nothing -> ([],0)
Just x -> ([oCreat], x)
open_mode = case how of
Posix.ReadOnly -> oRdonly
Posix.WriteOnly -> oWronly
Posix.ReadWrite -> oRdwr
-- |Open and optionally create this file. See 'System.Posix.Files'
-- for information on how to use the 'FileMode' type.
-- Note that passing `Just x` as the 4th argument triggers the
-- `oCreat` status flag, which must be set when you pass in `oExcl`
-- to the status flags. Also see the manpage for `open(2)`.
openFd :: RawFilePath
-> Posix.OpenMode
-> [Flags] -- ^ status flags of open(2)
-> Maybe Posix.FileMode -- ^ Just x => creates the file with the given modes, Nothing => the file must exist.
-> IO Posix.Fd
openFd name how optional_flags maybe_mode =
withFilePath name $ \str ->
throwErrnoPathIfMinus1Retry "openFd" name $
open_ str how optional_flags maybe_mode
fooBar :: String -> String
fooBar = undefined

View File

@ -1,21 +1,10 @@
-- |
-- Module : System.Posix.FilePath
-- Copyright : © 2016 Julian Ospald
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Julian Ospald <>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- The equivalent of "System.FilePath" on raw (byte string) file paths.
-- Not all functions of "System.FilePath" are implemented yet. Feel free to contribute!
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- | The equivalent of "System.FilePath" on raw (byte string) file paths.
-- Not all functions of "System.FilePath" are implemented yet. Feel free to contribute!
module System.Posix.FilePath (
-- * Separators
@ -72,16 +61,11 @@ module System.Posix.FilePath (
, equalFilePath
, hiddenFile
-- * Type conversion
, fpToString
, userStringToFP
, module System.Posix.ByteString.FilePath
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString, toString)
import System.Posix.ByteString.FilePath
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
@ -94,7 +78,6 @@ import Control.Arrow (second)
-- >>> import Test.QuickCheck
-- >>> import Control.Applicative
-- >>> import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-- >>> import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-- >>> instance Arbitrary ByteString where arbitrary = BS.pack <$> arbitrary
-- >>> instance CoArbitrary ByteString where coarbitrary = coarbitrary . BS.unpack
@ -441,7 +424,6 @@ normalise filepath =
dropDots :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
dropDots = filter (BS.singleton _period /=)
-- trailing path separators
@ -524,7 +506,8 @@ isValid filepath
| _nul `BS.elem` filepath = False
| otherwise = True
-- | Is the given filename a valid filename?
-- | Is the given path a valid filename? This includes
-- "." and "..".
-- >>> isFileName "lal"
-- True
@ -538,13 +521,13 @@ isValid filepath
-- False
-- >>> isFileName "/random_ path:*"
-- False
isFileName :: ByteString -> Bool
isFileName :: RawFilePath -> Bool
isFileName filepath =
not (BS.singleton pathSeparator `BS.isInfixOf` filepath) &&
not (BS.null filepath) &&
not (_nul `BS.elem` filepath)
-- | Helper function: check if the filepath has any parent directories in it.
-- | Check if the filepath has any parent directories in it.
-- >>> hasParentDir "/.."
-- True
@ -560,19 +543,18 @@ isFileName filepath =
-- False
-- >>> hasParentDir ".."
-- False
hasParentDir :: ByteString -> Bool
hasParentDir :: RawFilePath -> Bool
hasParentDir filepath =
((pathSeparator `BS.cons` pathDoubleDot)
`BS.isSuffixOf` filepath
) ||
((BS.singleton pathSeparator
`BS.append` pathDoubleDot
`BS.append` BS.singleton pathSeparator
) `BS.isInfixOf` filepath
) ||
((pathDoubleDot `BS.append` BS.singleton pathSeparator
) `BS.isPrefixOf` filepath
(pathSeparator `BS.cons` pathDoubleDot)
`BS.isSuffixOf` filepath
(BS.singleton pathSeparator
`BS.append` pathDoubleDot
`BS.append` BS.singleton pathSeparator)
`BS.isInfixOf` filepath
(pathDoubleDot `BS.append` BS.singleton pathSeparator)
`BS.isPrefixOf` filepath
pathDoubleDot = BS.pack [_period, _period]
@ -605,32 +587,26 @@ equalFilePath p1 p2 = f p1 == f p2
-- True
-- >>> hiddenFile ""
-- True
-- >>> hiddenFile "some/path/.bar"
-- True
-- >>> hiddenFile "..."
-- True
-- >>> hiddenFile "dod"
-- False
-- >>> hiddenFile ""
-- False
-- >>> hiddenFile "."
-- False
-- >>> hiddenFile ".."
-- False
-- >>> hiddenFile ""
-- False
hiddenFile :: RawFilePath -> Bool
hiddenFile fp
| fp == BS.pack [_period, _period] = False
| fp == BS.pack [_period] = False
| fn == BS.pack [_period, _period] = False
| fn == BS.pack [_period] = False
| otherwise = BS.pack [extSeparator]
`BS.isPrefixOf` fp
-- conversion
-- |Uses UTF-8 decoding to convert the bytestring into a String.
fpToString :: ByteString -> String
fpToString = toString
-- |Uses UTF-8 encoding to convert a user provided String into
-- a ByteString, which represents a filepath.
userStringToFP :: String -> ByteString
userStringToFP = fromString
`BS.isPrefixOf` fn
fn = takeFileName fp
-- internal stuff
@ -638,7 +614,7 @@ userStringToFP = fromString
-- Just split the input FileName without adding/normalizing or changing
-- anything.
splitFileNameRaw :: RawFilePath -> (RawFilePath, RawFilePath)
splitFileNameRaw x = BS.breakEnd isPathSeparator x
splitFileNameRaw = BS.breakEnd isPathSeparator
-- | Combine two paths, assuming rhs is NOT absolute.
combineRaw :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath -> RawFilePath