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Julian Ospald 2020-05-26 22:38:58 +02:00
commit 2517e88d62
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 511B62C09D50CD28
7 changed files with 368 additions and 0 deletions

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# Revision history for holmusk-challenge
## -- YYYY-mm-dd
* First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.

Setup.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

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# Thoughts
## Approach
1. write down the formulas, play with them a little
2. figure out how to get average and maximum customer processing (not waiting) time
3. figure out how to model queue length for average and maximum customer processing time
4. use 1, 2. and 3. to model waiting times
## Queue length
The key is creating a model for the queue length. The easiest approach is to
set a probability value x and say "a person appears at the bank when the
probability is greater or equal to x". Then the probability drops to 0
and increases over time until it hits x again.
Another possibility would be to generate a random number every second and
compare it to the current probability of a person appearing.
## Waiting time
The waiting time depends on the queue length. The maximum waiting time
is the time the person who came last has to wait wrt size of the max queue
length (times max processing time).
Average is similar.

app/Main.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
Your task is to write a program that can outputs to stdout
the answers to the following questions:
- Given only yellow customers, what are the average and maximum
customer waiting times?
- Given only red customers, what are the average and maximum queue
lengths in-front of the teller?
- Which type of customer(yellow, red or blue) gives the
closest value between the average and maximum customer waiting times?
module Main where
import Holmusk
import Data.List
import Options.Applicative
import System.Random
data Options = Options {
interval :: Double
options :: Parser Options
options =
<$> (option
( long "interval"
<> short 'i'
<> help "interval between checks in queueLengthR"
<> showDefault
<> value 0.1
<> metavar "DOUBLE"
main :: IO ()
main = do
Options {..} <- execParser $ info
(options <**> helper)
(fullDesc <> progDesc "Run holmusk simulations")
-- Q1
"Given only yellow customers, what are the average and maximum customer waiting times?"
g1 <- getStdGen
g2 <- getStdGen
let yAvgPt = avgCustomerProcTime Yellow
yMaxPt = maxCustomerProcTime Yellow
yAvgQl = queueLengthR yAvgPt interval g1
yMaxQl = queueLengthR yMaxPt interval g2
yAvgW = avgWaitingTime yAvgQl yAvgPt
yMaxW = maxWaitingTime yMaxQl yMaxPt
putStrLn $ "Avg: " ++ show yAvgW
putStrLn $ "Max: " ++ show yMaxW
putStrLn ""
-- Q2
"Given only red customers, what are the average and maximum queue lengths in-front of the teller?"
g1 <- getStdGen
g2 <- getStdGen
let rAvgPt = avgCustomerProcTime Red
rMaxPt = maxCustomerProcTime Red
rAvgQl = queueLengthR rAvgPt interval g1
rMaxQl = queueLengthR rMaxPt interval g2
rAvgW = avgWaitingTime rAvgQl rAvgPt
rMaxW = maxWaitingTime rMaxQl rMaxPt
putStrLn $ "Avg: " ++ show rAvgQl
putStrLn $ "Max: " ++ show rMaxQl
putStrLn ""
-- Q3
"Which type of customer(yellow, red or blue) gives the closest value between the average and maximum customer waiting times?"
g1 <- getStdGen
g2 <- getStdGen
let bAvgPt = avgCustomerProcTime Blue
bMaxPt = maxCustomerProcTime Blue
bAvgQl = queueLengthR bAvgPt interval g1
bMaxQl = queueLengthR bMaxPt interval g2
bAvgW = avgWaitingTime bAvgQl bAvgPt
bMaxW = maxWaitingTime bMaxQl bMaxPt
let dist =
[(Yellow, yMaxW - yAvgW), (Red, rMaxW - rAvgW), (Blue, bMaxW - bAvgW)]
min = minimumBy (\(_, x) (_, y) -> compare x y) $ dist
putStrLn (show min)

holmusk-challenge.cabal Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
cabal-version: 2.4
name: holmusk-challenge
-- synopsis:
-- description:
-- bug-reports:
license: LicenseRef-LGPL-2
license-file: LICENSE
author: Julian Ospald
-- copyright:
category: Finance
-- cabal-fmt: expand lib
exposed-modules: Holmusk
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
, base ^>=
, random ^>=1.1
hs-source-dirs: lib
default-language: Haskell2010
executable holmusk-challenge
main-is: Main.hs
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
, base ^>=
, holmusk-challenge
, optparse-applicative ^>=0.15
, random ^>=1.1
hs-source-dirs: app
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: RecordWildCards
test-suite holmusk-challenge-test
default-language: Haskell2010
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: MyLibTest.hs
build-depends: base ^>=

