Now you know how a regular function looks like, e.g: \begin{haskellcode} f :: Int -> Int f x = x + 1 \end{haskellcode} But now imagine we need a helper function which is very specific to the current function. In C we would have to define this new helper function at top-level and would probably make it \code{static}. \pause \vspace{\baselineskip} \\ Haskell allows us to \textbf{inline} functions in a few more ways, e.g.: \begin{itemizep} \item with \code{where} \item with \code{} \item anonymously (lambda abstraction) \end{itemizep} \slidep A lot of Haskellers really dislike if you put non-generic functions at the top level. So you can still have atomic pieces, but inline the parts which are very specific to the current function.