
85 lines
2.4 KiB

% packages
% for \verb inside \item
% color definition
% package configuration
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
% minted
%% fix the minted@colorbg environment
\setlength{\topsep}{\smallskipamount}% set the vertical space
\trivlist\item\relax % ensure going to a new line
\endtrivlist % close the trivlist
% macros and environments
\NewDocumentCommand {\slide} { m O{} O{} }
\frametitle{\thesection.\ifnum\thesubsection=0\else\thesubsection.\fi\ \currentname {#2}}
\NewDocumentCommand {\slidetoc} { }
\frametitle{\thesection. \currentname}
% sections numbered
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc}[subsections numbered]
\defbeamertemplate{subsubsection in toc}{subsubsections numbered}
\setbeamertemplate{subsubsection in toc}[subsubsections numbered]
% get current section name