882 lines
32 KiB
882 lines
32 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Module : System.Posix.Terminal.Common
-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable (requires POSIX)
-- POSIX Terminal support
-- see https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bionic/+/9ae59c0/libc/bionic/pathconf.c#37
#if !defined(_POSIX_VDISABLE) && defined(__ANDROID__)
#define _POSIX_VDISABLE -1
module System.Posix.Terminal.Common (
-- * Terminal support
-- ** Terminal attributes
-- ** Terminal operations
-- ** Process groups
-- ** Testing a file descriptor
) where
#include "HsUnix.h"
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Foreign.C.Error ( throwErrnoIfMinus1, throwErrnoIfMinus1_ )
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.ForeignPtr ( ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr, mallocForeignPtrBytes )
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( copyBytes )
import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, plusPtr )
import Foreign.Storable ( Storable(..) )
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.Internals ( CTermios )
import System.IO.Error ( ioeSetLocation )
import GHC.IO.Exception ( unsupportedOperation )
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Terminal attributes
newtype TerminalAttributes = TerminalAttributes (ForeignPtr CTermios)
makeTerminalAttributes :: ForeignPtr CTermios -> TerminalAttributes
makeTerminalAttributes = TerminalAttributes
withTerminalAttributes :: TerminalAttributes -> (Ptr CTermios -> IO a) -> IO a
withTerminalAttributes (TerminalAttributes termios) = withForeignPtr termios
data TerminalMode
-- input flags
= InterruptOnBreak -- ^ @BRKINT@ - Signal interrupt on break
| MapCRtoLF -- ^ @ICRNL@ - Map CR to NL on input
| IgnoreBreak -- ^ @IGNBRK@ - Ignore break condition
| IgnoreCR -- ^ @IGNCR@ - Ignore CR
| IgnoreParityErrors -- ^ @IGNPAR@ - Ignore characters with parity errors
| MapLFtoCR -- ^ @INLCR@ - Map NL to CR on input
| CheckParity -- ^ @INPCK@ - Enable input parity check
| StripHighBit -- ^ @ISTRIP@ - Strip character
| RestartOnAny -- ^ @IXANY@ - Enable any character to restart output
| StartStopInput -- ^ @IXOFF@ - Enable start/stop input control
| StartStopOutput -- ^ @IXON@ - Enable start/stop output control
| MarkParityErrors -- ^ @PARMRK@ - Mark parity errors
-- output flags
| ProcessOutput -- ^ @OPOST@ - Post-process output
| MapLFtoCRLF -- ^ @ONLCR@ - (XSI) Map NL to CR-NL on output
-- @since
| OutputMapCRtoLF -- ^ @OCRNL@ - (XSI) Map CR to NL on output
-- @since
| NoCRAtColumnZero -- ^ @ONOCR@ - (XSI) No CR output at column 0
-- @since
| ReturnMeansLF -- ^ @ONLRET@ - (XSI) NL performs CR function
-- @since
| TabDelayMask0 -- ^ @TABDLY(TAB0)@ - (XSI) Select horizontal-tab delays: type 0
-- @since
| TabDelayMask3 -- ^ @TABDLY(TAB3)@ - (XSI) Select horizontal-tab delays: type 3
-- @since
-- control flags
| LocalMode -- ^ @CLOCAL@ - Ignore modem status lines
| ReadEnable -- ^ @CREAD@ - Enable receiver
| TwoStopBits -- ^ @CSTOPB@ - Send two stop bits, else one
| HangupOnClose -- ^ @HUPCL@ - Hang up on last close
| EnableParity -- ^ @PARENB@ - Parity enable
| OddParity -- ^ @PARODD@ - Odd parity, else even
-- local modes
| EnableEcho -- ^ @ECHO@ - Enable echo
| EchoErase -- ^ @ECHOE@ - Echo erase character as error-correcting backspace
| EchoKill -- ^ @ECHOK@ - Echo KILL
| EchoLF -- ^ @ECHONL@ - Echo NL
