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Julian Ospald 2ed99f5493
há 4 anos
app Add listing gists há 4 anos
lib Prettify há 4 anos
.gitignore Add .gitiginore há 4 anos
CHANGELOG.md Initial commit há 4 anos
LICENSE Initial commit há 4 anos
README.md Update README há 4 anos
Setup.hs Initial commit há 4 anos
cabal.project Freeze cabal and index state há 4 anos
cabal.project.freeze Update freeze file há 4 anos
ghup.cabal Prettify há 4 anos
update-index-state.sh Freeze cabal and index state há 4 anos



Simple Github helper for myself.


If you don’t have haskell GHC and cabal installed, follow ghcup first.

Then issue:

$ cabal v2-install ghup


First you need to set the github OAuth (no other method currently supported) for API access:

ghup config --oauth "<your-github-token>"

Then follow the help page:

Usage: ghup COMMAND

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  fork                     Fork a repository
  config                   Set ghup config (such as OAuth)
  delete                   Delete a forked repository
  list-forks               List my forks
  gistc                    Create gist
  gistl                    List gists