Add gist functionality
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,12 +13,15 @@ import Data.Functor ( (<&>) )
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup ( (<>) )
import Data.Semigroup ( (<>) )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601
import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601
import Data.Traversable
import GHup
import GHup
import GitHub.Auth
import GitHub.Auth
import GitHub.Data.Gists
import GitHub.Data.Repos
import GitHub.Data.Repos
import GitHub.Data.URL
import GitHub.Data.URL
import HPath
import HPath
@ -38,6 +41,7 @@ data Command
| Config ConfigOptions
| Config ConfigOptions
| Del DelOptions
| Del DelOptions
| ListForks ListForkOptions
| ListForks ListForkOptions
| CreateGist CreateGistOptions
data ForkOptions = ForkOptions
data ForkOptions = ForkOptions
@ -56,17 +60,66 @@ data ConfigOptions = ConfigOptions {
, bPath :: Maybe ByteString
, bPath :: Maybe ByteString
data DelOptions = DelOptions {
data DelOptions = DelOptions {
del :: ByteString
del :: ByteString
data CreateGistOptions = CreateGistOptions {
input :: Input
, description :: Maybe ByteString
, private :: Bool
data Input
= FileInput [ByteString]
| StdInput
fileInput :: Parser Input
fileInput =
<$> (some
(long "file" <> short 'f' <> metavar "FILENAME" <> help
"Input one or more files"
stdInput :: Parser Input
stdInput = flag' StdInput (long "stdin" <> help "Read from stdin")
inputP :: Parser Input
inputP = fileInput <|> stdInput
opts :: Parser Command
opts :: Parser Command
opts = subparser
opts = subparser
( command "fork" (Fork <$> (info (forkOpts <**> helper) (progDesc "Fork a repository")))
( command
<> command "config" (Config <$> (info (configOpts <**> helper) (progDesc "Set ghup config (such as OAuth)")))
<> command "delete" (Del <$> (info (delOpts <**> helper) (progDesc "Delete a forked repository")))
(Fork <$> (info (forkOpts <**> helper) (progDesc "Fork a repository")))
<> command "list-forks" (ListForks <$> (info (lForkOpts <**> helper) (progDesc "List my forks")))
<> command
( Config
<$> (info (configOpts <**> helper)
(progDesc "Set ghup config (such as OAuth)")
<> command
( Del
<$> (info (delOpts <**> helper)
(progDesc "Delete a forked repository")
<> command
( ListForks
<$> (info (lForkOpts <**> helper) (progDesc "List my forks"))
<> command
(CreateGist <$> (info (cGistOpts <**> helper) (progDesc "Create gist"))
configOpts :: Parser ConfigOptions
configOpts :: Parser ConfigOptions
@ -115,68 +168,114 @@ lForkOpts = ListForkOptions <$> optional
cGistOpts :: Parser CreateGistOptions
cGistOpts =
<$> inputP
<*> optional
(short 'd' <> long "description" <> metavar "DESCRIPTION" <> help
"The description of the gist (optional)"
<*> switch
(short 'p' <> long "private" <> help
"Whether gist should be private (default: public)"
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
-- wrapper to run effects with settings
-- wrapper to run effects with settings
let run e = do
settings <- exceptT
run e = do
(\_ -> die
settings <-
. color Red
$ "Could not get settings, make sure to run 'ghup config' first"
(\_ ->
. color Red
$ getSettings
$ "Could not get settings, make sure to run 'ghup config' first"
(flip runReaderT) settings . runExceptT . withExceptT show $ e
e <- customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnError) (info (opts <**> helper) idm) >>= \case
$ getSettings
(flip runReaderT) settings . runExceptT . withExceptT show $ e
e <-
customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnError) (info (opts <**> helper) idm)
>>= \case
-- fork
-- fork
Fork (ForkOptions {..}) -> run $ do