| ProcessInput -- ^ @ICANON@ - Canonical input (erase and kill processing)
| ExtendedFunctions -- ^ @IEXTEN@ - Enable extended input character processing
| KeyboardInterrupts -- ^ @ISIG@ - Enable signals
| NoFlushOnInterrupt -- ^ @NOFLSH@ - Disable flush after interrupt or quit
| BackgroundWriteInterrupt -- ^ @TOSTOP@ - Send @SIGTTOU@ for background output
withoutMode :: TerminalAttributes -> TerminalMode -> TerminalAttributes
withoutMode termios InterruptOnBreak = clearInputFlag (#const BRKINT) termios
withoutMode termios MapCRtoLF = clearInputFlag (#const ICRNL) termios
withoutMode termios IgnoreBreak = clearInputFlag (#const IGNBRK) termios
withoutMode termios IgnoreCR = clearInputFlag (#const IGNCR) termios
withoutMode termios IgnoreParityErrors = clearInputFlag (#const IGNPAR) termios
withoutMode termios MapLFtoCR = clearInputFlag (#const INLCR) termios
withoutMode termios CheckParity = clearInputFlag (#const INPCK) termios
withoutMode termios StripHighBit = clearInputFlag (#const ISTRIP) termios
withoutMode termios RestartOnAny = clearInputFlag (#const IXANY) termios
withoutMode termios StartStopInput = clearInputFlag (#const IXOFF) termios
withoutMode termios StartStopOutput = clearInputFlag (#const IXON) termios
withoutMode termios MarkParityErrors = clearInputFlag (#const PARMRK) termios
withoutMode termios ProcessOutput = clearOutputFlag (#const OPOST) termios
withoutMode termios MapLFtoCRLF = clearOutputFlag (#const ONLCR) termios
withoutMode termios OutputMapCRtoLF = clearOutputFlag (#const OCRNL) termios
withoutMode termios NoCRAtColumnZero = clearOutputFlag (#const ONOCR) termios
withoutMode termios ReturnMeansLF = clearOutputFlag (#const ONLRET) termios
withoutMode termios TabDelayMask0 = clearOutputFlag (#const TAB0) termios
withoutMode termios TabDelayMask3 = clearOutputFlag (#const TAB3) termios
withoutMode termios LocalMode = clearControlFlag (#const CLOCAL) termios
withoutMode termios ReadEnable = clearControlFlag (#const CREAD) termios
withoutMode termios TwoStopBits = clearControlFlag (#const CSTOPB) termios
withoutMode termios HangupOnClose = clearControlFlag (#const HUPCL) termios
withoutMode termios EnableParity = clearControlFlag (#const PARENB) termios
withoutMode termios OddParity = clearControlFlag (#const PARODD) termios
withoutMode termios EnableEcho = clearLocalFlag (#const ECHO) termios
withoutMode termios EchoErase = clearLocalFlag (#const ECHOE) termios
withoutMode termios EchoKill = clearLocalFlag (#const ECHOK) termios
withoutMode termios EchoLF = clearLocalFlag (#const ECHONL) termios
withoutMode termios ProcessInput = clearLocalFlag (#const ICANON) termios
withoutMode termios ExtendedFunctions = clearLocalFlag (#const IEXTEN) termios
withoutMode termios KeyboardInterrupts = clearLocalFlag (#const ISIG) termios
withoutMode termios NoFlushOnInterrupt = setLocalFlag (#const NOFLSH) termios
withoutMode termios BackgroundWriteInterrupt = clearLocalFlag (#const TOSTOP) termios
withMode :: TerminalAttributes -> TerminalMode -> TerminalAttributes
withMode termios InterruptOnBreak = setInputFlag (#const BRKINT) termios
withMode termios MapCRtoLF = setInputFlag (#const ICRNL) termios
withMode termios IgnoreBreak = setInputFlag (#const IGNBRK) termios
withMode termios IgnoreCR = setInputFlag (#const IGNCR) termios
withMode termios IgnoreParityErrors = setInputFlag (#const IGNPAR) termios
withMode termios MapLFtoCR = setInputFlag (#const INLCR) termios
