#!/bin/sh edo() { printf "\\033[0;34m%s\\033[0m\\n" "$*" 1>&2 "$@" || exit 2 } edo rm .available-versions edo rm .download-urls # install GHCs edo ./ghcup -v install 8.2.2 edo ./ghcup -v install 8.4.3 edo ./ghcup -v -c install 8.6.1 # set GHC edo ./ghcup -v set 8.6.1 edo ./ghcup -v set 8.4.3 # rm GHC edo ./ghcup -v rm -f 8.6.1 edo ./ghcup -v rm -f 8.4.3 # reinstall from cached tarball edo ./ghcup -v -c install 8.6.1 edo ./ghcup -v rm -f 8.6.1 # set GHC edo ./ghcup -v set 8.2.2 edo ./ghcup -v rm -f 8.2.2 # install default GHC edo ./ghcup -v install # install latest GHC edo ./ghcup -v install latest # FIXME: this might break from time to time depending on recommended GHC edo ./ghcup -v set 8.4.4 export PATH="$HOME/.cabal/bin:$HOME/.ghcup/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" edo mkdir -p "$HOME"/.local/bin edo cp ./ghcup "$HOME"/.local/bin/ghcup # TODO: exceeds maximum time limit of travis # compile GHC from source #./ghcup -v compile 8.4.3 ghc-8.2.2 # install cabal-install edo ghcup -v install-cabal edo cabal --version # install shellcheck edo wget https://storage.googleapis.com/shellcheck/shellcheck-latest.linux.x86_64.tar.xz edo tar -xJf shellcheck-latest.linux.x86_64.tar.xz edo mv shellcheck-latest/shellcheck "$HOME"/.local/bin/shellcheck # check our script for errors edo shellcheck ghcup edo ghcup -v show edo ghcup -v debug-info edo ghcup -v list edo ghcup -v list -t ghc edo ghcup -v list -t cabal-install edo ghc --version # self update destructively edo ghcup -v upgrade