DEPENDENCIES="( build: doc? ( x11-libs/qttools:5[>=5.11.0] ) build+run: x11-libs/qtbase:5[>=5.12.1][gui] x11-libs/qtdeclarative:5[>=5.12.1] x11-libs/qtxmlpatterns:5[>=5.12.1] examples? ( x11-libs/qtbase:5[sql] ) run: x11-libs/qtgraphicaleffects:5 suggestion: kde-frameworks/qqc2-desktop-style [[ description = [ A style for QtQC2 which integrates natively with your desktop ] ]] ) [[ defined-in = [ qtquickcontrols2.exlib ] ]]"
DESCRIPTION=" The Qt Quick Controls 2 module delivers the next generation user interface controls based on Qt Quick. In comparison to the desktop-oriented Qt Quick Controls 1, Qt Quick Controls 2 are an order of magnitude simpler, lighter and faster, and are primarily targeted towards embedded and mobile platforms. Qt Quick Controls 2 are based on a flexible template system that enables rapid development of entire custom styles and user experiences."