withMode termios CheckParity = setInputFlag (#const INPCK) termios
withMode termios StripHighBit = setInputFlag (#const ISTRIP) termios
withMode termios RestartOnAny = setInputFlag (#const IXANY) termios
withMode termios StartStopInput = setInputFlag (#const IXOFF) termios
withMode termios StartStopOutput = setInputFlag (#const IXON) termios
withMode termios MarkParityErrors = setInputFlag (#const PARMRK) termios
withMode termios ProcessOutput = setOutputFlag (#const OPOST) termios
withMode termios MapLFtoCRLF = setOutputFlag (#const ONLCR) termios
withMode termios OutputMapCRtoLF = setOutputFlag (#const OCRNL) termios
withMode termios NoCRAtColumnZero = setOutputFlag (#const ONOCR) termios
withMode termios ReturnMeansLF = setOutputFlag (#const ONLRET) termios
withMode termios TabDelayMask0 = setOutputFlag (#const TAB0) termios
withMode termios TabDelayMask3 = setOutputFlag (#const TAB3) termios
withMode termios LocalMode = setControlFlag (#const CLOCAL) termios
withMode termios ReadEnable = setControlFlag (#const CREAD) termios
withMode termios TwoStopBits = setControlFlag (#const CSTOPB) termios
withMode termios HangupOnClose = setControlFlag (#const HUPCL) termios
withMode termios EnableParity = setControlFlag (#const PARENB) termios
withMode termios OddParity = setControlFlag (#const PARODD) termios
withMode termios EnableEcho = setLocalFlag (#const ECHO) termios
withMode termios EchoErase = setLocalFlag (#const ECHOE) termios
withMode termios EchoKill = setLocalFlag (#const ECHOK) termios
withMode termios EchoLF = setLocalFlag (#const ECHONL) termios
withMode termios ProcessInput = setLocalFlag (#const ICANON) termios
withMode termios ExtendedFunctions = setLocalFlag (#const IEXTEN) termios
withMode termios KeyboardInterrupts = setLocalFlag (#const ISIG) termios
withMode termios NoFlushOnInterrupt = clearLocalFlag (#const NOFLSH) termios
withMode termios BackgroundWriteInterrupt = setLocalFlag (#const TOSTOP) termios
terminalMode :: TerminalMode -> TerminalAttributes -> Bool
terminalMode InterruptOnBreak = testInputFlag (#const BRKINT)
terminalMode MapCRtoLF = testInputFlag (#const ICRNL)
terminalMode IgnoreBreak = testInputFlag (#const IGNBRK)
terminalMode IgnoreCR = testInputFlag (#const IGNCR)
terminalMode IgnoreParityErrors = testInputFlag (#const IGNPAR)
terminalMode MapLFtoCR = testInputFlag (#const INLCR)
terminalMode CheckParity = testInputFlag (#const INPCK)
terminalMode StripHighBit = testInputFlag (#const ISTRIP)
terminalMode RestartOnAny = testInputFlag (#const IXANY)
terminalMode StartStopInput = testInputFlag (#const IXOFF)
terminalMode StartStopOutput = testInputFlag (#const IXON)
terminalMode MarkParityErrors = testInputFlag (#const PARMRK)
terminalMode ProcessOutput = testOutputFlag (#const OPOST)
terminalMode MapLFtoCRLF = testOutputFlag (#const ONLCR)
terminalMode OutputMapCRtoLF = testOutputFlag (#const OCRNL)
terminalMode NoCRAtColumnZero = testOutputFlag (#const ONOCR)
terminalMode ReturnMeansLF = testOutputFlag (#const ONLRET)
terminalMode TabDelayMask0 = testOutputFlag (#const TAB0)
terminalMode TabDelayMask3 = testOutputFlag (#const TAB3)
terminalMode LocalMode = testControlFlag (#const CLOCAL)
terminalMode ReadEnable = testControlFlag (#const CREAD)
terminalMode TwoStopBits = testControlFlag (#const CSTOPB)
terminalMode HangupOnClose = testControlFlag (#const HUPCL)