Fork (ForkOptions {..}) -> run $ do
case repoBasePath of
case repoBasePath of
Just rbp -> case parseAbs rbp of
Just rbp -> case parseAbs rbp of
Just p -> prepareRepoForPR' repo (Just p) newBranch
Just p -> prepareRepoForPR' repo (Just p) newBranch
Nothing -> liftIO $ die (color Red $ "Repo path must be absolute")
Nothing ->
Nothing -> prepareRepoForPR' repo Nothing newBranch
liftIO $ die (color Red $ "Repo path must be absolute")
Nothing -> prepareRepoForPR' repo Nothing newBranch
-- config
-- config
Config (ConfigOptions {..}) -> do
Config (ConfigOptions {..}) -> do
p <- maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . parseAbs) bPath
p <- maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . parseAbs) bPath
writeSettings (Settings (OAuth oAuth) p) <&> Right
writeSettings (Settings (OAuth oAuth) p) <&> Right
-- delete
-- delete
Del (DelOptions {..} ) -> run $ deleteFork' del
Del (DelOptions {..} ) -> run $ deleteFork' del
-- list-forks
-- list-forks
ListForks (ListForkOptions {..}) -> run $ do
ListForks (ListForkOptions {..}) -> run $ do
mtime <- liftIO $ case lSince of
mtime <- liftIO $ case lSince of
Just t' -> do
Just t' -> do
dt <- getCurrentDateTime
dt <- getCurrentDateTime
let mt =
either (const Nothing) Just . parseDate dt . UTF8.toString $ t'
mt =
pure $ mt >>= \t ->
either (const Nothing) Just
. parseDate dt
. UTF8.toString
$ t'
pure $ mt >>= \t ->
(show (year t) <> "-" <> show (month t) <> "-" <> show (day t)) :: Maybe
Nothing -> pure Nothing
(show (year t) <> "-" <> show (month t) <> "-" <> show
(day t)
) :: Maybe UTCTime
Nothing -> pure Nothing
forks <- withExceptT show $ getForks mtime
formatted =
[column expand left def def, column expand left def def]
$ fmap
(\Repo {..} ->
[ (T.unpack . getUrl $ repoHtmlUrl)
, formatShow (iso8601Format :: Format Day)
(utctDay $ fromJust repoUpdatedAt)
liftIO $ putStrLn $ formatted
pure ()
-- gist
CreateGist (CreateGistOptions {..}) -> run $ do
let desc = maybe T.empty E.decodeUtf8 description
public = not private
gist <- case input of
StdInput -> postGistStdin desc public
FileInput files -> do
files' <- for files $ \file -> do
let absPath = parseAbs file
let relPath = parseRel file
case (absPath, relPath) of
(Just a, _) -> pure $ AnyPath $ a
(_, Just a) -> pure $ AnyPath $ a
_ -> throwError (uError "Could not parse path")
postGistFiles files' desc public
liftIO $ putStrLn $ T.unpack $ getUrl $ gistHtmlUrl gist
forks <- withExceptT show $ getForks mtime
let formatted =
gridString [column expand left def def
,column expand left def def]
$ fmap
(\Repo {..} ->
[ (T.unpack . getUrl $ repoHtmlUrl)
, formatShow (iso8601Format :: Format Day)
(utctDay $ fromJust repoUpdatedAt)
liftIO $ putStrLn $ formatted
pure ()
-- print error, if any
-- print error, if any
case e of
case e of
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ library
exposed-modules: GHup
exposed-modules: GHup
-- other-modules:
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: attoparsec ^>= 0.13
build-depends: aeson ^>= 1.4
, attoparsec ^>= 0.13
, base ^>= 4.12
, base ^>= 4.12
, bytestring ^>= 0.10
, bytestring ^>= 0.10
, github ^>= 0.24
, github ^>= 0.24
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ library
, text ^>= 1.2
, text ^>= 1.2
, time ^>= 1.9
, time ^>= 1.9
, unix ^>= 2.7
, unix ^>= 2.7
, unordered-containers ^>= 0.2
, utf8-string ^>= 1.0
, utf8-string ^>= 1.0
, vector ^>= 0.12
, vector ^>= 0.12
, word8 ^>= 0.1
, word8 ^>= 0.1
@ -2,15 +2,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module GHup
module GHup
-- * Types
-- * Types
, ForkResult(..)