lib/Holmusk.hs Normal file
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module Holmusk where
import Data.Maybe
import System.Random
data Customer = Yellow
| Red
| Blue
deriving (Show, Eq)
e :: Double
e = exp 1
--[ Given models ]--
defAlpha :: Double
defAlpha = 200
-- | Probability that a customer arrives at any given time `t`.
-- Converges to `1` over time.
customerArrival :: Double -- ^ t
-> Maybe Double -- ^ 𝛼 (default: 200)
-> Double -- ^ F(t) = 1 - e^ -(t / 𝛼)
customerArrival t 𝛼 = 1.0 - (e ** (negate (t / (fromMaybe defAlpha 𝛼))))
defP :: Double
defP = 200
-- | Models the time for a customer to be processed by the teller.
customerProcTime :: Double -- ^ x
-> Maybe Double -- ^ p (default: 200)
-> Double -- ^ 𝛼
-> Double -- ^ β
-> Double -- ^ F(x) = p * x^(𝛼 - 1) * (1 - x)^(β - 1)
customerProcTime x p 𝛼 β =
(fromMaybe defP p) * (x ** (𝛼 - 1)) * ((1 - x) ** (β - 1))
--[ Average/max customer proc time ]--
-- | Get the distribution of customer processing time for x in 0.0001 to 1.0000.
customerProcTimeDist :: Customer -> [Double]
customerProcTimeDist = \case
Yellow -> fmap yellowCustomerProcTime xDist
Red -> fmap redCustomerProcTime xDist
Blue -> fmap blueCustomerProcTime xDist
yellowCustomerProcTime :: Double -> Double
yellowCustomerProcTime x = customerProcTime x Nothing 2.0 5
redCustomerProcTime :: Double -> Double
redCustomerProcTime x = customerProcTime x Nothing 2.0 2.0
blueCustomerProcTime :: Double -> Double
blueCustomerProcTime x = customerProcTime x Nothing 5.0 1.0
xDist :: [Double]
xDist = takeWhile (\x -> x <= 1.0) . iterate (\x -> (x + precision)) $ 0
where precision = 0.0001
-- | Average customer processing time.
avgCustomerProcTime :: Customer -> Double
avgCustomerProcTime customer =
let f = customerProcTimeDist customer
in if | length f == 0 -> 0
| otherwise -> sum f / (fromIntegral $ length f)
-- | Maximum customer processing time.
maxCustomerProcTime :: Customer -> Double
maxCustomerProcTime customer =
let f = customerProcTimeDist customer in maximum f
--[ Queue length ]--
-- | This correlates to `customerArrival`. Given a minimum probability x,
-- returns the time when the next customer "appears".
timeToNextCustomer :: Double -> Maybe Double -> Double
timeToNextCustomer prob 𝛼 = negate (log (1 - prob) * fromMaybe defAlpha 𝛼)
-- | The first model of a queue length. The queue length is the number
-- of people who enter the bank while the current customer is being served.
-- The key is the second argument `prob`. It describes the probability
-- a person appears at the bank.
queueLength :: Double -- ^ processing time of the current customer
-> Double -- ^ probability threshold when a new customer "appears"
-> Int
queueLength t' prob = go t' 0
go t c | t >= 0 = go (t - timeToNextCustomer prob Nothing) (c + 1)
| otherwise = c
-- | Model based on random numbers every x seconds to determine
-- whether a person appeared.
queueLengthR :: RandomGen g
=> Double -- ^ processing time of the current customer
-> Double -- ^ Interval
-> g
-> Int
queueLengthR t' int genS = go t' 0 0 (customerArrival 0 Nothing) genS
go :: RandomGen g
=> Double -- ^ time left til processing done
-> Double -- ^ time since last customer
-> Int -- ^ number of customers
-> Double -- ^ current probability of a customer appearing
-> g
-> Int
go tP tC c prob gen =
let (r, gen') = randomR (0.0, 1.0) gen
spawnCustomer = r < prob
in if
| tP >= 0 && spawnCustomer -> go (tP - int)
(c + 1)
(customerArrival 0.0 Nothing)
| tP >= 0 -> go (tP - int)
(tC + int)
(customerArrival tC Nothing)
| otherwise -> c
--[ Waiting times ]--
-- | The waiting times for all customers in the queue.
-- Whether queue length or processing time is based on the average or
-- maximum processing time is up to the caller. These could be considered
-- distinct models.
waitingTimes :: Int -- ^ queue length
-> Double -- ^ processing time
-> [Double]
waitingTimes l t =
fmap (\x -> sum (fmap (\y -> fromIntegral y * t) [x .. l])) [1 .. l]
maxWaitingTime :: Int -- ^ queue length
-> Double -- ^ processing time
-> Double
maxWaitingTime l t = maximum $ waitingTimes l t
avgWaitingTime :: Int -- ^ queue length
-> Double -- ^ processing time
-> Double
avgWaitingTime 0 t = 0
avgWaitingTime l t = (sum $ waitingTimes l t) / (fromIntegral l)

test/MyLibTest.hs Normal file
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module Main (main) where
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Test suite not yet implemented."