terminalMode EnableParity = testControlFlag (#const PARENB)
terminalMode OddParity = testControlFlag (#const PARODD)
terminalMode EnableEcho = testLocalFlag (#const ECHO)
terminalMode EchoErase = testLocalFlag (#const ECHOE)
terminalMode EchoKill = testLocalFlag (#const ECHOK)
terminalMode EchoLF = testLocalFlag (#const ECHONL)
terminalMode ProcessInput = testLocalFlag (#const ICANON)
terminalMode ExtendedFunctions = testLocalFlag (#const IEXTEN)
terminalMode KeyboardInterrupts = testLocalFlag (#const ISIG)
terminalMode NoFlushOnInterrupt = not . testLocalFlag (#const NOFLSH)
terminalMode BackgroundWriteInterrupt = testLocalFlag (#const TOSTOP)
bitsPerByte :: TerminalAttributes -> Int
bitsPerByte termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p -> do
cflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_cflag) p
return $! (word2Bits (cflag .&. (#const CSIZE)))
word2Bits :: CTcflag -> Int
word2Bits x =
if x == (#const CS5) then 5
else if x == (#const CS6) then 6
else if x == (#const CS7) then 7
else if x == (#const CS8) then 8
else 0
withBits :: TerminalAttributes -> Int -> TerminalAttributes
withBits termios bits = unsafePerformIO $ do
withNewTermios termios $ \p -> do
cflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_cflag) p
(#poke struct termios, c_cflag) p
((cflag .&. complement (#const CSIZE)) .|. mask bits)
mask :: Int -> CTcflag
mask 5 = (#const CS5)
mask 6 = (#const CS6)
mask 7 = (#const CS7)
mask 8 = (#const CS8)
mask _ = error "withBits bit value out of range [5..8]"
data ControlCharacter
= EndOfFile -- VEOF
| EndOfLine -- VEOL
| Erase -- VERASE
| Interrupt -- VINTR
| Kill -- VKILL
| Quit -- VQUIT
| Start -- VSTART
| Stop -- VSTOP
| Suspend -- VSUSP
controlChar :: TerminalAttributes -> ControlCharacter -> Maybe Char
controlChar termios cc = unsafePerformIO $ do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p -> do
let c_cc = (#ptr struct termios, c_cc) p
val <- peekElemOff c_cc (cc2Word cc)
if val == ((#const _POSIX_VDISABLE)::CCc)
then return Nothing
else return (Just (chr (fromEnum val)))
withCC :: TerminalAttributes
-> (ControlCharacter, Char)
-> TerminalAttributes
withCC termios (cc, c) = unsafePerformIO $ do
withNewTermios termios $ \p -> do
let c_cc = (#ptr struct termios, c_cc) p
pokeElemOff c_cc (cc2Word cc) (fromIntegral (ord c) :: CCc)
withoutCC :: TerminalAttributes
-> ControlCharacter
-> TerminalAttributes
withoutCC termios cc = unsafePerformIO $ do
withNewTermios termios $ \p -> do
let c_cc = (#ptr struct termios, c_cc) p
pokeElemOff c_cc (cc2Word cc) ((#const _POSIX_VDISABLE) :: CCc)
inputTime :: TerminalAttributes -> Int
inputTime termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p -> do
c <- peekElemOff ((#ptr struct termios, c_cc) p) (#const VTIME)
return (fromEnum (c :: CCc))
withTime :: TerminalAttributes -> Int -> TerminalAttributes
withTime termios time = unsafePerformIO $ do
withNewTermios termios $ \p -> do
let c_cc = (#ptr struct termios, c_cc) p
pokeElemOff c_cc (#const VTIME) (fromIntegral time :: CCc)
minInput :: TerminalAttributes -> Int
minInput termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p -> do
c <- peekElemOff ((#ptr struct termios, c_cc) p) (#const VMIN)
return (fromEnum (c :: CCc))
withMinInput :: TerminalAttributes -> Int -> TerminalAttributes
withMinInput termios count = unsafePerformIO $ do
withNewTermios termios $ \p -> do
let c_cc = (#ptr struct termios, c_cc) p
