125 lines
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125 lines
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#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Module : System.Posix.Temp
-- Copyright : (c) Volker Stolz <vs@foldr.org>
-- Deian Stefan <deian@cs.stanford.edu>
-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org, vs@foldr.org, deian@cs.stanford.edu
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable (requires POSIX)
-- POSIX temporary file and directory creation functions.
module System.Posix.Temp (
mkstemp, mkstemps, mkdtemp
) where
#include "HsUnix.h"
import Foreign.C
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Directory (createDirectory)
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.Internals (withFilePath, peekFilePath)
foreign import capi unsafe "HsUnix.h mkstemp"
c_mkstemp :: CString -> IO CInt
-- | Make a unique filename and open it for reading\/writing. The returned
-- 'FilePath' is the (possibly relative) path of the created file, which is
-- padded with 6 random characters. The argument is the desired prefix of the
-- filepath of the temporary file to be created.
-- If you aren't using GHC or Hugs then this function simply wraps mktemp and
-- so shouldn't be considered safe.
mkstemp :: String -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
mkstemp template' = do
let template = template' ++ "XXXXXX"
withFilePath template $ \ ptr -> do
fd <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "mkstemp" (c_mkstemp ptr)
name <- peekFilePath ptr
h <- fdToHandle (Fd fd)
return (name, h)
foreign import capi unsafe "HsUnix.h mkstemps"
c_mkstemps :: CString -> CInt -> IO CInt
-- | Make a unique filename with a given prefix and suffix and open it for
-- reading\/writing. The returned 'FilePath' is the (possibly relative) path of
-- the created file, which contains 6 random characters in between the prefix
-- and suffix. The first argument is the desired prefix of the filepath of the
-- temporary file to be created. The second argument is the suffix of the
-- temporary file to be created.
-- If you are using as system that doesn't support the mkstemps glibc function
-- (supported in glibc > 2.11) then this function simply throws an error.
mkstemps :: String -> String -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
mkstemps prefix suffix = do
let template = prefix ++ "XXXXXX" ++ suffix
lenOfsuf = (fromIntegral $ length suffix) :: CInt
withFilePath template $ \ ptr -> do
fd <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "mkstemps" (c_mkstemps ptr lenOfsuf)
name <- peekFilePath ptr
h <- fdToHandle (Fd fd)
return (name, h)
mkstemps = error "System.Posix.Temp.mkstemps: not available on this platform"
foreign import capi unsafe "HsUnix.h mkdtemp"
c_mkdtemp :: CString -> IO CString
-- | Make a unique directory. The returned 'FilePath' is the path of the
-- created directory, which is padded with 6 random characters. The argument is
-- the desired prefix of the filepath of the temporary directory to be created.
-- If you are using as system that doesn't support the mkdtemp glibc function
-- (supported in glibc > 2.1.91) then this function uses mktemp and so
-- shouldn't be considered safe.
mkdtemp :: String -> IO FilePath
mkdtemp template' = do
let template = template' ++ "XXXXXX"
withFilePath template $ \ ptr -> do
_ <- throwErrnoIfNull "mkdtemp" (c_mkdtemp ptr)
name <- peekFilePath ptr
return name
name <- mktemp template
h <- createDirectory name (toEnum 0o700)
return name
foreign import ccall unsafe "mktemp"
c_mktemp :: CString -> IO CString
-- | Make a unique file name It is required that the template have six trailing
-- \'X\'s. This function should be considered deprecated.
{-# WARNING mktemp "This function is unsafe; use mkstemp instead" #-}
mktemp :: String -> IO String
mktemp template = do
withFilePath template $ \ ptr -> do
ptr <- throwErrnoIfNull "mktemp" (c_mktemp ptr)
peekFilePath ptr