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22 lines
483 B

  1. \documentclass[10pt,a5paper,mathserif,serif,usenames,dvipsnames]{beamer}
  2. \input{../common/beamer_configuration.tex}
  3. % title page information
  4. \author{Julian Ospald}
  5. \institute{FH Bielefeld}
  6. \title{Haskell: \ifger{Einführung}{introduction}}
  7. \begin{document}
  8. \frame{\titlepage}
  9. \begin{frame}
  10. \frametitle{\ifger{Inhaltsverzeichnis}{Table of Contents}}
  11. \tableofcontents[hidesubsections=true,subsubsectionstyle=hide]
  12. \end{frame}
  13. \input{./VL1_document_structure.tex}
  14. \end{document}