pokeElemOff c_cc (#const VMIN) (fromIntegral count :: CCc)
data BaudRate
-- These are the standard rates stipulated by POSIX:
= B0
| B50
| B75
| B110
| B134
| B150
| B200
| B300
| B600
| B1200
| B1800
| B2400
| B4800
| B9600
| B19200
| B38400
-- These are non-standard rates that are often present on modern Unixes:
| B57600
| B115200
| B230400
| B460800
| B500000
| B576000
| B921600
| B1000000
| B1152000
| B1500000
| B2000000
| B2500000
| B3000000
| B3500000
| B4000000
inputSpeed :: TerminalAttributes -> BaudRate
inputSpeed termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p -> do
w <- c_cfgetispeed p
return (word2Baud w)
foreign import capi unsafe "termios.h cfgetispeed"
c_cfgetispeed :: Ptr CTermios -> IO CSpeed
withInputSpeed :: TerminalAttributes -> BaudRate -> TerminalAttributes
withInputSpeed termios br = unsafePerformIO $ do
withNewTermios termios $ \p -> c_cfsetispeed p (baud2Word br)
foreign import capi unsafe "termios.h cfsetispeed"
c_cfsetispeed :: Ptr CTermios -> CSpeed -> IO CInt
outputSpeed :: TerminalAttributes -> BaudRate
outputSpeed termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p -> do
w <- c_cfgetospeed p
return (word2Baud w)
foreign import capi unsafe "termios.h cfgetospeed"
c_cfgetospeed :: Ptr CTermios -> IO CSpeed
withOutputSpeed :: TerminalAttributes -> BaudRate -> TerminalAttributes
withOutputSpeed termios br = unsafePerformIO $ do
withNewTermios termios $ \p -> c_cfsetospeed p (baud2Word br)
foreign import capi unsafe "termios.h cfsetospeed"
c_cfsetospeed :: Ptr CTermios -> CSpeed -> IO CInt
-- | @getTerminalAttributes fd@ calls @tcgetattr@ to obtain
-- the @TerminalAttributes@ associated with @Fd@ @fd@.
getTerminalAttributes :: Fd -> IO TerminalAttributes
getTerminalAttributes (Fd fd) = do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct termios))
withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getTerminalAttributes" (c_tcgetattr fd p)
return $ makeTerminalAttributes fp
foreign import capi unsafe "termios.h tcgetattr"
c_tcgetattr :: CInt -> Ptr CTermios -> IO CInt
data TerminalState
= Immediately
| WhenDrained
| WhenFlushed
-- | @setTerminalAttributes fd attr ts@ calls @tcsetattr@ to change
-- the @TerminalAttributes@ associated with @Fd@ @fd@ to
-- @attr@, when the terminal is in the state indicated by @ts@.
setTerminalAttributes :: Fd
-> TerminalAttributes
-> TerminalState
-> IO ()
setTerminalAttributes (Fd fd) termios state = do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setTerminalAttributes"
(c_tcsetattr fd (state2Int state) p)
state2Int :: TerminalState -> CInt
state2Int Immediately = (#const TCSANOW)
state2Int WhenDrained = (#const TCSADRAIN)
state2Int WhenFlushed = (#const TCSAFLUSH)
foreign import capi unsafe "termios.h tcsetattr"
c_tcsetattr :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CTermios -> IO CInt
-- | @sendBreak fd duration@ calls @tcsendbreak@ to transmit a
-- continuous stream of zero-valued bits on @Fd@ @fd@ for the
-- specified implementation-dependent @duration@.
sendBreak :: Fd -> Int -> IO ()
sendBreak (Fd fd) duration
= throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sendBreak" (c_tcsendbreak fd (fromIntegral duration))
foreign import capi unsafe "termios.h tcsendbreak"
c_tcsendbreak :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
-- | @drainOutput fd@ calls @tcdrain@ to block until all output
-- written to @Fd@ @fd@ has been transmitted.