, CloneMethod(..)
, CloneMethod(..)
, ProcessError(..)
, ProcessError(..)
, Settings(..)
, Settings(..)
@ -27,6 +30,9 @@ module GHup
, deleteFork'
, deleteFork'
, deleteFork
, deleteFork
, getForks
, getForks
, postGistStdin
, postGistFiles
, postGist
-- * Parsers
-- * Parsers
, parseURL
, parseURL
, ghURLParser
, ghURLParser
@ -34,6 +40,7 @@ module GHup
, _info
, _info
, _warn
, _warn
, _err
, _err
, uError
@ -42,20 +49,28 @@ import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad.Except hiding ( fail )
import Control.Monad.Except hiding ( fail )
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding ( fail )
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding ( fail )
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as LUTF8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as LUTF8
import Data.Functor ( (<&>) )
import Data.Functor ( (<&>) )
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Data.HashMap.Strict ( HashMap )
import Data.List
import Data.List
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Word8
import Data.Word8
import GHC.Exts ( toList )
import GHC.Exts ( toList )
import GitHub.Auth
import GitHub.Auth
import GitHub.Data.Gists
import GitHub.Data.Name
import GitHub.Data.Name
import GitHub.Data.URL
import GitHub.Data.URL
import GitHub.Data.Request
import GitHub.Data.Request
@ -130,6 +145,8 @@ instance Read (Path Abs) where
_ -> []
_ -> []
data AnyPath = forall a . AnyPath (Path a)
@ -320,7 +337,7 @@ deleteFork :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Settings m)
deleteFork owner repo = do
deleteFork owner repo = do
github_ (repositoryR owner repo) >>= \case
github_ (repositoryR owner repo) >>= \case
(Repo { repoFork = Just True }) -> pure ()
(Repo { repoFork = Just True }) -> pure ()
_ -> throwError (uError "Not a fork")
_ -> throwError (uError "Not a fork")
githubAuth (deleteRepoR owner repo)
githubAuth (deleteRepoR owner repo)
@ -341,6 +358,45 @@ getForks mtime = do
(toList $ searchResultResults repos)
(toList $ searchResultResults repos)
data GistContent = GistContent {
content :: T.Text
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data GistRequest = GistRequest {
description :: T.Text
, public :: Bool
, files :: HashMap T.Text GistContent
} deriving (Show, Eq)
postGistStdin :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Settings m, MonadThrow m)
=> T.Text -- ^ description
-> Bool -- ^ whether to be public
-> ExceptT Error m Gist
postGistStdin description public = do
content <- liftIO T.getContents
let files = H.fromList [(T.pack "stdout", GistContent content)]
postGist GistRequest { .. }
postGistFiles :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Settings m, MonadThrow m)
=> [AnyPath] -- ^ files
-> T.Text -- ^ description
-> Bool -- ^ whether to be public
-> ExceptT Error m Gist
postGistFiles files' description public = do
files <- liftIO $ fmap H.fromList $ for files' $ \(AnyPath file) -> do
contents <- (E.decodeUtf8 . L.toStrict) <$> readFile file
filename <- (E.decodeUtf8 . toFilePath) <$> basename file
pure (filename, GistContent contents)
postGist GistRequest { .. }
postGist :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Settings m)
=> GistRequest
-> ExceptT Error m Gist
postGist greq = githubAuth (command Post [T.pack "gists"] (encode greq))
@ -462,3 +518,6 @@ github_ req = do
uError :: String -> Error
uError :: String -> Error
uError = UserError . T.pack
uError = UserError . T.pack
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions 'GistContent)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions 'GistRequest)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user