-- Throws 'IOError' (\"unsupported operation\") if platform does not
-- provide @tcdrain(3)@ (use @#if HAVE_TCDRAIN@ CPP guard to
-- detect availability).
drainOutput :: Fd -> IO ()
drainOutput (Fd fd) = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "drainOutput" (c_tcdrain fd)
foreign import capi safe "termios.h tcdrain"
c_tcdrain :: CInt -> IO CInt
{-# WARNING drainOutput
"operation will throw 'IOError' \"unsupported operation\" (CPP guard: @#if HAVE_TCDRAIN@)" #-}
drainOutput _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "drainOutput")
data QueueSelector
= InputQueue -- TCIFLUSH
| OutputQueue -- TCOFLUSH
| BothQueues -- TCIOFLUSH
-- | @discardData fd queues@ calls @tcflush@ to discard
-- pending input and\/or output for @Fd@ @fd@,
-- as indicated by the @QueueSelector@ @queues@.
discardData :: Fd -> QueueSelector -> IO ()
discardData (Fd fd) queue =
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "discardData" (c_tcflush fd (queue2Int queue))
queue2Int :: QueueSelector -> CInt
queue2Int InputQueue = (#const TCIFLUSH)
queue2Int OutputQueue = (#const TCOFLUSH)
queue2Int BothQueues = (#const TCIOFLUSH)
foreign import capi unsafe "termios.h tcflush"
c_tcflush :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
data FlowAction
= SuspendOutput -- ^ TCOOFF
| RestartOutput -- ^ TCOON
| TransmitStop -- ^ TCIOFF
| TransmitStart -- ^ TCION
-- | @controlFlow fd action@ calls @tcflow@ to control the
-- flow of data on @Fd@ @fd@, as indicated by
-- @action@.
controlFlow :: Fd -> FlowAction -> IO ()
controlFlow (Fd fd) action =
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "controlFlow" (c_tcflow fd (action2Int action))
action2Int :: FlowAction -> CInt
action2Int SuspendOutput = (#const TCOOFF)
action2Int RestartOutput = (#const TCOON)
action2Int TransmitStop = (#const TCIOFF)
action2Int TransmitStart = (#const TCION)
foreign import capi unsafe "termios.h tcflow"
c_tcflow :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
-- | @getTerminalProcessGroupID fd@ calls @tcgetpgrp@ to
-- obtain the @ProcessGroupID@ of the foreground process group
-- associated with the terminal attached to @Fd@ @fd@.
getTerminalProcessGroupID :: Fd -> IO ProcessGroupID
getTerminalProcessGroupID (Fd fd) = do
throwErrnoIfMinus1 "getTerminalProcessGroupID" (c_tcgetpgrp fd)
foreign import ccall unsafe "tcgetpgrp"
c_tcgetpgrp :: CInt -> IO CPid
-- | @setTerminalProcessGroupID fd pgid@ calls @tcsetpgrp@ to
-- set the @ProcessGroupID@ of the foreground process group
-- associated with the terminal attached to @Fd@
-- @fd@ to @pgid@.
setTerminalProcessGroupID :: Fd -> ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
setTerminalProcessGroupID (Fd fd) pgid =
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setTerminalProcessGroupID" (c_tcsetpgrp fd pgid)
foreign import ccall unsafe "tcsetpgrp"
c_tcsetpgrp :: CInt -> CPid -> IO CInt
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- file descriptor queries
-- | @queryTerminal fd@ calls @isatty@ to determine whether or
-- not @Fd@ @fd@ is associated with a terminal.
queryTerminal :: Fd -> IO Bool
queryTerminal (Fd fd) = do
r <- c_isatty fd
return (r == 1)
-- ToDo: the spec says that it can set errno to EBADF if the result is zero
foreign import ccall unsafe "isatty"
c_isatty :: CInt -> IO CInt
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Local utility functions
-- Convert Haskell ControlCharacter to Int
cc2Word :: ControlCharacter -> Int
cc2Word EndOfFile = (#const VEOF)
cc2Word EndOfLine = (#const VEOL)
cc2Word Erase = (#const VERASE)
cc2Word Interrupt = (#const VINTR)
cc2Word Kill = (#const VKILL)
cc2Word Quit = (#const VQUIT)
cc2Word Suspend = (#const VSUSP)
cc2Word Start = (#const VSTART)
cc2Word Stop = (#const VSTOP)
-- Convert Haskell BaudRate to unsigned integral type (Word)
baud2Word :: BaudRate -> CSpeed
baud2Word B0 = (#const B0)
baud2Word B50 = (#const B50)
baud2Word B75 = (#const B75)
baud2Word B110 = (#const B110)
baud2Word B134 = (#const B134)
baud2Word B150 = (#const B150)
baud2Word B200 = (#const B200)
baud2Word B300 = (#const B300)
baud2Word B600 = (#const B600)
baud2Word B1200 = (#const B1200)
baud2Word B1800 = (#const B1800)
baud2Word B2400 = (#const B2400)
baud2Word B4800 = (#const B4800)
baud2Word B9600 = (#const B9600)
baud2Word B19200 = (#const B19200)
baud2Word B38400 = (#const B38400)
#ifdef B57600
baud2Word B57600 = (#const B57600)
baud2Word B57600 = error "B57600 not available on this system"
#ifdef B115200
baud2Word B115200 = (#const B115200)
baud2Word B115200 = error "B115200 not available on this system"
#ifdef B230400
baud2Word B230400 = (#const B230400)
baud2Word B230400 = error "B230400 not available on this system"
#ifdef B460800
baud2Word B460800 = (#const B460800)
baud2Word B460800 = error "B460800 not available on this system"
#ifdef B500000
baud2Word B500000 = (#const B500000)
baud2Word B500000 = error "B500000 not available on this system"
#ifdef B576000
baud2Word B576000 = (#const B576000)
baud2Word B576000 = error "B576000 not available on this system"
#ifdef B921600
baud2Word B921600 = (#const B921600)
baud2Word B921600 = error "B921600 not available on this system"
#ifdef B1000000
baud2Word B1000000 = (#const B1000000)
baud2Word B1000000 = error "B1000000 not available on this system"
#ifdef B1152000
baud2Word B1152000 = (#const B1152000)
baud2Word B1152000 = error "B1152000 not available on this system"
#ifdef B1500000
baud2Word B1500000 = (#const B1500000)
baud2Word B1500000 = error "B1500000 not available on this system"
#ifdef B2000000
baud2Word B2000000 = (#const B2000000)
baud2Word B2000000 = error "B2000000 not available on this system"
#ifdef B2500000
baud2Word B2500000 = (#const B2500000)
baud2Word B2500000 = error "B2500000 not available on this system"
#ifdef B3000000
baud2Word B3000000 = (#const B3000000)
baud2Word B3000000 = error "B3000000 not available on this system"
#ifdef B3500000
baud2Word B3500000 = (#const B3500000)
baud2Word B3500000 = error "B3500000 not available on this system"
#ifdef B4000000
baud2Word B4000000 = (#const B4000000)
baud2Word B4000000 = error "B4000000 not available on this system"
-- And convert a word back to a baud rate
-- We really need some cpp macros here.
word2Baud :: CSpeed -> BaudRate
word2Baud x = case x of
(#const B0) -> B0
(#const B50) -> B50
(#const B75) -> B75
(#const B110) -> B110
(#const B134) -> B134
(#const B150) -> B150
(#const B200) -> B200
(#const B300) -> B300
(#const B600) -> B600
(#const B1200) -> B1200
(#const B1800) -> B1800
(#const B2400) -> B2400
(#const B4800) -> B4800
(#const B9600) -> B9600
(#const B19200) -> B19200
(#const B38400) -> B38400
#ifdef B57600
(#const B57600) -> B57600
#ifdef B115200
(#const B115200) -> B115200
#ifdef B230400
(#const B230400) -> B230400
#ifdef B460800
(#const B460800) -> B460800
#ifdef B500000
(#const B500000) -> B500000
#ifdef B576000
(#const B576000) -> B576000
#ifdef B921600
(#const B921600) -> B921600
#ifdef B1000000
(#const B1000000) -> B1000000
#ifdef B1152000
(#const B1152000) -> B1152000
#ifdef B1500000
(#const B1500000) -> B1500000
#ifdef B2000000
(#const B2000000) -> B2000000
#ifdef B2500000
(#const B2500000) -> B2500000
#ifdef B3000000
(#const B3000000) -> B3000000
#ifdef B3500000
(#const B3500000) -> B3500000
#ifdef B4000000
(#const B4000000) -> B4000000
_ -> error "unknown baud rate"
-- Clear termios i_flag
clearInputFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
clearInputFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct termios))
withForeignPtr fp $ \p1 -> do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p1 p2 (#const sizeof(struct termios))
iflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_iflag) p2
(#poke struct termios, c_iflag) p1 (iflag .&. complement flag)
return $ makeTerminalAttributes fp
-- Set termios i_flag
setInputFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
setInputFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct termios))
withForeignPtr fp $ \p1 -> do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p1 p2 (#const sizeof(struct termios))
iflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_iflag) p2
(#poke struct termios, c_iflag) p1 (iflag .|. flag)
return $ makeTerminalAttributes fp
-- Examine termios i_flag
testInputFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> Bool
testInputFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p -> do
iflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_iflag) p
return $! ((iflag .&. flag) /= 0)
-- Clear termios c_flag
clearControlFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
clearControlFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct termios))
withForeignPtr fp $ \p1 -> do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p1 p2 (#const sizeof(struct termios))
cflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_cflag) p2
(#poke struct termios, c_cflag) p1 (cflag .&. complement flag)
return $ makeTerminalAttributes fp
-- Set termios c_flag
setControlFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
setControlFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct termios))
withForeignPtr fp $ \p1 -> do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p1 p2 (#const sizeof(struct termios))
cflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_cflag) p2
(#poke struct termios, c_cflag) p1 (cflag .|. flag)
return $ makeTerminalAttributes fp
-- Examine termios c_flag
testControlFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> Bool
testControlFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p -> do
cflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_cflag) p
return $! ((cflag .&. flag) /= 0)
-- Clear termios l_flag
clearLocalFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
clearLocalFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct termios))
withForeignPtr fp $ \p1 -> do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p1 p2 (#const sizeof(struct termios))
lflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_lflag) p2
(#poke struct termios, c_lflag) p1 (lflag .&. complement flag)
return $ makeTerminalAttributes fp
-- Set termios l_flag
setLocalFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
setLocalFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct termios))
withForeignPtr fp $ \p1 -> do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p1 p2 (#const sizeof(struct termios))
lflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_lflag) p2
(#poke struct termios, c_lflag) p1 (lflag .|. flag)
return $ makeTerminalAttributes fp
-- Examine termios l_flag
testLocalFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> Bool
testLocalFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p -> do
lflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_lflag) p
return $! ((lflag .&. flag) /= 0)
-- Clear termios o_flag
clearOutputFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
clearOutputFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct termios))
withForeignPtr fp $ \p1 -> do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p1 p2 (#const sizeof(struct termios))
oflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_oflag) p2
(#poke struct termios, c_oflag) p1 (oflag .&. complement flag)
return $ makeTerminalAttributes fp
-- Set termios o_flag
setOutputFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
setOutputFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct termios))
withForeignPtr fp $ \p1 -> do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p1 p2 (#const sizeof(struct termios))
oflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_oflag) p2
(#poke struct termios, c_oflag) p1 (oflag .|. flag)
return $ makeTerminalAttributes fp
-- Examine termios o_flag
testOutputFlag :: CTcflag -> TerminalAttributes -> Bool
testOutputFlag flag termios = unsafePerformIO $
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p -> do
oflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_oflag) p
return $! ((oflag .&. flag) /= 0)
withNewTermios :: TerminalAttributes -> (Ptr CTermios -> IO a)
-> IO TerminalAttributes
withNewTermios termios action = do
fp1 <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (#const sizeof(struct termios))
withForeignPtr fp1 $ \p1 -> do
withTerminalAttributes termios $ \p2 -> do
copyBytes p1 p2 (#const sizeof(struct termios))
_ <- action p1
return ()
return $ makeTerminalAttributes fp1